User ImageKacela lay quite happily next to the very pale male. She had been questioning him for at least an hour and had managed to get some decent, if sometimes cryptic answers out of him. Her main questions had been about his family. Who they were, where they came from. Pahana was fairly forthcoming about this. He’d told her about his life in the rogue lands. How he had been raised to a single mother. How difficult it had been for her but his father had been a powerful male. He had born a single strong cub. His mother had looked after him well, keeping him safe until he became old enough to look after himself. His mother had gone her own way at that point. She’d gone in search of a home, leaving him alone. He had of course been a young adult at this point, his mane had grown in quite nicely and he’d happily wandered the rogue lands alone.

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He had heard about the pride where he now resided thanks to whispering in the rogue lands. He’d even heard about them from a few prides that he passed along the way but it had taken him some time to find them. When he did though he had obviously used his gods given talent to win a place in the pride. It had been a short, but long story in a way and she had appreciated his cander, still she wanted to speak to him more and maybe watch him hunt. This process of hunting down the right male for her was going to be a long one really. She had to see them all in action before she made a firm, banding decision.

“Anything else you need to know?” Pahana spoke quietly, he had gotten quite the grilling from the lioness, not that he minded, she obviously wanted to find out what he was made of, where he came from. He supposed there would probably be other lionesses who would ask him such questions so it wasn’t a bad thing that he was being grilled like this. He would at least have the answers in his head next time he was asked. He had, had to do some deep thinking as she asked him these questions. Queries about his past weren’t that hard really, he had grown up as most lions did, he’d struck out alone in his youth, found a place in the world, sort of. He’d found his real place when he came here and he knew that he would not be welcome here forever. He had to make the most of his time in these lands and that of course meant getting to know as many ladies as possible.

He hoped maybe he could stay for longer but the winds would change at some point, someone younger and spryer would turn up and take his place but for the moment this was his first term. He had time to think about those things later.

The pale lioness laughed. She had been questioning him none stop for enough time she supposed. “Well I think we should take a little break. Lets go to the watering hole and have a drink before I ask you more questions.” She chuckled and stretched out her limbs, her claws unsheathed from her claws as she wriggled the slight cramping feeling out of her legs. “I wonder why we get those funny feelings in our legs when we sit still for too long?” She laughed gently and pulled herself to her paws. If nothing else came of this day at least she had, had a nice conversation with the pale male. She had been born here, raised here, she had lived with her family her whole life and the thought of leaving and being out in the rogue lands terrified her.

It was nice to learn about the world outside of the one she knew. It did wedge deep in her heart though that she would never want to leave her home. She would never want to be away from her family in that uncertain world. She wondered how the male lion felt about his limited time in the pride but she didn’t question that she simply stood and waited for him to join her.

Pahana smiled at the lioness, it would be nice to have a little drink, his tongue was fairly dry after answering all of the questions she had given to him, he was ready for a good long drink and maybe a little walk to stretch his relaxed muscles. Her question about resting made him chuckle. He had never really thought about it, she obviously had though and it made him smile. She seemed so young in that instant though she probably wasn’t that much younger than he was. He had seen more of the world than she, not that he was any wiser for it, he just knew more of the world. He knew of a world where your family didn’t stay forever. It was a world she would never have to know though if she ever had children, and if she ever had male cubs, some of her family would have to leave. He had guessed that this question time was about her choosing a male. He wasn’t at all upset about this, after all that meant he was in the running and he most certainly wouldn’t say no to the pretty pale female.

Getting to his paws Pahana stretched out just as she did and he let a yawn stretch his maw. “Lead the way my dear I will follow if you go.” He smiled and waited for her to lead the way his tail flickering in a calmly pleased manner.

The silver bronze female wrinkled her nose in a smile and trotted away from the almost entirely white male. She really did like him but she had so many options to choose from in the pride she wanted to keep those options open. She would make a decision before the end of the day after she had put Pahana through his paces.

((W/C 1019))