The last rays of light were trickling through the leaves as Dragonsblood moved about the pride's early risers, the air almost impossibly dark but for the last shafts of light trickling in, the rays leacing enough light to navigate. The day for Dragonablood was about over, but the Demons were beginning, and Drache knew solving the mystery of her vision was important... Probably.

Dark and pale began moving to and fro -- some to hunt, some to attend other tasks, but none paused for the visitor nearby. The lioness pondered, tapping her jaw, when a moderately sized male drew near, in greys and blacks with a hint of yellow, and Dragonsblood blinked.

"Hello." The lioness greeted. The male nodded, then sat.

"So, you're the visitor from Gods know where." The male spoke plainly, sighing before he motioned. "The jungle elsewhere, I hear, from Noh'Vah. So the one by the beaches? I had children move in the direction of beaches." He wasn't mincing his conversation, and Shupavu knew it, but he was wondering what drew an outsider to risk the area, and the male nodded.

"Daughters, from a litter. I think Shushara or Shiva, whichever she goes by now, went out there recently. My name is Shupavu. And yoiu?"

"Dragonsblood-- wait, red and black?" Seeing the male, Dragonsblood motioned. She recalled once such lioness a little like him -- brightly colored and rather shy.

"Bright as day, right? Kind of ahy?"

"...Yes." Shupavu responded slowly, then tilted his head. Drache practically perked up.

"Yeah, Shiva! She's rather a good'un. Shy thing. You're her father?" There was an odd hunch brewing -- she wasn't sure, but...

"Then -- does that mean you have littles in the neighbors... Which might be it... You might be what my vision was, actually." Drasgonsblood nodded, and Shupavu raised a brow at the outsider's mumbling, head tilting.

"...Are you okay?" He finally asked. Dragonsblood settled, then, motioning.

"I was looking for a vision., Our neighbors are presently.. Not the best neighbors and severtal fled to our lands for sanctuary. One of them sparked a vision. Lions in fire reaching for lions in our land they seemed related to."

Shupavu was quiet, before scowling, an old familiar feature on his maw.

"Is shje okay? What kind of refugee -- does she know who she is? What hjappened?" Shupavu felt his worry building, paws shifting in anxiety as Dragonsblood sighed.

"The girl is named Apollo. The pride next to us wanted to take mothers with cubs born outside wedlock or whatever to somewhere out of the pride and Apollo was one cub born to some rogue outside the pride. She got scared, despite her culture deeming her adult and fled. There's others leaving, but..." Dragonsblood sighed. "It's an awful mess breaking up families. Ithink she'll be okay, Shiva and Fumblepaws have her. But I did want to investigate my vision in case it affected my pride. Well, more than this madness does already."

Madness... Shupavu breathed. He kne the fear and he knew there may be more -- the visions rarely made sense to seers, but what he did know too was that his family was in danger and he wondered if, once more, this was his doing long ago... But no -- Shushara and his mother left before he failed. Most children did, and now he had to atone for his misdeeds, but. No, first, he needed to think.

"Shushara has her... Good... Good... She's much like her mother, tyhat one... Very kind, very gentle." Shupavu breathed, then, and shook his head. "But she's still family and many here are cousins and distant cousins, or even half cousins. And I know one who will want to know at least where Shiva went and that she's okay."

Dragonsblood nodded gently, looking to Shupavu patiently, ears flicking before she looked out towards home.

"I can't promise a visit, but I know there's sometimes passing travellers. Do you know rogues who you trust?"

"Miira. My half neice, actually. She's nearby, but her son iscurrently looking for his half-sister. Shido's a good kid, helping Ifa, but..."

Silence, before Dragonsblood looked, and began laughing, incurring an unpleased stare before she smiled, bowing her head.

"No, no, I mwetb them with some salty a** lioness roaming near our borders!" Dragonsblood then beamed. "They're fine, good sorts. But if you trust them, maybe it's worth it for me to track them down after I make it home, or perhaps they'll be around still. That girl was AWFULLY salty. They might not be far."

Shupavu nodded, before sighing.

"I do happen to knowwhere Miira lives, if you want her to know."

The offer hung in the air silently, Shupavu surtprised in himself, but not taking it back. Miira was his half0-neice and he worried about her... But knowing her stolen child might return to her was of some comfort, and the lion wanted to ease her, perhaps give her hope.

Dragonsblood thought hard, looking out to the pridal land in silence before she nodded.

"A mother shouldn't be kept from that knowledge." Dragonsblood said softly. "The breaking of lives was what wrought chaos. But if I can lend a paw to help mend it, then I will. I want to see to it our pride proves better. They violated us and our agreements... So... I'd like to prove them wrong. If it helps, then tell her. Her child is with her brother and the lioness with them." The flame-painted dragon then smiled warmly and nodded toward the roguelands.

"I will try to find them, tell them that she's awaiting their return with baited breath." Silence again, before Dragonsblood looked to Shupavu patiently.

"But what of you? Is there anything you want your daughtyer to know?"

Shupavu was quiet, thinking. Shushara... His little one. Did he dare reach out to her? Did he dare communicate...? Yes. Of course, and Shupavu smiled.

"Tell her I send my love, and she is welcome to come see us if she wishes... Tell her I'm okay and that I have someone I wish her to meet from my roaming."

Shupavu smiled to himself, Dragonsblood chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, I candeliver that. But don't get in trouble inviting visiting outsiders."

"I won't." Shupavu snorted, motioning deriusively. "I'll just talk to the Shalori. He can talksense into that mate of his. And Ri us a reigning king. SOME clout might be afforded his great uncle in terms of family."

"Oh, well, high horse." Dragonsblood noted, still smiling. "Then I best start moving. It's a long trip home, after all, and ghods forbid Ikeep his royal uncleness' message waiting."

Shupavu smirked, lightly swatting Dragonsblood as she danced away, and then the lioness bowed, moving to begin the walk home.

Oh, she'd probably sleep OUTSIDE pridal lands, but it was best to begin now. Shupavu, meanwhile, smiled simply, and turned toward the borders in another direction, and began to walk. It was time someone paid Miira a visit.