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Fresh from her Om'riggor, an adult in the eyes of the pride, a Grunt from a proud lineage....and still Og'rah felt like something...something was missing from her life. It was hard enough being pretty much grounded whilst their eldest half-brother and Warchief had been gone and now incapacitated, she could only complete her tasks within the borders which...while fruitful still proved difficult. But she'd noticed she'd not been the only one wanting for something and had chosen today to finally confront said want and the one who harbored it.

"Golka?" She poked her head into her sister's den and noticed her older sister by one litter drawing her claws across the log she'd kept in her cave, deep amber eyes turning to look over the slightly smaller lioness with an arched brow.

"This can't be a visit between us as tutor and student if you call me by name, what's wrong little sister?" A mild expression of concern fleeted over the larger lioness' face as Og'rah simply huffed and shook her head.

"Nothing's wrong, I just want to talk."

Her frown grew at the rather amused look on her elder sister's face at that.

"You want to talk? After all those adolescent tantrums about being an independent warrior that didn't need to talk about their woes and feelings? Do you have a fever?"

A groan rumbled through the grunt as her higher ranked sibling just chuckled and gently bumped her shoulder in reassurance of her jesting only to get a small shove back. All said and done she did love her family, even if they did drive her completely batty half the time. But that isn't why she was here.

"No...I...I need to talk about something....personal." She hated the jangle of nerves in her voice as she said that and watched as Golka's expression grew from amused to slightly sullen and concerned as she sat down infront of her younger sister with the same poise that had become so ingrained in her body with the years of her status. Og'rah had to admit she admired her older sister for how quickly on a dime she could flip the switch....but it didn't hide everything.

"Golka...have you...ever wanted....cubs?-"

"I don't recall you courting anyone." She'd barely finished the question when Golka had quipped up with genuine confusion marking her features as she sat there, causing Og'rah to flush bright crimson under her fur.

"I'm not!"

"You sure? I heard a few of the Grunts thought you were quite fetchin-"

"GOLKA!" She huffed at her sister's mild chuckle at her flustered state.

"No, I can't say I've ever thought of wanting cubs...I've been too focused lately with our brother returning and the pride needing Ro and I to lead in his stead."

The pause in the air with the silence that followed was so palpable that Og'rah could've tore it with her claws, she watched her older sister who was the picture of stone faced just stare at her patiently, waiting for a response. But Og'rah just stared, a small lick of concern on her features as she padded her paws together on the ground with a small streak of nervousness running through her.

"Well...Garok's home now....why don't you consider it?"

One arched brow. One arched brow was enough for the younger lioness' ears to flatten back with slight concern that she might've possibly said the wrong thing in this situation...but her sister just watched her in silence, as if waiting for her to continue.

"I've...seen the way you sometimes look at the smaller families and how you look out on the horizon...besides I'm sure Ro'kuna and Garok would approve-"


"-They'd love the opportunity to fuss over nephews and nieces-"


"-And you've never shown interest in anyone here-"


The lioness shrank slightly into her shoulders, ears pressed to her skull and watched with wide eyes her sister who was now frowning at the assumptions she was making about her life, noticing the her tail twitching in mild irritation before a faint sigh escaped the older female. She ushered her younger sister to sit by her side at the mouth of the cave as they both looked over the sun bleached canyon filled with the other members of their pride.

"Og'rah, I have the Grunts, the Scouts and the Generals and Scout Masters to keep my eye on most of the time...and till Garok is back at full strength, my watch hasn't stopped for that." She then glanced to her younger sister. "I barely have time for them and looking after some whelps."

Og'rah paused thoughtfully. "Well...isn't that what the peons are for?"

She swore she spotted the tiniest spark in Golka's eyes as she watched the other before she smiled nervously and started to make her way out of the cave before any well earned swipes to the rump could accost her. "Well anyway! Thanks for the talk, sis, Aka'magosh!" Was all she could manage as she scampered away and left Golka on her own, just watching her leave as a small irritable sigh escaped past her nostrils. Oh well. At least with more fresh blood there might be a chance that some whelps could turn up...and if any of the Grunts'd had their eyes on her all the better. A small secretive smile flushed over her face as she internalized all the thoughts of possibly finding a mate soon.

Golka meanwhile sat there where her sister had left her...Peons were for watching cubs whenever their parents were busy, for cleaning caves, for many things, they were integral. And it was true that no one had caught Golka's eyes even for how long the pride had been around. Not even any of the freshbloods had really ignited any interest in her, but she had been preoccupied...concerned about other things and other matters that were higher than any personal want or desire. The pride came first.

And yet Og'rah hadn't been wrong. Her eyes had wandered over the horizon. Many females from the pride would seek a strong male from outside now and then to boost their numbers if they couldn't find a mate and numbers were something they needed now, more than ever. A small thoughtful huff escaped her as she laid down infront of her cave and simply observed the machinations of the pride down below in the basin of the canyon. They were strong, but few...and maybe with the heat of the summer approaching and good food, that would change. Who knows. Maybe she'd be among those to add to those numbers...maybe even Ro'kuna if her brother was feeling better.

Who knew what the future held.

((1117 words, 6373 characters))