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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] meeting the...parents? (K'i-lin, Gatito, Bast'ion)

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Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:05 pm
Ah, the day was here!

Today was the day the young adolescent got to meet Gatito's parents! She grinned at the thought. The poor boy was so dumbfounded by the idea, it amused her greatly. What she didn't seem to care for though, was her dad now wanted to meet her new friend.

She huffed. Well. It was so unexpected of him to offer! He was so into the lives of his twins and thrall Yhe, K'i-lin figured he would rather deal with them and not her. She shook her head, purple eyes scanning the horizon for her bony legged friend.

Tick-Tock, Gatito. You're running late. Let's see if the male even decided to show his face.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:16 pm

Bast'ion had made a hasty decision to meet K'i-lin's new friend having thought his daughter was going to meet the family originally for romantic reasons and not friendship reasons. The confusion had been cleared up but Bast'ion was still insistent to meet this boy.

It was true that Bast'ion had been favoring Yhe and the twin girls above all else but he was also trying , in his own way, to divide up his attention. His first born son had called him out on his favoritism in a big way and it did have Bast'ion thinking a little clearer now. Yhe would want him to be more involved right?

He approached K'i-Lin from behind. His lanky figure and famine thinness made him look almost like a ghost or a fallen brethren rather than a living lion. Somehow, even famine stricken, Bast'ion looked elegant.

"So... Where is your friend?" His voice was very soft. Bast'ion was trying.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:10 pm
Gatito was dreading this moment.

No one could have predicted the course of events that led to this dramatic moment in his life. He was going to take a girl to meet his parents, and he had only just met said girl! His siblings would tease and torment him if they found out. So, Gatito had come up with a plan, and he thought it was a very good plan. All he had to do was lie and say his parents were out on a viking. It was very common for them to do. Both his mother and his father were very competent reavers and had brought back an assortment of wealth for their growing children. If he just went with that story, she would have no reason to doubt him and he could avoid the embarrassing situation.

He was, at all costs, not going to take her to see his parents.

Gatito rounded a corner, looking for K'i-lin's family dens She had been vague with her instructions, but he had figured it would be easy to figure out. Spotting K'i-lin sitting outside one of the dens made it very easy, and he turned to approach her when he noticed the lion beside her.

'By the Storm Lords, no way!' Gatito thought in a mild panic when he realized that the lion standing besides K'i-lin was likely her father. What kind of trap was this!? The young, dark male cleared his throat, and ever so casually pretended he had not seen her at all. Nope, he was just going to keep on moving... He didn't see her at all! How could he be blamed for missing her when she didn't give him clear directions?

Ha ha, right?


PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:17 pm

K'i-lin turned her gaze to her father, a frown evident on her maw. "Oh...I am sure he will be here soon." There was a hint of disappointment behind her tone as she turned back towards the path she was sure the male would be taking.

Only a few moments passed when her bright eyes spotted the dark form. "Oh look, there he is!" She said with a grin.

"Gatitooo~" She called out to the male, not minding how early it was, and if others nearby were still asleep. She frowned when he kept moving, as if he hadn't seen her. "Hang on dad, I'll go get him." No way he was going to get out of this! K'i-lin rose to her feet, trotting in the direction of the adolescent male. "Where do you think you are going silly. My den is this way." She giggled. "I told my dad allll about you. He wanted to meet you this morning." The female grinned. "Come on! Come meet the best reaver in the pride!" She nudged the male's shoulder.

"He is also pretty fast. So if you run if will probably catch you." She also said nonchalantly. If, of course, Gatito chose that option, he'd better be forewarned, right?  


Moonlight Hunter

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:34 pm

K'i-lin took off before Bast'ion could say anything. For a moment he thought about following after his daughter but, to his amazement, K'i-lin took care of it herself with out any of his help. He took a few steps forward but did not intrude on the situation unfolding in front of him.

He could see the male in question from where he stood and he had to say he looked the part of a proper stormborn. If Bast'ion was a girl he was sure he'd have the same tastes as his daughter. However, as a father, he also felt the need to be angry about her choice. So much conflict was arising in the male as he watched from afar.

For now, he'd look stern and wait.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:49 pm
He felt a chill crawl up his spine when K'i-lin called out his name. 'Damn', he thought. There would be no escape now, not without coming off as rude. He imagined if he just ditched K'i-lin in front of who was probably her father, there would be more pain than just muddling through the encounter. With a sigh, he turned his face back in her direction and offered her the most hesitant smile.

This was going to be the worst experience of his life. Why had he even agreed to this? Sure, she was pretty, but she was also very demanding and very... forward. He didn't quite know how to handle K'i-lin, and felt like he was constantly walking over sharp rocks with the female. "Well, you were pretty vague about where you den was to begin with..." Gatito protested, though he doubted that mattered. The female nudged his shoulder and he almost jumped out of his skin.

A girl kept touching him! Mom, dad? He did not know what to do!

"Why... why would you do that!?" he asked, horrified. "We only just met, you don't know anything about me to tell your father!" Oh, Storm Lords, what had he done to receive such punishment. Grumbling, he followed K'i-lin back towards her family's den with his head hanging low. He would going to be murdered, he just knew it.

"...Hello, sir."

Thank the Storm Lords at least that his family was not around to witness this.


Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:00 pm

Alpaca Chobi

"Why wouldn't I tell him about you?" K'i asked slyly. "You know, he didn't want to met you until after I told him you help bathe me." She grinned. She now knew how Bast'ion took her words, and was all in for making the dark adolescent squirm. He was such a jumpy little lion, wasn't he.

"Daddddyyy~" She called out to Bast'ion as they neared him. She coughed when Gatito said hello. "It's Bast'ion, Gatito. Hello Bast'ion, sir." She smirked, eyes lighting up as she walked from Gatito's side to her father's, nudging his shoulder.

"This is Gatito! You remember the boy I was telling you about. He says you aren't the best reaver in the pride. I said he was wrong. Weren't you, Gatito." She smiled, tail flicking behind her in amusement. "He was more talkative in the waterhole." She said thoughtfully, purple eyes watching the bony male.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:31 pm

Bast'ion winced at being called 'sir'. While he demanded respect; titles made him feel quite uncomfortable due to his past.

"No need to be formal. As K'i-Lin says... Bast'ion is just fine." He stood even more firm using his superior height to his advantage to look down his nose at this boy. It took every once of will power not to smile as K'i teased the poor male but it also took an equal amount of self control not to raise his voice and demand and explanation as to why he felt it was okay to help in bathing his daughter. Some how his rage and amusement canceled each other out.

"Is it true ... Gatito..?" The amusement bubbled up just a tag at the end of his question. "Do you not think I am the best the reaver of the pride? I have mated with many females and our family has two thralls that serve us? " Bast'ion couldn't help but piggy back on K'i's childish teasing. Yhe would approve of his good fathering he was sure. Though, there was no question in Bast'ions mind he was one of the better reavers of the pride, he wasn't sure he'd say he was the best.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:21 am
"...Because you just met me, wait. You did what?" Oh, oh no. Gatito really would be murdered here if K'i-lin told her father something as ridiculous as that. It was something terribly easy to misinterpret, and even Gatito had been embarrassed by the experience. He should have just told the female no and carried on his way! None of this would have happened if he just kept to his own business.

Why the pale female seemed intent on divulging every aspect of their conversation was beyond Gatito's comprehension. It was as if she spared no detail in the recounting of their first meeting. He hadn't thought it to be so eventful, but the way she spoke now made it seem like every action and word was of importance. He felt himself dying an emotional death. It was okay, his body would carry on without his mind being in one piece.

His mother would smack him if he ever called her something so stupidly informal. "Okay... Bast'ion, then." Ugh, he did not want to defend himself to K'i-lin's father, and he definitely could not tell if they were teasing him or not. The dark adolescent sat down, a permanent frown fixed upon his maw displaying his unhappiness. "I do not mean to be rude, but you are not the best reaver in the pride. It does not matter how many thralls you have or how many females you bed." That probably wasn't a socially acceptable answer, but if Gatito was anything it was loyal to his own family.

He shrugged his shoulders, "My father is the best reaver in the pride, my mother only second to him. He is the son of a god, and has claimed many trophies and brought great wealth to the pride and our family."


Alpaca Chobi
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:41 pm
Alpaca Chobi


The emotional distress K’i-lin had been putting Gatito through seemed to go unnoticed by her.

The young lioness watched the exchange between the two males with interest. Her ears couldn’t help but pin slightly back, hearing about his father bedding other females. She knew it was true. Bast’ion had multiple litters that lived in the den, all with different parents, but hearing those words from a parent was still nonetheless awkward.

She turned her attention to Gatito, who started to speak of his own lineage. He hadn’t said much during their initial meeting, but when he described his father as a son of a God, her ears perked forward. She glanced at Bast’ion for his rebuttal, but quickly spoke.

“What God?” She tilted her head, curious to know. “If you grandpa is a God, how come he isn’t helping the pride?” She questioned, frowning. Maybe she could call shenanigans on her dark bony friend.  


Moonlight Hunter

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 5:16 pm


"Oi , god blood," He mumbled, "You really think that makes him special? Half of the prides got it as do I. Gods blood is more trouble than its worth and the gods be damned for sticking their nose in our business." He spit to the side to show his distaste. His divine stature had cost him everything because some one wanted to spill that lovely god blood running in his veins. He'd survived but it had rotted him from the inside. Still, he was recovering. There was a slash on his neck to prove the betrayal buried under his mane.

"Sounds like your proof is lacking boy. I wouldn't say anything I've said or you've said proves the point of who is in fact the better reaver." For Bast'ion this was pretty reasonable and even tempered. He wasn't in the mood to cause trouble for K'i-Lin right now or even get in a pissing match.

"But listen... about that bathe you gave my daughter....." Bast'ion leaned in. Now his twisted since of humor was showing and the grin couldn't be hidden from his maw.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:35 pm
"Gods do as they will," Gatito answered K'i-lin with a shrug of his shoulders. Just because his grandfather was a god did not mean that he would swoop down from above and come to their aid in their time of need. No, they had to rely on their own strengths to avoid nurturing their weaknesses. "My father, I guess, hasn't seen him in a long time. I would not expect even a god to be here for us."

Gatito held his ground even as his words were criticized. He did not believe that god blood was all that made his father special, and the fact that K'i-lin's dad had it as well was a little weird. He did not look like the son of a god, not nearly the imposing force of power and will that his own father was. He tilted his head, unable to hide the slight bit of doubt in his gaze. "Not that alone, no. My father uses his bloodline well - no other lion is a match for his strength! I haven't seen a lion yet best my dad, or come even close to being as fierce as he."

Then a smile, pride. Shameless, obvious pride for the father who had always been an idol for the young male. It was clear that no matter what Bast'ion said, nothing could sway Gatito's opinion of his father. Before he could get too settled into that pride, Bast'ion leaned close and spoke words that immediately brought embarrassment to the male.

He scooted back a solid foot, color rising to his cheeks. He had forgotten that K'i-lin spilled the beans on that! He was definitely going to perish. "She asked me to!" he defended himself quickly. "I didn't touch her without permission and I was, I was very gentle and kind and respectful!"

Alpaca Chobi



Tipsy Senshi


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:47 pm

Alpaca Chobi

"Dadddyyy. No need to scare him." K'i-lin giggled, nudging the taller Reaver before taking a step towards Gatito. "He's right. He did have...such a gentle touch." She winked towards the bony teenager, giving him a grin as if to say 'we can do it again if you want?'

Shaking her head, K'i-lin decided it was enough tormenting for Gatito. "Ready to go, Gati?" Now she was calling him by a nickname? Obviously things were getting pretty serious in the...small time frame the two lions new each other. "I guess I will make the best decision after seeing just who his parents are." She turned to Bast'ion and whispered. "Obviously it's you!" she purred, glancing back at Gat.

"Come on! Lead the way!"  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:01 pm

The temptation to enter this prideful pissing match was turning in to a greater and greater force to resist. He wanted to, oh so badly, put this boy in check but in doing so he'd have failed K'i-Lin, Yhe and his thin sense of honor.

The saving grace was to see such a proud lion as Gatito was be flustered by the talk of 'the bathe' incident. This had the childish flame blown out and helped Bast'ion remain quite grounded in the here and now of the situation. He was to be a good father and not start childish fights.

"I see," Bast'ion was playing the strict father now. "As long as you are doing a good job and treating her with respect ," And not producing cubs was another thing to be added but he felt that he could trust this boy. Gatito was a prime example of a viking born to this pride. He'd no doubt be every bit of viking that he claimed his father was one day which helped put Bast'ions mind at ease about who K'i-Lin was spending time with.

It also helped calm Bast'ion down with the flattery K'i bestowed upon him upon her farewell. Like a dork, Bast'ion added, " Be safe," and instantly regretted that last bit.  

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:18 pm
By the Storm Lords she was flirting with him right in front of her father! The lioness knew no boundaries, and there was no end to her boldness. Gatito was going to be murdered here and now, even though he had done nothing wrong. She just gave off the implication that they had done so much more when he had only helped reach a spot on the back of her neck that she could not reach! K'i-lin was even winking at him, as if to suggest that they had done and would do so much more.

He had just met the chick last night!

She was using nicknames, and he was definitely going to die from embarrassment before Bast'ion murdered him. The dark adolescent grumbled a reluctant agreement to K'i-lin's inquiry. Little did she know that he had a plan to keep her from seeing his parents. If meeting Bast'ion was rough, meeting his mom and dad would be ten times as worse.

His mother would throttle him if he brought a girl home. No, he just couldn't do that. "Okay, okay. Let's go..." He turned around with a little frown, and led the way away from Bast'ion with his tail practically tucked between his legs.


Alpaca Chobi
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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