Something just didn't feel right.

Gwenhwyfar had wait until Mkhai had left her den, before stretching herself from the ground, and stepping outside herself. There was no one nearby. No sounds, no anything. Her eyes darkened as she looked to her stomach. It just...what was wrong?

Her stomach growled after waiting for a few minutes. Hunting was always difficult for the female, especially in the Stormborn lands. She was more use to the rogue lands, in which he knew most spots where you can see a herd of antelope or zebra roaming. Here, you had to keep an extra eye on everything. There were so many in the pride that it would be hard to detect much movement. This is also why she enjoyed her falcon form. With it, meant she would be able to just quickly grab a small field mouse and get her fill. In her true form, she needed a bit more sustenance.

When Gwen left the den, she headed North. Her stomach growled again. She would keep an eye on the surrounding area, all in all while listening to sound of anything that could be food. When she heard and saw nothing, she tried a different route.

There was not much left in this area either. The Goddess of Fidelity found herself in a secluded area, with a small garden having formed. The flowers were pretty, but they felt out of place. Someone had intentionally put the beauty here, but how would they survive? The land itself was always covered in storms, it was endearing that such small life would be able to survive.

Luckily, with that being said, the rain seemed to create a thick mud on the ground. Struggling in the thickness was what Gwen would soon consider a new meal. A hare, dark brown in color, struggled to get through the muck. Upon seeing the Goddess in her form, it struggled harder. Whether it was from a deity or from a larger predator above them it was unclear.

"Shh." Gwen soothed crooned, stalking up to the struggling hare. It should not have been Gwen's place to take a life even as meager as a hare, yet her stomach rumbled. She hesitated, placing a paw near the rabbit's ear. She felt the soft fur, the light trembling underneath. Closing her eyes, she settled for the fact it needed to be done.

It was an easy kill. Gwen just took a swipe and the rabbit ceased to breathe. She pulled the little hare from the muck, licking it’s fur to rid the taste of dirt. If only the lands would start raining, she would be able to rinse her new meal instead of clean it herself.

"I don't believe I have seen one calm a prey before it's death." A voice said from behind Her. A younger male, still growing his mane, had watched the entire scene unfold.

Gwen seemed to freeze as she turned her head quickly at the voice. Her shoulders sagged. Here she was, still in full gear out in the open. How misleading of her. "I give what I expect to receive." She stated. "If I were in its place, that is what I would want. Besides who knows if the hare will return one day and think of its past memories."

Aldan shrugged slightly. "Maybe." The demigod stood, shaking his head in silence. "They are good words to live by. I am Aldan. You are a god?"

Gwen sighed. "Goddess...actually." She said quietly. "Though, normally this isn't the form I would want a mortal to see."

Aldan peered at her curious. "Oh. Why is that?"

"Mortals see the divine differently than how we would. I would prefer to stay hidden, to keep my life relatively normal here. Please," Gwen quickly added. "Do not go telling others I am here. I do not need to explain myself to anyone."

The lion nodded. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I know many secrets of this pride, and seeing a Goddess is nonetheless exciting, but does not surprise me. Though. You do lack wings. Are most Gods wingless?"

Gwen shook her head, eyeing the rabbit kill at her feet. "Most have wings. Few of us lack. It helps us blend in easier." She knew Mkhai had a bad time keeping hidden with just his form.

Aldan nodded. "That's pretty cool though. Well. Like I said, your secret is safe with me. Do you have a name? Or can I call you by Goddess hiding in the pridelands?" The adolescent joked.

This caused Gwen to chuckle out loud. "Call me Gwen. And what, kind sir, may I call you?"

"Oh. I am Aldan. Son of Captain Vidar, and son of the Goddess of Rebirth." He shifted his back. "It's why I have these wings you know. I can't fly with them, but it allows me to remember who my mother is, even if I can't physically remember her face."

Goddess of rebirth? This child was a demigod?

Gwen frowned in thought. "Well, Aldan. It is a pleasure to have met you. Perhaps you should run along. Remember, don't let anyone know what you saw here, okay?"

Aldan quickly nodded as he raced off. "Secrets Safe!" he called out, his voice echoing in the wind.

She ate in silence, only having her ears perk up when the sounds of wind rustled against the tree heads above. When her meal was over, she licked her lips, leaving whatever was left for vultures and any of predator that licked to scavenge. Perhaps another lion would like the small remnants.

Gwen took a step forward, approaching the cliffs. She watched the waves crash against the side. Many times she had heard stories of lions falling to their deaths from here. She was curious if she had seen any of those souls up in the Haven.

Another step forward, and Gwen was at the edge. It took a lot for a God to die.

She stepped off the edge, feeling herself plummet down the cliff. She willed herself to teleport, and instead, found her form shifting. Her falcon body resumed as she swooped over the waved, wings slightly touching the waters edge.

Back in falcon form? That meant...

She flew back up to the cliff's edge, where she just took a step. She hovered, beady eyes settling on her stomach as she landed.

"No wonder things felt strange." She murmured, taking flight to the air, and out of the Stormborn lands.

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