Nokuthula swiped at a rock and watched as it danced across the ground before skidding to a halt, a trail of dust coming up in it's path.

"Bored?" Her mother asked raising a brow as Avani sat on a rock not far away enjoying the warmth of the sun in her feathers.

"I wouldn't really say that I'm bored mother." What did she want? Well she knew what she wanted but she was uncertain of a lot of things.

It wasn't long before a familiar figure began to come into view and the two lioness's smiled fondly towards the Inselelo as he approached their current location. Avani was rather indifferent about lions, she had other things to worry about like her hatchlings and what might become of them in the future.

"Afternoon, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" He hoped he wasn't but you never could tell with the lioness's in these lands. They were sneaky creatures that held more power than one might think they did. Though how often was anyone new really in the pride long enough to notice such things before having to take leave of their presence.

There was no denying the females here were a special breed indeed and he'd remember his time here long after memories of him faded into background noise.

"No, you're not interrupting." Liyana said with a soft voice as she looked the male over. Being a mother wasn't anything new for the older female but she knew her daughter was likely on the verge of motherhood. It made her chuckle inwardly at the thought, given it hadn't seem that long since she was where her daughter was.

"Are your children doing well?" He'd only had one litter upon their lands so far but it seemed to be that they were thriving well despite the fact he'd had a majority being males. Though a number of their lot had bred recently and also obtained mostly males into their ranks as well, she blamed that on the fact they'd chosen outside males instead of the one's available within the pride. Truly Noku only thought that a necessary thing if you happened to be related to all of the males available. The odds of that happening were slim to none, but she figured it was a possibility for someone at one point or another.

"Oh yes, they're growing up so big and strong. They're reaching the age where the males will have to take leave with me, but Sayalimaz and myself have decided to leave as a group so that the young adults won't be completely on their own when they leave." He wondered if anyone had ever done that before in the pride and by the looks on their faces it wasn't something that seemed to happen often, unless you included Kuhasa but beyond that they didn't know of anyone.

Avani preened a couple of her chest feathers. "How is Bandile enjoying his bonding time with your son?" The first time mother was pleased to know her chicks were bonding with the lions of the pride, even if one of them had to end up leaving. That was the circle of life and she was alright with that, she knew that no matter what ended up happening he'd be in safe paws.

"Oh they're doing wonderful. It makes me wish I'd of kept him for myself." Laughing at his own joke he realized it fell on deaf ears.

Giving a small shrug of his shoulders he made himself comfortable around the two adults and looked them over. "Anything new to report at all?" He asked the Cinga and Liyana gave a small thought.

Was there anything new or pressing? "Everything seems fairly as it should be. Nothing out of the ordinary and despite the warmer temperatures none of the watering holes have dried up so I'd have to say that we have nothing new to report." Which was a good thing. Hopefully things remained calm like this for some time but who was to say, it was already starting to grow unreasonably warm almost early in the year. Would they suffer another drought like they had not long ago?

Driving such thoughts from her head she looked over at her Avian companion and gave a smile. "We should be getting back to a few of our duties though." Liyana stood up and gave her daughter a nuzzle on the cheek before turning to face Budek. "I hope when your time comes to leave you have a safe travel to wherever you end up next. If we don't see one another again before you go." Avani gave a stretch of her wings and took to the sky as the duo left the younger generation alone.

Noku wondered why her mother had to go and do that but then realized why when she looked at Budek. He was young, handsome and new to the pride. While she wasn't sure she was ready to be a mother she did know she needed something and clearly it was something he had to offer. "So Budek, would you mind helping me?"

As he watched the silvery female he wasn't entirely sure what she was getting at, then he figured out where she might be going with this. "I am here to serve, what is it that you need help with?" Voice like silk as he spoke to her, watching as she moved closer and closer to him.

To be honest he wasn't quite used to stuff like this yet and wasn't sure he ever would be, which was probably a good thing. He didn't want to leave the pride and expect stuff like this to still happen to him. "I seem to have this unscratchable itch and it would appear you're the only one that could help me." Her voice thrummed as she rubbed her face against his neck before sliding her body along his, her tail wrapping around his face gently to guide him after her.

As duty would call the male would never turn down a female that was willing and wanting, at least not while he was within this prides boarders so he followed after her.

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