W...where...where am I?

The young cub looked around. No longer was she knee deep in snow banks. Now, she was just about knee deep in tall grasses, the sound of thunder crashing ahead. The cub squeaked, eyes widening in fear as she ducked down in the grass. That did little to help the now pouring rain. The water clinked on her gauntlets,

"Not good not good." The cub cried out, racing from the grasses in the rain. "Where do I go though?" She contemplated, finding the small group of trees nearby. It was better than nothing, right?

The sky darkened as lightning flashed through the sky. It illuminated the land, even though the sun was out just a mere moments ago. It was hard to tell with the thick heavy rain drops hitting the ground soaking everything in sight.

If the winged male didn't know better, he would find the scene before him comical. One of the Freeborns probably got out of their den, and not had been caught in the rain. The demigod was use to the water and the stormborn was notorious for the afternoon showers.

However, something was different. The lioness was small, and shouldn't have been away from her parents. Plus, it was hard to sneak out of dens at such a young age. Something wasn't lining up correctly.

Aldan stepped quickly to the huddle form. He there noticed trinkets around her neck, and gauntlets on her arms. Her hair had a tinge of yellow, and her tail tuft coursed it's way up almost to the base. It was as if he had met this female before....or perhaps, a relation of hers? They were almost twins, except one was much smaller.

"Hey there," the seer said gently. "You're okay. Did you get out of your den?"

Nara looked up quickly, fear evident in her eyes. "Where...where am I?" she cried out, thunder shouting overhead, causing her to flinch.

"Where are you? You're in the Myrsky Syntynyt lands. You...Where are your parents?"

Nara tilted her head. Parents? Was that...where the white snow covered her? Were they there? She shrugged. "I don't know." It was true. She had no recollection of parents, only the warmth of white fluff, and then the crashing sounds of an angry sky.

She was a strange one, Aldan thought to himself as he shook his head. No parents, funny armor... and no headache?

Was...was she a goddess? She had recently met another without wings a few weeks back, and now this one? Aldan frowned. Perhaps the best person to figure this out would be Mkhai. He had guessed his secret when he was younger. Now, there was this cub who seemed to be lost and needed help. Aldan couldn't just leave her here. His father raised him right, and with god blood running through his veins, he had no other choice but to help her.

"Don't worry. We will get you help. I know the perfect person to go see. He can explain things to you, perhaps help take you home...?" The winged male offered, watching the frightened god cub.

Nara nodded slowly. She wasn't sure if she should follow this male, but he hadn't given her reason not to. She sighed, dark blue eyes peering curiously at Aldan. The charms on her necklace glowed slightly. First the blue, then the red. She looked down at the jewels, blinking in surprise. She didn't know what that meant, but the soft light made her smile.

"Pretty." She cooed, glancing at the male to see if he saw it. Indeed, Aldan was staring at the shapes on her necklace, watching them dance before they faded back to their respective colors.

"You look familiar you know," Aldan said carefully, nodding his head, wanting the cub to follow.

Nara blinked, looking around from her covered spot before nodding carefully. "You...don't..." she said softly.

Aldan chuckled. "I should have called that. But, I think I know what you are. The question is...who are you?"

"I am Nara." The lioness chirped.

"Nara?" Aldan tilted his head, glancing at the small cub. So she knew a name, but didn't know anything else about herself? How intriguing. "Well Nara. I am Aldan. Do you know what you are?" He asked cautiously.

The cub thought for a moment, the rain now starting to drizzle instead of the downpour just a mere moment. She shrugged as her answer, shaking her head.

Aldan hummed. Hmm. He did not know anything about how the lives of the Gods worked. What domain did she reside over? He was sure she would find out in the future, but right now was questionable. Mkhai would definitely be able to answer his questions, and perhaps help the cub out in general.

Hopefully he was home...

Sighing, the adolescent picked up the pace. He should have taken the cub home. Vidar, his father, would know about deities. After all, his mother was one. But Aldan had grown quite found of the blue camo male that any opportunity to speak with him had the young adolescent jumping.

As they walked, Aldan watched the curious look on Nara's face. "Does anything look familiar to you, Nara?" The male asked.

Again, the cub shook her head. "Should it...?" She asked back, ear flickering towards him.

Well, there went that theory.

The cub had not come from the pride. This path was well known, and something parents would bring children on on a daily basis just to play. "No," he sighed. "I guess not." He wanted to quicken his pace, but found if he went too fast, the cub may not be able to keep up. He could already see her getting distracted by other things around her. "Nara, no This way." Aldan has said, nudging the goddess from a rather bright flower back to the trail. The young goddess huffed, but listening, stepping in Aldan's foot print.

When they arrived at the den, Aldan took a breath. Here went nothing.

"Mkhai... I...I think we have a problem." he called out to the lion in the den, hoping he would be home.


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