After another failed attempt, the fire-pelted male found himself wandering outside of the desert. The sifting sand terrain ended, leaving the ground hardened. Aden had not become very adept to the soft ground, which he attributed to his failed attempts at joining the pride.

Oh well. Adendahl would not let that fact bother him. So you won some and lost some. Obviously it wasn't meant to be. The lion had learned a lot though in his multiple challenges however. It would e the best thing he could take away from the experience.

Once he hit a more solid ground, the lion sighed in relief. Finally, something his paws could grasp. First on the agenda from the desert, find some water. How those burly felines survived out in the desert was beyond him. He was definitely use to a more..humid climate. Pale blue eyes scanned the area, wondering where he was, and if a waterhole was nearby. Doing what he did best, Aden began to wander. That always was the best idea, right?

Siri'wasii was a mature lioness who had become rather skilled at running from her past. It was no surprise that she was alone now - she had been since the death of her first mate. Sure there had been... affairs, but nothing that even lingered towards a commitment. That time of her life, she was sure, was long gone. It had been years now since her mate had passed, and she was still pitifully alone. If any of her siblings saw her now, she doubted they'd even recognize her.

She could barely even remember their faces. Even the markings on their sparkling pelts were obscured by time. Perhaps that was for the best - she had never much liked any of them anyways. For Siri, maybe it was just her fate to be alone. The dark red lioness would leave no mark upon this world.

And she wasn't all that upset about it.
The desert she had been travelling by had brought too many painful memories, so it was best for her to abandon it. Eventually she came to the sanctuary of a watering hole. It was a nice little oasis not far from the desert, and apparently a popular stopping point for many weary travelers. She wouldn't be alone for long. In the distance, she could barely make out the form of another lion. The mane was dark enough to stand out against the dusty background. She could leave now, but she didn't.

Instead she waited for the lion to draw close, "You could almost blend in, if it wasn't for your mane." This was, of course, coming from a dark red lioness who most definitely could not blend in.

It did not take the flame pelted male long to hear the sound of something hitting water. The lion was thankful, he really wasn't keen on wandering the land for familiar landmarks to find something he had known in the past.

Ears flickered forward as he approached the small oasis, the voice catching his attention. Tilting his head, the light eyes focused on the female in question. Large, dark red, quite similar to the lions he had met on the Firekin border. Did he not leave the land? Or was he in some sort of weird dream where he was to be permanently surrounded by the fireborn lions?

"Oh?" He looked down at his form. White on his feet, moving up to a sunset like marking. His mane and tail tuft were black, but they had a few patches of white specs littered in it. "I guess I never really looked at myself enough." Unless he was looking at a reflection in the water, he never would really see it.

He walked quickly to the water, ignoring the female for just a moment as he lapped the precious liquid. Once he had his fill, he turned to the female.

"Must be a coincidence. I just came from a pride that was filled with others that looked just like you. Your pelt I mean." Aden clarified. "But, I must say you are a sight for sore eyes. Nothing like those brutes I've been up against."


Siri smiled, clearly amused by the lion's lack of attention to his own appearance. She had to tell herself that she would not be suckered into another tragic love story of her own making, but he was a handsome lion. With her luck in males, she should swear them off entirely. "What a shame," she told him, the natural flirt rising to the surface despite her own will. Here she had thought herself better than this, but apparently she was not.

Her gaze followed him as he made his way to the watering hole, letting the lion have his fill of water in silence. She tried to gauge the male, figure out where he had come from and what his purpose was. Obviously he was just some lone male, so his only priority would be survival... especially considering the terrain they were in. The home of the Firekin could be unforgiving for those who did not know it well.

"...What a coincidence that must be," Siri answered, and for a moment the smile disappeared from her face. That pride held too many painful memories for her - she had lost much during her time within it. She spoke vaguely, because that was the one subject she was not ready to broach. "Well, I am very glad to be a pleasing spectacle for you," Siri laughed sweetly.

"I do suppose the pride here values its strength. Did you fair poorly against them?"

Maybe it was the tone of her voice, but Aden's ear flickered towards the other the comment. It caused a frown to tug at her maw. Maybe he hit a nerve with the female? He stepped away from the water, approaching the female, yet keeping a 'safe' distance.

"Seems like you might have a story to tell there with that answer." Adendahl speculated, sitting before the female. "I know we just met and all, but perhaps you could let me hear it. Of course, I'd be happy to catch you some dinner first." He flirted, giving the female a quick wink.

"Well...I won't go into the details, but I am pretty sure I am maxed out the attempts of getting in. I guess that is for the better, because if I had passed their duel system, then I would be amongst them and not have met you now. So, everything seemed to work out, no?" The sunset male was grinning from ear to ear. Maybe he didn't fit well with the firekin. Only his pelt? Funny how the world worked sometime.

"I'm Aden." He introduced.

She had always fared poorly when it came to flirtatious males. Siri turned her gaze away with a small purse of her lips. The red lioness could not allow herself to be so easily charmed by such a male, even if he was her type... and quite handsome. Her love life was already a struggle to begin with, and it didn't help when she was attracted to just about every wrong type of male there was. If only her old mate had not passed on, if only she had cubs to devote herself to instead of these fleeting fancies.

The lioness dared a quick glance back at the male, and inwardly groaned and her inability to deflect his charm. "It is not a story worth listening to," she told him with a small, disapproving frown. At least his probing into her history was enough to momentarily distract her from his natural charms and swagger.

"You're really working this," Siri called him out on his flirtatious behavior, but to his credit it was working. She was already smiling again, that slight little smirk of amusement. She knew she was a beautiful creature, and she supposed like did attract like. "Siri'wasii. But, Siri is fine," the red lioness introduced herself.

"I suppose everything has worked out." Ugh, she couldn't resist flirting back a little.

Aden sat back on his haunches, rising his front two paws in the air as if Siri had caught him in the act. "Me? No, never," he jested, paws dropping back to the ground in time for his tail to curl around them. "Alright, alright you caught me. But, seriously, you can't blame a guy for trying." This was humor lit behind his pale eyes.

When she seemed receptive to his actions, Aden stood again, nearing the dark red female.

"Siri. I like that." He glanced at the female, watching her. "So, what's say you Siri. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, and in return, I can tell you about mine. Maybe it will help get us a little more...comfortable around each other?" he purred.

"...But the offer is still there if I need to catch you dinner first." He reminded with a smirk.

Oh, he was bad news. What would her father say? Well, she'd have to actually see her father again for him to say anything, and it had been a very long time since she came across any of her family. Her siblings had all been... peculiar. The only one she had ever really gotten along with was Roshan, but he too had wandered off on his own path. "I can, but I won't," she responded smoothly. The words poured from her lips before she could even contemplate them, and she only realized belatedly how flirtatious she was being.

She held up her paw, as if that would keep the strikingly handsome male at bay. She could see that he was moving closer, and she really couldn't blame him. After all, Siri wasn't telling him to go away. "A counter-proposal. You can tell me about yourself, and if I find it boring I will go on my way." Uh huh, she wasn't about to open up to him that quickly. She wasn't as weak as she used to be (though she suspected she was still considerably weak).

"I can catch my own dinner if need be." She shrugged away the offer, if only because she felt like accepting it was like signing a deal with the devil. She turned her lofty gaze away from him, as if to say 'hah you can't convince me'. It was the last line of defense she had against attractive males. She had fallen for them too many times, and for once she'd like to be able to resist them.

Aden refrained from scoffing at the counter-proposal, although there was a look of disdain evident on his facial features.

"Now...Where would the fun be if I did all the talking now? Certainly we could come to some sort of agreement." Although she held up a paw, it did little to hinder his advancement towards her. Once he felt a comfortable proximity to the female, he lowered himself to a belly, eyes watching her, a smile, perhaps still a smirk, still on his lips.

"Ah, I am sure you can." Well, that idea was out the window. Maybe he could just enjoy some meal she would catch than instead.

"How about we do this," he started, purring his words. "I tell you a little bit about me. You tell me a little bit about you. We go round and round until we both are tired of talking," the grin on his maw widened. "What happens from there only time would tell, savvy?"

Siri used to be an open lioness, used to love to talk about herself and flirt shamelessly. That had gotten her into too much trouble in the past, and she had wisened up in that time. There was little about her past that Aden would be able to drag out of her, but she could at the very least deflect his interest. The red lioness shrugged her shoulders, silently giving in to the 'demands' he had laid at her feet.

"What if I am already tired of talking?" she countered coyly. Truth was that she certainly wasn't tired - it had been too long since she had pleasant company and she would be hard pressed to turn it away. She was sure she could keep herself from making the same mistakes she had made in the past.

Her gaze cast down at him, showing a resevered interest. After a few moments, she spoke again. "Well, you better start talking." Perhaps only time would tell how well they would get to know one another.