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Mako gave him some time to collect himself. He was drenched in water and couldn't have looked more hilarious. For such a big lion he sure seemed small when he was soaking wet. She found some comfort in knowing he wasn't as intimidating as he might have seemed at first glance. Her golden eyes settled on his figure as he sat back and kicked the water off of him with ever turn of his head he took, his mane fluffing back out slowly.

Now that she had a better look at him she could see a bit of his story he told without words. His pelt was laced with scars scattered about like little freckles or strands of hair. He looked like he had seen his fair share of life, at least to Mako this felt true. She wasn't anything like that. She kept herself away from battle as much as possible and had admittedly only ever been in one fight against another lioness. She considered herself lucky in this respect.

"You all good?" She chuckled and moved herself to sit closer to the large red lion, her eyes still dancing across his features, searching for answers to questions she had yet to ask out loud.

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Akamu had taken the time to dry himself the best he could, or at least something like it. He felt sort of silly now for rushing into the river like that but sometimes impulses took over. He was living with the aftermath of his decision now. It was such a annoyance trying to get himself dry again, though he would be lying if he said it didn't help fight the heat. Maybe he could consider this a win-win looking at it that way. Maybe.

"Yeah, I think I have it under control." He laughed in response, tilting his head at her as he watched her move closer slowly. He felt a little better knowing she wasn't making fun of him at least. It was good to know she wasn't out right rude or cruel. At least... she didn't give off that sort of personality type. He was use to females being a little different back home. She seemed very relaxed and kind. He found it rather charming to be truthful.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I wasn't." He laughed aloud, flicking his tail back and forth.

"It's alright, really. It was pretty funny. You don't look as big all soaked like that." As she spoke she smiled at him, her eyes narrowed until they closed.

"Anyway. Akamu, what are you doing so far away from home?" She couldn't pretend she didn't know where he came from. It was hard to ignore the signs.

"Oh..." He paused and thought for a long moment before tilting his head to glance at her from the side.

"So you know where I come from then, I take it?" He wondered how easy it was to tell. Maybe his size and colors did him no favors. How funny, the world felt so small in moments like this.

"I wanted to see the world a little more, I guess. I have spent my whole life out in the desert with my pride and family. I thought maybe now was a good time to explore beyond my understanding." Akamu wasn't a very menacing male, he, in fact was very interested in learning and experiencing new things. It was in his nature to be curious, he had been that way his whole life.

Many lions from his pride left the lands to find mates, or food, or glory. What was the harm in him seeing the world for himself? He shook his head and came back down from being lost in his deep thoughts.

"I see." Mako nodded in reply before speaking out, her tone understanding.

"Well. I am glad to have met you. I haven't had company in a while, to be honest." She muttered under her breathe. She didn't want to see like a loser or anything... but it was hard not to currently. She didn't feel overly interesting in his presence. Maybe she wasn't interesting at all. She felt her face grow hot as she looked away, a little embarrassed by her own self-realization.

"To be honest you sort of stumbled upon a whole lot of nothing. This place is just a spot I like to get away from the world. It's kind of like a haven. But it doesn't really offer anything exciting, you know?" As she spoke she closed her eyes and kicked her head back to look at the clouds as they reopened. It was still a beautiful day at least. No matter how small she might have felt in this moment, nothing could take the day away from her.

"I don't think it's noting." Akamu interrupted as soon as she spoke, his eyes gluing themselves to hers. Why did he care so much about how she felt already? Ugh, she was so pretty. He couldn't stop focusing on that even though he really tried not to.

"I'm glad I came this way. You know?" He did his best to help her smile.

"I got to meet you and so far you have made me laugh and smile so, I would say this is way more than nothing." He wasn't sure why was being so openly honest with her, maybe he couldn't help it. Akamu had never talked with a female this way before. He felt so...

"Do you mean that?" Mako questioned with a small smile, it was like a light had been lit in the back of her eyes and he could see them for the first time. They looked like melting sunlight. It was truly beautiful.

"Of course. I wouldn't say anything I didn't mean." He answered as soon as her question was asked. He felt eager to hear her speak, how strange it was to feel this way... for the first time in his adult life Akamu felt something new and exciting.

He felt...

"You're too kind." Mako spoke out before he could complete his thought, her smile welcoming him back to reality.

"Not at all. I mean it." If he could pause time and sit like this with her for just a little longer, well, Akamu would be happy.

Mako felt a little hesitant to say what she wanted to next but found her courage in his eyes and his laugh. He was good company. She didn't want him to go just yet. So, she spoke out with a firm yet demanding tone, in her own right she could be brave.

"You don't have to leave right away, you know? You could stay awhile, if you'd like." She hoped she didn't come off as being too forward but... she didn't want this conversation to end just yet.

"I'd like that a lot." Akamu nodded in response. She wanted him to stay. Hearing this was enough to make any guy happy. Akamu would keep her company for as long as she liked.

~end at 1,176 words