The small group was actually sorta glad they weren't the only one's to have fallen into the water in some form or fashion as it would seem, Sol's brother and his group had also come into some troubles of their own. While his tail still hurt everything seemed to at least be in order. "Let's go see if my brother and them need any assistance."

Cherub gave a small laugh, "Yea, because we can definitely provide any form of help right now in our current state." He was pretty sure some of his fur was starting to fall off already.

Bris was in fact already loosing some of her fur and it was making her self conscious but she could worry about that later. "Sure, let's go see if they need help."

Raizen was just throwing all sorts of shade at brisingr at the moment, it was BECAUSE OF HER that he had fallen into that water. But, it's not like it was all her fault, the ground had given out from under her.

Sol led the way towards his brother. "Do you need any help?"

- Mynsed -