It seemed like yesterday when Nara had gotten to the pride, but more time had passed. She was finally settling, relaxing in the world around her. She hadn't seen Warriors since Anonymity had picked her up and taken over her care, but it was something the young goddess was okay with. She had learned a lot from the pelted goddess, although she knew she had more to go.

They remained in the Stormborn lands. Something tugged at her to stay here, so she had pleased with her guardian when she agreed. She did not know how the other enjoyed the constant humid or drastic weather patterns under the thick pelt she always wore, but Nara never questioned it.

Today, she found herself exploring the borders of the pride. She was a curious creature. She knew there were few like her around, so she did not mingle much with the pride members. It was already confusing enough finding out who she was, she did not want others to try and guess it too.

When she did wander, the cub found herself without her silver gauntlets, but remained wearing her silver necklace. The piece of jewelry fascinated her, she enjoyed the glowing colors it seemed to emit every now and then, usually around others. She had yet to figure out what caused that, but she was sure it meant something. The pieces only worked on a few lions. One day, she would investigate the meaning behind that. She had seen other lions adorned with jewels as they passed from the safety of her den, but none wore the simple metal on their legs as she did. While the lioness loved wearing all her gear, she had (somewhat) reluctantly agreed to remove them if she were to go out.

The cub grinned as she sniffed a flower. Such oddities of the world amused her. She had been told of the Haven, a place where her kind was able to live, but had not been able to make it up there. By her memory, she was sure she'd been there before. She hadn't quite experienced that same cold white feeling she had before she somehow appeared here in this world.

From the flower, Nara pawed the ground. It was there she noticed the faint glow of the blue charm on her necklace. She frowned, glancing down then all around. That was weird. Normally the jewel glowed when others are around, however, it didn't appear that was the case this time. Shaking her head, the female sat. What did others around here do for fun?
She heard a rustle in the trees behind her. She turned her head quickly, her light yellow forelock falling over narrowed eyes.

Standing, she waited for the rustling to stop. It didn't, and the movement became closer and closer until finally a large lion had appeared from the shadows. Male, from the obvious thick mane surrounding his neck, lighter in color, but not stark white light her goddess guardian. Nara blinked, eyes drifting towards the other marks, dark like the night sky, but red and orange like the barely existent sun's glow. She frowned as she focused back on the adult.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked gruffily.

Nara's eyes widened as he gazed right into her. Something about those pale eyes. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she failed to speak. This action only seemed to aggravate the lion as he came closer, his tail flicking behind him.

"I said. What are you doing out here?" Kristanf's tone did not let up.

The young goddess trembled in fear as the lion came closer. She could not get away from the pale look at bore into her mind.

"Are you a thrall?" The male sneered. "Are you trying to get away?" The lion had gotten rougher over the past few months. He had become a seasoned reaver, his had his small collection of thralls ever growing in his den.

The cub shook her head, opening her mouth as to speak. "I…I am Nara…" she said quietly. What was a thrall? "I live here…I don't want to get away…" she reasoned, unsure if the light male would take her word.

She felt a small heat on her neck, the pendant glowing red. The male seemed to see it, as his eyes dropped from looking at her, right on to the jewelry. "A cub should not have such a piece of jewelry.
Who did you steal it from?" Kristanf had stuck to the thought this was indeed a thrall cub. What freeborn would be out this far, and this young, without a parent?

"It's mine.."

"Give it to me."


"I said." He was closer to the cub. "Give. It. To. Me."

Nara shook like a leaf on the wind. She found herself backing away, the glowing intensifying before dimming. She couldn't bring herself to reach around her neck to remove the jewelry. It was hers. She didn't steal it. Looking for an outlet to run, the cub squealed as she saw a paw aiming right for her.


Kristanf's eyes widened. The cub just…disappeared. He frowned, looking around. What kind of trick was this cub playing at? "I'll find you, you little thief." He shouted, eyes narrowing as he made one more attempt to scan the land before grunting and walking off.

On the other end of the pridelands, Nara found herself reappearing, skidding across the mud, staining the white fur. She breathed heavily, eyes closing as her head rested on the cooler ground. What was wrong with that lion? The goddess sighed, shakily getting to her feet. She looked at her pelt, then to her pendant. Everything seemed to be okay still. Sitiri was probably not going to like her returning home this dirty.

Nara looked around. She had been this way a few times before. It shouldn't be too hard to get home from here. The first stop though was finding some source of water to clean herself off with.
A drop of rain hit her nose.

"Or. Just have it rain again." She muttered out loud. "That would be fine."

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