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Reply [IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands
[PRP] Hold the Line (Shio x Shui)

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:30 pm
User ImageShio let out a slow, steady breath as he approached where his brother and the group of lions that called themselves the king's council relaxed during the day. He felt as if he were walking into a pit of vipers and that wasn't something he liked the thought of. Shui was surrounded by lions who were only interested in themselves and the power that hiding behind Shui brought. He knew his brother wasn't an idiot - none of his siblings held that title - and yet he was acting so strange and distant that it was impossible not to worry. He had to break through the circle, get to his brother, talk to him alone and get his own opinions on how everything was going. Shio didn't mind the enforcing of the old rules of the pride but rather how everything was happening, how the traditionalists were using his brother, and the volatile reaction of some of the pride members.

He wasn't surprised when he was intercepted by a few of the council members. They were Shui's guards on top of being his council which was another thing Shio wasn't fond of. There were plenty of actual guards who could do the job if Shui felt that he needed the protection, Shio among them.

"I wish to speak to my brother," he said, keeping his tone calm and even. He had no reason to barge right in. If he played the game their way hopefully they wouldn't treat him as if he were an intruder.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:27 am
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Shui wasn't appreciative of interruptions, particularly from family members who had deemed it necessary to flaunt their own authority over his. Between his mother's declaration that he was an absolute disgrace, and his brother's decision to put words in his mouth...Shui hadn't found himself overly keen on accepting the company of family. Thus when his brother showed up on his doorstep, he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose in distaste. Of course Shio would turn up at the exact moment he was negotiating.

...Another attempt to usurp him perhaps? Yet another moment in which to put pretty words in his mouth when he had meant exactly what he said? Shui was still sore regarding Shio's decision to speak as a diplomat and override everything that Shui had essentially said. The guards had looked to him for guidance and he had deliberately ignored his King, if that wasn't the height of respect then Shui didn't know what was.

Unsurprisingly, it was this that had spurred Shui to look towards securing his power elsewhere and it wouldn't be long before the Nyangumi were nothing more than a token rank, mere babysitters for adults and a role where an individual could pretend to be useful. Undoubtably there would be people who didn't appreciate this change, but Shui's good will had already been exhausted the moment his decisions had been overruled by those who had seemingly forgotten their place.

A Maji was always subservient to their King and Shio had spoken over him.

Each of those in the senior ranks would soon be reminded of that, whether it was a guard or a healer, they would be reminded they served his policies and if they couldn't do that then they could return to life below that station.

Nevertheless he knew better than to cause drama when he had guests and given he was in crunch talks, with agreements within touching distance, he prefered not to mess this up. Instead he glanced towards his closest advisor and within moments the black lion had swept forward with a hospitable smile to lead his guests away. Shui could rely on Lucivar to entertain them, there was something about the way that lion could read others that ensured he knew just what to say. The architects from that island may not have been sold on Shui yet, but they seemed to have taken a shine to Lucivar.

...Evidently dodging several, if not all of their traps, had resulted in him going up in their estimations.

"What is it, Shio?" he asked at last as he strode towards him. "If this is about our mother then you can turn round and I will return to tending to my guests. If this is about our drug addled lunatic neighbours then I would advise you to do the same."


Epine de Rose


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:16 am
Shio waited as movement beyond his field of vision and soft voices faded away, leaving him in silence aside from the normal noises of the jungle. He tried to keep an even face but he knew that the lions gathered here were masters of reading body language and it was probably clear as day to them that he was anxious. His nose twitched occasionally, his tail flicked, his ears were constantly moving to try to pick up his brother's voice. Not the picture of calm and collected that he usually was.

Finally Shui approached him, moving away from whoever he had been talking to, and Shio's ears instantly twisted back to press against his head, hiding in his pale mane. He dipped his head very slightly as if it were his mother scolding him and not his brother, blue eyes dropping to the ground for just a moment. Was Shui that upset at his mother and at him? He had no idea what had been said between the other two, but why would he be angry at him?

"And you?" he asked quietly, lifting his gaze if not his head and ears and not bothering to ask who he was entertaining. "I guess in a way those two are related to why I came but...I just...I wanted to make sure you're doing all right. I haven't seen you much since you officially took the title and..." Why was this so hard? Probably because of the way Shui had led into the start of the conversation, rebuffing him before he had the chance to say hello.

"And I feel like I should have tried to check up with you sooner." It wasn't often that Shui was alone, after all. Usually he and Huo were tied at the hip, going off on adventures out in the rogue lands together. He hadn't seen his more fiery brother in quite some time, but he assumed he was out and about as per usual and that Shui had to remain here now that he was the leader.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 2:14 am
"Ah, yes..." Shui rolled his eyes. "So that you could ensure that I took your side in this little debacle, yes?" he shook his head. "Contrary to the popular opinion circulating around the pride I haven't lost my mind and I know exactly what I'm doing," he lifted a brow as he regarded his brother's unusually discomfited demeanour. Evidently Shio didn't like walking into an area where he wasn't entirely welcome and he certainly wasn't protected, without his guards nearby to watch for his every command, the so-called 'lead guard' was vulnerable.

...He was in Shui's stronghold now, and the young King intended to expand that stronghold quite rapidly.

"It is awfully difficult to claim you have influence over me when you can't get access, right?" He continued and lifted his brow a touch further. He wouldn't be surprised if he began to receive several visits from unwanted family members who had decided that a coup from another pride and a blatant attempt to demand this pride align to another's ideals was preferable to maintaining their own sovereignty. They might have considered him mad, but they had bowed down and started licking the paws of their new overlords. They'd have been appalled to find out that Shui would happily burn the Kizingo'zaa to ashes, especially now that Puzzle had outright claimed that he had a desire for their insanity to come in to the Bahari.

...Alas, Shui would simply do something different, he'd make their borders so deadly on that side it would stand a good chance at killing anything that trespassed. No one could blame him for someone deciding to ignore warnings and walk through a minefield of traps built by his new allies, or at least that was the plan.

"But I'm sure you're still promising your new lords that you'll have a word and make me see reason, no? That we'll kneel down and happily obey their rules and agree to their way of life, hm?" he snorted.

"You already saw fit to overrule my command to remove them by force, you deemed it appropriate to be so much weaker," he shook his head. "So what do you want?" he asked darkly. "Other than to once again flaunt your position and determine that you, as a lead guard, stand above a King. It is nice to know that father's attempts to give individuals a chance to better themselves is quickly transforming into something quite different."

"However if my health is all you care to query then I am fine, as you can see I am perfectly well," he shrugged.


Epine de Rose


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:10 am
Confusion replaced worry as Shui went on and on about sides and orders. Shio's crouched stature slowly shifted to a normal upright one, head cocked to the side and brows furrowed as he tried to figure out where his brother was coming from. Clearly they weren't on the same page and perhaps that had been the reason for the defensive greeting.

"New lords? Influence? Shui, you're not making any sense. This is my home and you are its ruler, and those two things alone should be enough reason for anyone here to listen to you. The fact that you're my brother and I care for you is an added bonus that only a few of us get," he added with a tiny smile, trying to soften the prickly male.

"You had left, Shui. Or were leaving. I thought it would be best to deescalate the situation by letting them see themselves out. An escort, physical or not, would have only made tensions higher than they were. I was trying to help," he added, his brothers words not sitting well with him. Did Shui think Shio was trying to usurp him? Go behind his back? It certainly seemed that way and although things were getting a bit unsettling, he would stand by his brother as long as he kept to the rules of the pride and didn't try to suffocate the lions that still called this place home.

"I told you why I was here," he added, lowering his voice just a bit, the tone softening as well. "I wanted to see you, to make sure you were all right after the meeting, to see how you're getting on behind the scenes as the king. I want to support you, Shui, but it's hard when you keep to yourself and your new..."

He paused, glancing at the lions behind his brother. They weren't as close as they had been at the meeting and they didn't appear to be watching, but he could tell they had an ear turned towards them.

"...friends. You're the king and I'm a lead guard, yes, but we're brothers first and foremost. I want to help you succeed." He paused, biting his cheek to keep himself from rambling on. He took a deep breath through his nose and let it out slowly, his heart pounding in his chest from the passion with which he was speaking.

"And obviously I haven't been doing a very good job if you think I was trying to impress Puzzle or turn the guards against you with a different order. And I'm sorry if my actions came across that way," he murmured, ears pressing against his head again in shame. "My loyalty is to this pride, to my family, and to you."

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:12 pm
Shui's brow lifted at the impassioned speech, to say he wasn't sold was an understatement. What Shui had seen as he departed was very different from what Shio had probably expected. In the young King's eyes he had witnessed as his direct order was ignored and replaced by another, as the guards looked to his brother who had made that order.

Ram had a reason to watch the Kizingo'zaa like hawks in recent years and while their father had done nothing about it, Shui had now come to realise that there had been method behind this madness. Ram had never been a warmonger and for that reason, he had often come across as a touch weak to Shui's new advisors... But in doing so he had also maintained a precarious peace with individuals who were clearly on the brink of something dangerous.

...The Bahari'mtoto had been dancing around a particularly questionable pride for some time now. Shui had understood why his father had made the alliance to begin with, but when that brew had appeared, he wasn't so sure why he hadn't kept it. Some things were inevitable and Shui had felt that such a discovery was a loose cannon. The Kizingo'zaa would succumb to temptation eventually, it was inevitable and it was much smarter to be ready than to be caught by surprise.

"Your darling guards looked to you for orders despite already receiving one; they responded to your order over the one given by me," he shook his head. "So what happens when you decide your new lords in the Kizingo'zaa decide they want to disrupt yet another event, hm? More diplomatic conversation as they escort themselves out?"

He rolled his eyes.

"You must have greater faith in them than I do," he stated coolly. "There is a reason father did not like what they were playing with but you have chosen to ignore it in favour of pretty words," he snorted. "If it were not for the fact you had your eye on an actual Bahari lioness I'd wonder which of them had your interest and how much they were spreading their legs to get your obedience."

He shrugged.

Passion wouldn't work it seemed.

"But alas, perhaps you shall prove me wrong no? I'm sure they will be perfectly reasonable and you will have grounds to say 'I told you so', right?"

He paused briefly.

"Or perhaps they will prove me right and cause such destruction to this pride that your judgement leaves much to be desired." He grimaced. "Now if you are done with your declarations of loyalty then perhaps you should consider going back to your duties, maybe even look at the pride you are so enamored with and find out why our father expressed reservations when your loud mouthed friends saw fit to demand we adopt their views, no?"

Admittedly, Shio might want to discuss matters with him further, but at the moment Shui was hard pressed to believe him. Nevertheless, Shio was his brother and there might be some method of reassurance that his brother could find to inspire confidence...

Nevertheless, Puzzle's parting words of spreading insanity to the Bahari'mtoto had not left Shui, even if his brother had conveniently forgotten it.


Epine de Rose


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:51 pm
Despite being a pacifist at heart, Shui's constant rebuffing of his concern and declarations of loyalty were beginning to wear Shio's long fuse rather short. He kept calling the Kizingo'zaa Shio's 'friends' as if he had spoken with any of them outside of the few words said to Puzzle to try to calm the atmosphere. The way Shui snorted and rolled his eyes made Shio's fur stand on end along his spine as he tried to keep his temper in check. Even though he was a calm and collected lion for the most part, he still had Hima's blood in him and the normally placid male could snap if he was prodded too much. Here was not the place to lose his cool, though. Not in his brother's den of vipers.

"I've apologized, Shui. Rubbing my nose in my mistake isn't going to make me beg or grovel at your feet. I'm not a friend of the Kizingo'zaa. You may have traveled to different areas of the world but I've never set foot outside of our lands to even attempt to befriend someone from that pride. I don't know why you're so insistent that I'm out to undermine you when I've tried to say as simply as I can that it was never my intent to hurt you or make you think I didn't respect you by giving the orders I did. I'm not a politician, I don't know why Father did things the way he did, it was never my place to ask or be taught, and you know if the Kizingo'zaa do try something against our pride I'll be the first to defend it."

He closed his eyes after a moment to try to calm himself, taking a slow, deep breath. He focused on the fire raging in his chest to simmer to a low burn, still there but not as ready to spew out of his mouth. He wasn't among friends here even if he sided with his brother in what had been said during the gathering, that much was clear. Shui thought him to be annoying at best and a traitor at worst and he was sure the lions that were nearby thought the same. He needed to not give them any chance to prove that he might be less than trustworthy.

Opening his eyes again, Shio looked at Shui steadily, his expression and tone once again calm and collected.

"What must I do to prove to you that I stand with you, Shui?"

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:39 am
While Shui's expression seemed skeptical Shio's words did seem to slowly but surely having an impact. His insistence and his denials were unchanging and those who lied often changed their story under pressure. While Shui still had lingering doubts, a small part of him was beginning to suspect that perhaps Shio was due some courtesy. While there were bound to be several of his advisors who firmly believed Shio was playing the long game...what his brother said rang true.

...Shui knew that in the grand scheme of things, Shio had never had that sort of disposition. To be manipulative, to backstab and to attempt a coup would be out of character. It might take Shui a while to truly appreciate this and come to terms with the realisation, but for now the niggling voice in the back of his head was loud enough for his expression to relax slightly. Unsurprisingly, the young king looked particularly weary. He was still healthy, but the weight of a divided pride was starting to take it's toll.

In the end he'd be all right, but for now, he definitely needed a break!

"Protect your pride," He said softly. "Protect it no matter who attacks it, old friend, distant relative or not. If you are capable of this, then I will believe you are sincere," he added. It sounded like a simple request, but he knew in the future that might be one of the most trying tests for other Nyangumi. If those Nyangumi who had friends or family in the Kizi were required to take arms against them, then he wasn't so sure they would have the capacity to do it... Suffice it to say that only time would tell.

"That is all I can ask," he finished quietly.

Hopefully this would be enough for Shio for now, his brother may still doubt him, but they were still presented with the possibility that in time he would come around. It was a no brainer to state that the conclusion to this meeting hadn't been a perfect storybook ending, but maybe it could be taken with some strand of hope...


Epine de Rose


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:27 pm
Shio waited, holding his ground with a determined look on his face. He wasn't going to move until he got an answer from Shui, one that wasn't flippant and dismissive. His persistence seemed to be paying off at last as a sort of weight settled over his brother, shoulders drooping and his expression shifting from suspicion to exhaustion. Finally, the walls were coming down.

He listened to the request in silence, waiting to see what else would come, but when nothing was added he gave a small nod. He would do that without hesitation, especially now that Shui seemed to think the Kizi were out to get them. Should any of them prove dangerous he'd be the first to keep them out, to attack if it was called for. The Bahari as a whole weren't the brilliant battlers the Firekin were, nor the scrappy adventurers the Stormborn seemed to be, but he would put himself between his home and whatever threatened it no matter where it came from - outside or within.

"You have my word, brother," he said quietly with a little bow of respect. He was king, after all, and so long as Shui continued to rule justly he would give him the proper honor he was due. Shifting his weight as he looked up again, he moved to back away from Shui and his advisers that still lurked in the shade behind him.

"If you ever want a break from all that," he added, nodding back towards the eyes, "you can always come find me. We can take a walk on the beach. I don't mind passing a few hours with idle talk." He gave Shui a small smile before finally turning to go, a slow breath leaving him as he trotted off. The conversation hadn't gone as expected but that was both good and bad. He seemed to have reached Shui at least a little bit, had hopefully smoothed over the misunderstandings, and had made sure he was as all right as he could be given the situation he was in.

All he could do now was wait and see what would happen. For everyone's sake he hoped nothing, but he had the sinking feeling that something was approaching. He'd be ready for whatever it was, though. He'd prove to his brother that he was loyal to the pride even if it meant risking his life.

Epine de Rose
Last from me!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:27 am
Shui glanced briefly at his own advisors; he had no doubt they didn't trust his brother and in some respects, it might have been deserved. Nevertheless Shio was his brother and a part of him still remembered that, there was still something in him that wanted to believe he was genuine...even if some of his family had decided he was of little value anymore. That aside, though Shio might crave a break from this particular company, Shui was comfortable in it.

...He was safe here.

He was surrounded by those who agreed with his beliefs, those who supported his attempts to restore the pride to its rightful place. Granted some of their methods deviated from his preferred methods and at this point in time he thought some of their views were a bit too much, but their intentions were good and their overall goals weren't to be sniffed at. Unsurprisingly this was in striking comparison to those who had come in to the pride and decided they would change it to accomodate the beliefs they might have had beyond the borders.

Alas, if they had those beliefs and didn't want to assimilate then they were more than welcome to exit. He'd already conveyed that message and the most hospitable in the pride had been offended by his decision to not tolerate those who wouldn't respect his home. Eventually they would learn though... Just because you were hospitable and accepting of visitors didn't mean they could rampage through your home and dictate how it should be. If they wanted to live here then they obeyed the culture that lived there, whatever they'd experienced outside was irrelevant!

Ah, but musings that would only be heeded in this particular circle at the moment. To say some of the pride was now hostile was an understatement and others were simply fearful (or had reservations), there was no point in attempting to educate those who had shut their ears.

Well, not yet anyway.

"We'll see," He gave a nod to his brother as Shio took his leave. He wasn't certain he'd take his brother up on the offer in the current climate, but perhaps in time he might consider it. For now though he had work to do and he couldn't afford idle chatter while such things remained his focus.

"Enjoy your day," he finished as he turned to make his way back towards his gathered advisors to continue his previous discussions.

*Cuddles Shio* All done!

Epine de Rose

[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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