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[PRP] You’re going to be an uncle... (Tarni & Sol)

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Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2018 12:47 pm
User ImageWhen she had sussed out she was pregnant, she had panicked, that panicked had lead to a hundred thousand questions that she had managed to form in her mind. principal amongst them was what she was going to do. She had of course come from a long line of Bahari’mtoto lions. She could hardly say she didnt know the rules of the pride. She had been raised to live the traditional life after all. Grow up, find a mate, have babies.. The find a mate bit had simply evaded her. While her slightly older sister and several of her other siblings had found love and expanded the pride, considerably in some cases, she had been stuck in an endless loop of being the odd one out.

She supposed thats as why she had, had so many questions on her mind even before she had found her belly swelling. She had considered, though very briefly, leaving the Bahari, even if only for a short time, to travel and see other places, maybe even find someone out there that would call her beautiful.

Tarni had never been nearly as head strong as her eldest sister Afina. Her bluest of siblings had settled down when she was much younger and her progeny were strong and grown, though coincidentally she had become pregnant a little before herself, so they were sort of doing this together.

Afina had insisted she move in with her and Xenon so they could help with raising the cubs that were starting to wriggle around in her ever expanding belly, and despite the slightly, disappointed, looks on their faces she had. She didn’t know the first thing about raising cubs, her sister on the other hand could certainly be classed as an experienced raiser of cubs.

The one thing she hadn’t told Afina yet, she hadn’t told anyone in fact, was who the father of her cubs was. She was a little frightened to say, what with recent events. The loss of their king, the whispers of traditionalists, even the looks from her family, those looks of sympathy. Well it wasn’t like she hadn’t known what she was doing, she was of course an adult lioness, she had spent a night, a couple of nights, with a handsome male from the stormborn and now, she was thoroughly up the duff. What she of course knew, was that these little bundles, that she wanted, but was a little more than simply worried about, were related to others in the pride. That was why she was out and about.

The dawn was long past as she made her way down the beach in search of a familiar face. Well, more a familiar marking. Solomon was Tethys’ brother and she wanted to tell him, no, more wanted him to know that he would soon be an uncle. She hoped he would be pleased, or at least that he wouldn’t give her the disappointed look that her siblings and parents, grand parents... Her family was so large, everyone had looked at her with sympathy and a look of disappointment. Yet, despite the looks, she was actually happy, happy that she could bring new life to the pride even if it wasn’t really in the traditional way.
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 5:49 am
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He was rather relieved when his daughter had specifically requested that she be allowed to explore the world outside for a while. At first he had been concerned, but when he had met the hybrid she intended to travel with, he'd felt more at ease. Meera had a good head on her shoulders and would ensure Ijiraq didn't act too foolishly, and Ijiraq to her credit had been raised well and remembered some of her lessons.

Honestly, it was probably a good time to do it as well... Huo hadn't been the only one to sense the rising hostility within the pride towards the females who had done something they very much weren't supposed to. While it hadn't yet boiled over and become something beyond control, the whispers had become louder and the gazes had become more critical. It had all emerged rather quickly, almost as if there had been those waiting in the wings for this moment to happen.

Solomon had never been superstitious and as a consequence, their attempts to take advantage of coincidences was an irritation for him, but not one he knew how to handle just yet. He was rapidly approaching that bridge though and at some point he was going to have to cross it.

For now though, all the white lion could do was continue to function in the same way he always had. He'd continue to build new homes for the new arrivals, and he would welcome each as pleasantly as he always had. As Tarni rounded the corner she was to be of no exception and a warm smile climbed on to his lips.

"Morning Tarni," He called from his place within one of the holes he'd dug, though he did begin to haul himself out of it so that she didn't have to converse with a head and some shoulders.

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:33 am
Epine de Rose

She had hoped he would be easy to find. She knew he was a diligent worker and searching around the newly constructed dens was of course a good call as she found herself face to face with the pale male. Or part of him any way. She couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. This big male nothing but a head and feet.

Of course he quickly broke the illusion by raising up from the hole he was digging. “Good morning Solomon.” It almost felt strange to her to reply to his greeting in exactly the same way, that maybe mirroring his speech pattern might just make him more accepting of what she was about to tell him. Shaking her ears she stopped in her tracks, close enough that he could hear her words without having to do any sort of raised voice.

“It’s a beautiful day..” Small talk would help. She really needed to ease herself in to this. She took a deep breath and looked around, not too many builders here yet, still, this conversation, she really wanted it to be a little more, private. She knew the news would get around the pride soon enough and quick enough once her cubs were born but for now she wanted their parentage to stay with as few sets of ears as possible.

“Uhm.. Is there any chance I could have a moment of your time.. alone?” The lioness rolled her shoulders uncomfortably and glanced around. How many of the builders had heard her? How would this request be viewed by the pride? She was in such a complicated mess. “I have a request of you.. For my den.. when I move back in to it.” This sounded like the worst excuse in the world even to her ears it sounded like a lie but she had to give them something, or they would probably, no, they would definitely spread some sort of rumour. The pride was certainly a nest of rumours at the moment and none of them were very nice rumours. She didn’t want to add fuel to the fire, buts he really wanted to speak to Solomon, she had to tell him, no she wanted to tell him sooner rather than later that he was going to be an uncle.
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 6:50 am
"So long as it isn't a pool extension," Solomon remarked, making reference to his own mate's love of the pool he had in his own den. He'd turned his den into a bit of an experiment before Krisis had simply invaded and decided she was going to remain there. She'd been rather taken with his pool and his sand castles, all of which had been experimental, but he wasn't entirely certain he'd want to take the time to build more of the damn pools.

He lifted a paw and motioned for her to move away from the den he had been digging through. He made his own way, confident she'd follow, and settled himself a bit away from his work and comfortable in the shade. If there was one thing he could be relied upon for, it was that he didn't seem to give any rise to gossip and nor did he seem to care overly much what others thought... if he had, then he'd probably have been a bundle of stress and in a constant bad mood.

Instead, he tended to just go with the flow...

"So what can I do for you?" he asked and tilted his head to the side. "With the exception of building a pool," he added.

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2018 7:41 am
Tarni chuckled. She’d heard about the pool extension, who hadn’t but of course, that wasn’t actually why she wanted to speak to him. She let a soft sigh escape over her lips. “If only it was something as simple as a pool.”

She followed after the pale male, happy to move to somewhere more shady. Despite it being early morning she could tell it was going to be a warm day. The shadows dappled over her body and she settled herself in to a gentle sit, her belly felt weird when she sat. She had been told this was all a part of pregnancy, it still felt weird. Another sigh rolled over her lips. How was she supposed to broach this subject exactly?

“I’m going to need a little extension on my den.” Again a pause as she lifted a paw and touched her belly. “I guess you know I’v made a little.. mistake.” She sighed gently, mistake was a bit of an understatement. The way the pride was at the moment her mistake was a slightly more terrifying than usual one. She was here to ask for Solomons help though so she really should get down to the brass tacks of the matter. “The Father, he isn’t from around here.” She smiled at the rainbow marked male, she was sort of hoping he would put two and two together but maybe she was being too cryptic about all of this?

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 1:40 am
"Everyone makes mistakes," Solomon shrugged. "Some more severe than others," he added and shook his head. "You've met my brother, I think at this point he takes the cake on 'mistake'," he smiled wryly. While even he could see that it hadn't really been Tethys who had killed Ram, he also appreciated that many in the pride would blame him. Tethys had been the one to visit, to lead those creatures here... And while it had been Ram's decision to let him in and to provide them aid, this point was conveniently forgotten.

Ram had succumbed to fate because he had made the decisions that led to them, Tethys had simply been the messenger. Nevertheless, Solomon knew that he'd also encouraged a serious amount of issues. There was something about a 'bad boy' that appealed to those who lived an often quiet life and Tarni wasn't the first to fall to that temptation. Quite frankly, she wasn't going to be the last either.

"I had figured you would need one already," Solomon wasn't one to be subtle on occasions and he'd seen enough pregnant lionesses in his time to know what was coming, even in their early stages. "And I didn't think he was," he admitted and shook his head. "If he was, I suspect you would have been quick marched up the aisle to say your vows."

"Small favours if you'd decided he wasn't the one for you anyway," Solomon waved his paw. "Could you imagine being shackled to someone you weren't genuinely in love with them?" He raised both brows and shook his head, they were fortunate that Ram had at least conceded that an unhappy marriage was not a marriage.

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 11:23 am
Tarni’s ears twitched at the mention of Tethys. She was fairly glad he had broached the subject of his sibling. This was after all why she was really here. Though an extension on her den actually sounded very nice there were more pressing matters than building work. She laughed gently, he was correct about being forced to marry someone she didn’t love. “It would be nice, to find someone, some day.. I just don’t think it is meant to be for me.” She sighed, she hated confessing to such a thing but the cards had fallen that way for her, maybe the fling had simply been to fulfil a need that wasn’t being fulfilled that someone really loved her.

“Well.. About Tethys.” She sighed gently, making a quick decision to just spit it out. There was really no point in beating around the bush after all. “These cubs, they are your brothers.” She blushed furiously, she felt like she needed some excuse, though she was guessing by the way he spoke of his sibling that he knew full well how charming Tethys could be.

“You know, no one ever called me beautiful before and I’m not confident like Afina, I’v never really known what I wanted out of life. These, these little lives, they may have been a bit unexpected, and, well, while they may be an accident, I will love them and raise them properly.” She paused, she felt like she had just rambled out a whole lot to the pale rainbow winged male.

“I.. I need your help Solomon, I haven’t told my family who their father is yet. I don’t.. I don’t want them to be hurt.. or blamed.” She looked at her paws guiltily, she didn’t feel that way of course, the loss of their king was hard on everyone and some blamed Tethys for his part in what had happened. “I just want these babies to be loved.”

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2018 1:02 pm
He genuinely didn't seem surprised as Tarni blurted out what she had clearly needed to tell him, he'd had a feeling she wasn't interested in the den. Generally speaking the Bumani were quite good at preparing these extensions well in advance and her's was highly likely to be of no exception. The lioness's den would be extended in due time and she wouldn't have needed to ask for it unless she wanted changes.

...Even then, she could have asked any other Bumani.

"And in a surprise that comes to absolutely no one..." He sighed and shook his head. "He certainly as a way with females, apparently his silver tongue works well on you even if I'm immune," he grimaced. "Although to be fair I'm immune to most of his bullshit, it comes with the territory," he admitted. This would be the second set of Tethys's children that would be part of the Bahari'mtoto and unsurprisingly, they had come to a lioness who had succumbed to his charms. Granted, Krisis's had occurred while she wasn't in the Bahari'mtoto but they had still stayed.

"Might I suggest next time you see him you clout him?" He sounded exasperated, but he didn't seem to be judging her. Fortunately for Tarni he was used to this by now, Solomon could only imagine how his half-sister might react to whatever blow-ins turned up in the Stormborn under Tethys's banner as well.

...It was probably a Kodak moment.

"Get in early, there will probably be a queue," he added with a groan and clucked his tongue. "Well, I suppose all I can really say is congratulations and welcome to the family," he mused. "You'll be pleased to find out that it never gets any less chaotic and Krisis will be the absolute bane of your existence once she gets her paws on you," he rolled his eyes.

"She'll be dolling you up and making you look 'presentable' before you have the chance to say the 'K' in her name," he warned. "Fortunately the rest of your cubs' half siblings seem to be not quite as manic as their mother so your cubs should be just fine in their company..."

Well, that was easy was it not? He definitely didn't seem surprised, and the only disappointment he seemed to radiate was directed at his otherwise missing brother!

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:39 am
Epine de Rose

Tarni looked at him surprised for the longest of heartbeats. He had replied to her in a way she completely hadn’t expected. He seemed more disappointed in his brother, or well, more not surprised that this had occurred. She’d been surprised. Of course she had. The fact that she had fallen for him, in a way, because he was kind to her. She felt naive as the pale male spoke. “I wouldn’t hit him, he, he may have a silver tongue, but it is my mistake too. He has left me with something wonderful, just, unexpected.”

The surprise she felt melted away a little when he spoke of Krisis, she had cubs with Tethys too, she hadn’t even thought about them. Her cubs would be related to some unusual members of the pride. It made her a little happy to think about it. What would Krisis’ cubs think of their younger siblings?

“I.. thank you.” She smiled, she felt so pleased yet she felt tears roll down her cheeks. “I wasn’t sure what you would say. My family.. They don’t really understand.” She croaked, though she quickly lifted a paw and wiped her eyes. “I just want them to grow up happy and loved Solomon, that’s all I want.” She smiled up at him, she had heard many whisperings about of late and she wanted her babies to be protected from those who were upset about recent events. She hoped that he understood what she meant, and she of course knew she was surrounded by family, a large, old family, but she needed this, newer family to help too, to protect the children that would be born to a lion that some of the pride blamed for the death of their king.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:38 am
"And they will be," Solomon was reliably matter-of-fact. Despite the under currents that might exist in the pride at this particular moment in time, he still had faith in the majority. While Tarni might experience a few side long glances, her cubs would be safe. Hell, even if she experienced those glances and even remarks, he was fairly certain that her family would round on those individuals fairly quickly.

...What Tarni had done was a mistake, but that didn't mean her family didn't love her and wouldn't keep her safe. The same could be said for the young cubs who would soon find themselves in the world. Xenon and Afina were likely to dote on them, and Solomon would unite behind them to ensure that it went without saying - the children were Bahari and if anyone thought otherwise, they could say it to his face.

And then he would conveniently collapse their dens and feign ignorance (even he could be an arse sometimes).

"There's not really much I can say beyond that, there's no point in debasing my brother for actions that have already occurred; it won't change anything... But you should give your family some credit. I think they might understand more than you realise," he smiled gently. "These aren't the first cubs Afina will have assisted with that have no father, you know?" he pointed out gently.

It was true, Afina had loved and cared for all those cubs an their mothers regardless of their mistakes... Even if Afina didn't agree with the actions they had taken. Solomon firmly believed that she would love and care for her own sister just as much, if not more!

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 2:40 am
Epine de Rose

The mostly teal lioness gave a sigh, Solomon really had taken a huge weight off her shoulders. She felt relieved that he was happy to call her family, pleased that he had a different outlook. Though of course she knew that her family would look after her, it was nice to know she had a second family, an extended family she could rely upon.

“My sister, she is the busiest body I know.” She laughs gently, the thought of her older sibling made her smile, she knew she could rely on Afina, she could rely on her family to treat the cubs with love and respect. They would be doted upon by many, as their neices, nephews, brothers, sisters and grand children were before them. She just had to try and ignore the whispers that followed her.

“Thank you Solomon.. I, I really do appreciate it.” She gave a sigh, she truely wished she hadn’t been so silly, but, she was looking forward to being a mother, her cubs would be adored, they would have lots of play mates and they would be loved. That was all that mattered to her really. She smiled at the pale male and gave him an appreciative head bump. “I should get home before Afina comes looking for me. I thinks he has decided I need a nanny even bore these little ones come.” She laughed, she was only half joking.

“When the cubs are born, will you come and see them? I’d like someone from their fathers side to help name them.” She smiled getting slowly to her paws, she took a step away from Solomon, taking a deep breath she padded off towards her den, she wouldn’t be in it for too much longer as Afina was insisting that she move in with her and Xenon but it was nice to know that when she did go back, it would be big enough for the entirety of her new family.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:08 am
"I'll be one of the first there," Solomon replied. This would be a promise as well, the moment that they were born he would extract himself from his work and come to greet them. It was only fitting that he introduce them to the side of the line he would see just as frequently as Tarni's immediate family... And Solomon was as close as they would likely get to meeting anyone on their father's side.

...Well, unless Arimathras showed up to cuddle them which would have been a distinct possibility if she hadn't seemed to have disappeared. Solomon had assumed she was busy elsewhere but it was rather unlike her to at least pop in and say hello. At least Tarni could be certain that at some point the deity would be around to say hello whether the blue lioness was ready for it or not (and to be honest, she probably needed that additional love)!

"Just say the word and I'll come, although I suspect Afina will be loud enough for me to hear from the other side of the pride," he jested and shook his head. Tarni's sister was bubbly and full of life, if there was one thing she could be relied upon for, it was to let the world know joyous news... Well, that and she was a fantastic nanny.

"For now though... Yes I would suggest you go home just in case she comes after you like a mother hen," he grinned. "I'm surprised she hasn't already found you, you'll have to let her know she's slacking," he teased.

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose

[IC] Bahari'mtoto Lands

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