Another day. Ciro didn’t know how many weeks had passed since meeting and dueling the dark lioness at the Myrsky Syntynyt borders, but it was enough he was sure more white hairs were starting to sprawl from his head. He attributed that mainly Astrus and Kristanf, newly formed Reavers who still found it necessary to bother him. Ciro would continue to shut them out, tell them to find their own band or Captain to bother. They were the same rank as him currently, they did not need to continue to trouble him.

It was what made him leave the pride on another Viking so soon. Then again, Ciro was one to never stay put in the pride. If he did not have the Stormborn, he probably would always be a rogue.

Today though, today was one of those days Ciro wished he would have stayed in the comfort of his den. It was rather stormy, and if there was one thing Ciro hated was being out in the rain. He looked like a wet dog, water droplets dripping from his silver mane. Weather like this also made Vikings more difficult. Prey was harder to catch, thralls were harder to spot, stripped pelts could get ruined when the water touched them. There was a series of troubles that stormy weather brought.

From above, a white falcon soared, watching the scene unfold before her. She had recently gotten use of the wing again after the oaf had managed to mangle it. Why she chose to stay with the dark male she was unsure of, yet here she was, listening in on the conversation playing before her.

“What do you want to do Captain? Find shelter?” The black lion asked his lead. Listening to his reply, Ciro nodded. It was always up to him to find something that would suit the traveling band of lions. It just meant he’d be off more on his own, something Ciro preferred for the most part.

”And Ciro, I expect if you come across that lioness again you bring her back to me.” the Captain had stated.

One of the previous raids Ciro had taken part of he had met Ruka. Unbeknownst to him and the other, their meeting had been watched by another in their group and reported back to the Captain. A mild scuffle occurred afterwards, but being the good Reaver he was, Ciro gave his word to the Captain to bring her in next time he saw her. He hoped he’d never see that female again.

With a nod, the lion loped off, golden eyes set forward, narrowing to avoid the heavy droplets of water from entering.

As Ciro left, Gwen followed close behind before landing on his back. "You are considering what he said?" She asked quietly.

Ciro didn't answer. How should he? He didn't take thralls, but he also didn't want the white female to become a thrall to another, let alone his captain. The dark lion did not always keep the best company, but he had no choice in the matter of picking a new captain.

"Follow your heart. You have a good one." The Goddess in disguised advised, resting on his back as he continued.

This particular area Ciro did not know well. It would probably be a while before he could even find a decent shelter for his Captain and the three other reavers that joined them. Sighing, Ciro slowed his lope to a walk when out of his companions view. He debated waiting until the rain passed to continue looking for a shelter, but knowing how storms were that could be a while. It was pretty dark too, which only made matters worse. A bolt of lightening crashed through the sky, illuminating the world around him. It also caused a small ‘eep’ to his left, barely audible over the pouring rain.

"What was that?" Gwen asked cautiously.

Ignoring his avian for a moment, Ciro moved towards the sound, spotting the familiar femae trying to huddle under a bush.

“Astrid?” He called out, unaware how shocked his own voice sounded. “Is that you?”

The sound of the other lion brought her away from the curled position, as pink eyes stared up to meet the golden orbs. “Ciro’mekaitso?”

Ciro watched as Astrid shuddered, likely from the cold rain. He frowned, quickly heading towards the female, using his body to try and shield the weather from her. “What are you doing out here? Why are you out here? Your children are worried sick about you!” The dark lion quietly berated.

“I…got lost.” Was the meek reply the female offered the reaver. “I was hoping to find Kaitrus out here….I found some others, just not him.”

Ah, Kaitrus. Ciro had not seen that particular reaver in a while. If he was called out on a Viking and had yet to return then, well, one could only hope for the best for him. “You shouldn’t have left by yourself. Your children and I went looking for you months ago.” Had it been that long? Time had definitely flown. He was amazed how much the two children of the pink female’s had grown, not in stature but in mentality. Astrus had even gone out on her own Viking. Ciro was sure she’d remain a homebody with the reaver title.

“ have? I’m sorry…” Astrid murmured. “I…I would like to go home now…if that’s okay…” The lioness said quietly, looking away from Ciro’s gaze.

The dark lion nodded. “Of course. We need to find shelter first to bypass this rain. Gwen, can you scout for a cave nearby? Once it’s gone, I will take you back to the pride.” He was sure his Captain wouldn’t mind if he was bringing the thrall back to her home. The Captain would probably take the credit in locating her anyways. Ciro shrugged at the thought. At least he had found her, which meant Astrus was going to be ecstatic upon their return.

The avian was quick to flight once more as she took to the air, looking for a cave. Her beady eyes found one nearby. She assessed midflight, before heading back.

Astrid nodded, her head resting against one of Ciro’s massive paws. “Think they will be mad?”

Ciro sook his head. “I don’t think so. They are going to be happy to see you.” He countered, stepping just slightly away from the female and nudging her up. Upon seeing the return of Gwen, he gave her a questioning look.

"Not too far east of her, Ciro." She said, glancing at Astrid.

The lion nodded. "Let's head that way then. Come on Astrid," it was best to wade out the storm before returning home.

Rising to her feet, Astrid shrugged. “I guess…” She was cold, and just wanted to get out of the rain. “We will go home?” She asked hopefully.

“Yes, Astrid. We will be going home.”
