"Darling, watching them won't make the pain go away," Dr'stan told Cynosuth gently, as she stared up at the Flight taking place above. "Nor will it help them to know how you feel." He placed his hand gently on his little Green's neck, leaning into her. The weight of his body against her comforted her slightly, but could not make the ache of her broken hearts any duller. I. I know.

Oh, but it hurt. Why couldn't they wait for me? she asked painfully, staring up at the dancing forms above her. They were beautiful together, of that there could be no doubt. But oh, Cynosuth had wanted so much... It.

It didn't matter, in the end. What she'd wanted. All of that was ashes in the wind. Her hearts were sore with the thought of what would soon take place. Menankith was in love. And... not... not...

Not... Not with me.

"You don't know that, sweetheart." Reaching up, Dr'stan scratched her eyeridges, sending a wave of love and affection to her. "He could very well love you as well."

He... he could?

"Yes, darling. He could love you too. And if he doesn't, it will be fine. Remember, there are other dragons out there who are worthy of your love." At her silence, he leaned a little closer to her. "Cynosuth... you love both Menankith and Aresoth."


"So... isn't it sort of... fair... for him to love more than one dragon?" Dr'stan pressed, patting her neck again. "And besides, aren't you attracted to Elzebuth too? And Kindeth?" Which rather made her wounded pride a little silly, if she would only just think about it.

... Contemplative silence.

"So... is the problem that he doesn't love you, or that you feel left out?" the rider asked, staring up into his dragon's eyes, his arms wrapped around her neck.

... I'm not sure if he loves me. And I do feel left out.

"It is okay to feel left out... but let me ask you one more thing. Cynosuth, have you told Menankith how you feel? Or are you just getting hurt because he should know?"

... Embarrassed silence.

... I haven't told him, no.

"Well, there you go."