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Leuruna opened her eyes. The soft snow that usually greeted her when she woke up was gone. Instead it was replaced with the rough, dry feel of earth. Slowly she looked around, trying to make sense of anything. The area was flat, with mountains in the far distance. Was that her home, she wondered looking at it. The area was mostly dry with little green patches here and there. It was also, unfortunately very hot.

Someone had to be around to help her? The other gods would not desert her in this place. There must be someone out there who was worried about her right? She opened her mouth and attempted to cry out for help. But all she managed to do was let out a croaked noise. Her voice was still goneā€¦

She got up carefully. Nothing felt broken or bruised. Looking around, she settled on a direction. She saw the tallest mountains far away and decided that if it did not lead to her home, at the very least she would have a better idea of her surroundings. With the decision made she started walking toward the mountain.

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