She had been wandering for awhile now. Every part of her body ached. She wanted to turn around and go home; to snuggle against her siblings and parents were just a wondrous thought for her. If she was there right now, she knew she wouldn’t be as tired as she was…as hungry as she was, or even as dirty and grimy as she was.

Her beautiful red pelt was now covered with dust and dried mud. It no longer looked red, but more so brown and an almost coffee color. She’d be surprised if she jumped in a lake if the caked on muck would even come off. That was how gross she was feeling then.

Lying down, the female sighed. Why could she just the will to go home and be with her family like before. Oh right…Individualism.

As the female laid down, small ears perked up from a hiding spot. She didn’t look too scary, but she couldn’t be too sure. Slowly, the young goddess inched as close as she could, her nose wrinkling as her gauntlets clanged together. Her dark eyes watched the interesting creature before her before a large cough erupted from her maw.

She tried to cover it up, but it was loud enough for anyone within the vicinity to hear. Her eyes widened, hunching as low to the ground as he could to hide from the strange creature.

So much for laying low.

As the cough was heard, Aine instantly was back on her feet. Her ears perked, hearing the sickened one coming from the west, just near. She inched closer to it, sniffing at the grasses. There was definitely a scent there.

”Come out,” she said calmly. “I’m not going to hurt you.” She was too tired to fight anyone anyways. And besides, it sounded as if this creature was small, but not as small as say a rabbit or hare. “Come onnn…” She whined. “I don’t bite. My bark is literally worse!” She joked.

Finally, she spotted the form. A small cub, but something was different about it. Was it wearing...armor?

Gwenhwyfar's eyes widened. Uh-oh! She was caught! Curse her little cough she had gotten from her sibling. “Please,” she rasped out. “Don’t hurt me.” If listened to closely, her breathing was slightly off. Whether that was from being spooked by the canine or what, no one knew, but certainly it was going to be found out soon.

"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I snuck away. I…uh…should be getting to my mom,” her voice cracked. The small goddess cub was not use to speaking with others of a different species, let alone when she was sick.

Aine’s ears lowered. “But…you just got here.” She said slowly, hearing the tone of the cub’s voice. What was wrong with her. Was she sick? Maybe she should help her get back to her mom. “Do you have a cold little one? You know, I picked up this remedy for sore throat a few moons ago by this rogue lion. He said it works wonders on the raspiest of voices!” The canine stated enthusiastically.

Aine ignored the fact of what the Goddess actually was for the time being. She needed help, that was all that mattered.

Gwenhwyfar's ears lowered as her body if they possibly could lowered to the ground. “You can’t help me.” She sighed, her voice never failing to rid of that rasp. “It should just pass soon. No need for you to get sick for trying." Her tone was down, holding so much emotion for such a young cub. “I am sure mom or dad will know how to fix this..." She said quietly, shaking her head.

Aine lowered her stance to be at a more level position with the cub. “You can trust me, you know…” the female canine sighed. “I just offered to help. It couldn't hurt, especially if it could be a different use of what has been tried. Tell me…” She looked at the younger cub, inching closer to her.

”Tell you what? I don’t need a help of a strang---“ she back up, eyes widening as she hacked up a clear phlegm from hher throat. It was disgusting, and it never ending lately.

She winced at the hack, and when the young cub had spit up a little mucus, she turned her head away. Lifting herself off the ground, she headed towards the rock she had claimed as her own for the time being. There, she saw the same plants Koki, the medi-lion in training, had shown her. Grabbing them with her maw, she pulled the growing plant up to the roots, bringing it over to the sickly cub.

”Please…Just take this to your mother. Tell her to mush it with a little water from the waterhole. Try it, and can’t hurt more than you are already hurting. Right?”

”Fine...I will take them. But I don't know if mom will let me have them." Mortal objects and divine objects sometimes didn't mesh well. She glanced at the female canine. She could feel her throat constricting again, knowing another coughing spell was about to erupt from her little throat. The goddess of fidelity quickly snagged the herbs from Aine before pivoting on her paws. She didn’t want her to see another sick spell, so she quickly turned her head. She hated seeing others worry about her, mortal or not. Maybe, just maybe these herbs would help that nasty cough, and she could find the canine in the future to thank her.

The young goddess of fidelity walked away, the herbs placed in her mouth.

As Aine watched the cub leave, a little sigh of relief escaped her maw. At least she took the herbs. She was in no way a healer, so she had hoped the medi-lions words were true. However, just to know the female had taken them made her a little more comfortable. “Take care little one.”

They were the last words said to each other.

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