User ImageLiviyathan lay on the beach looking out at the world she knew so well. Things had been happening recently, things that had rocked her world. That had made her think, very deeply about her life. She had thought long and hard about her place in the pride. The king, after his announcement, had made it abundantly clear that she was not actually welcome here, even though all of her cubs had passed their rites.

She truly didn’t know what to do. She loved the Bahari’mtoto, it was home but she had never felt so unwelcome her whole life and that made her sad.

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Yaika’tongo padded down the beach. This place was beautiful. She had spent a few days resting, giving birth had been hard on her, that combined with the journey from the pridelands had worn her out and worn her down. One of the lionesses that had helped her give birth had come to see her and had taken over to watch her babies for a while. She hadn’t actually wanted to leave but the lioness had encouraged her to go. To see her new home.

Stretching her legs felt wonderful and though she felt a touch out of place, new home. She had of course heard the chatter about rogue born cubs. Luckily, she and Ali were mates. She and Ali were classed as married and she was more than happy with that estimation. She and Ali were married. She smiled dreamily, she was so lost in her own thoughts that she barely noticed the lioness until she was almost on top of her. “Oh, hello.” she smiled softly, hoping her unusual look would not frighten the lioness. She had learned a long time ago that her appearance wasn’t always welcome.

Ali had never looked at her like that, that was why she loved him so.

The green and blue tinted lioness looked up at the other lioness. She didn’t recognise her, she was a very unfamiliar female, yet her look was so distinctive she guessed she must be new to the pride, that and her distinctive, not of the sea, scent told her the lioness was a newcomer. “Hello.” she smiled gently, her deep pink eyes searching the other lioness curiously.

Yai smiled, well the look was one of curiosity father than of fear, she was glad of that, having inherited her fathers look rather than her mothers softer tones, she was used to being looked at suspiciously. Perhaps there were other things on this lionesses mind though and that was what was keeping her from being afraid. She would take it. “Hi, I’m Yaika’Tongo.. I’m new here.” She wrinkled her nose happily, she had met a few of the sea faring lions, but they had mostly been looking after her and her cubs. She hadn’t really made any friends herself yet. She wanted to have friends in the pride, friends that she could rely on, friends that could almost be family.

Liviyathan gave a nod “I thought you must be, your look is very distinctive, I would recognise you if you had lived here for any amount of time.” She chuckled gently and wrinkled her nose in return “I’m Liviyathan, my husband calls me Livy, you can too if you like.” She was happy to stop thinking about the things that had been happening recently. This lioness was obviously looking for some conversation, perhaps information about the pride. It didn’t escape her notice that the other female seemed to have recently had some cubs. She was milky and that made her smile. “Congratulations on your cubs.” she purred a smile on her maw.

“Oh.. Oh thank you.” She wriggled a bit, she guessed the other lioness must be a mother two, she had mentioned a husband. “My mate and I moved here to have our cubs. We travelled pretty far, from he pridelands. He wanted to bring me to his favourite place.” She smiled softly “it is beautiful here, I think our cubs will love it.”

Liviyathan gave a gentle nod “It is a wonderful place to raise cubs. I have raised two litters here. My Husband and I, we have always been very happy here.” She paused, they had always been happy here, until recently, she didn’t want to say that though. Clearly the couple had moved here having heard about the place the Bahari used to be, a peaceful place on the sea. Things were happening and it made her sad. It didn’t entirely feel like home any more.

“Oh! That is wonderful, maybe you can help me, my cubs are too young yet of course, I want to take them to the sea.”

The blue and green bellied lioness smiled. That was the point of being here really wasn’t it? To be by the sea, to dabble paws in the waves. “Usually the nanny’s will take the cubs to the rock pools once they are old enough. They get a taste, not literally of course, for the water and they can chase little crabs and tiny fish. Not until they open their eyes though.” She smiled softly. “I’m guessing this ifs your first time away from them? The Nanny’s will take good care of them so you don’t have to worry. They are wonderful ladies and gents.”

Yai gave a nod “Yes, Afina came to see me, she helped me deliver them. We arrived in a bit of a whirlwind and my babies were born on the beach.” She chuckled gently “It was a bit hectic but they were born here. It is a beautiful home. She said I should take a little time just too stretch my legs.” She looked back the way she had come, she and Ali had set up in a den provided for them.

“Afina is very good, she will take good care of them while you are away.” she smiled softly and watched the other lioness check back the way she had come. “if you need to go home, don’t let me stop you. It was a pleasure to meet you.” she smiled gently “perhaps we can speak again, another time?”

Yai smiled at the lioness and laughed gently “thank you, it was lovely to meet you Livy.” She nodded happily and bolted back the way she had come. She really wanted to be back with her cubs. It seemed she had made her first friend in the Bahari though.

((W/c 1073)