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Ammit was tired of his brother's constant reign upon him. He wasn't the pride's leader, he felt like he should be able to do what he wanted. He wanted to fight his weak-hearted brother, show his brother that he could take charge if he wanted to! The dark lion snarled, pacing as he thought. He didn't know where his brother was, just that the other would return soon.

Then he would strike.

Ammit huffed, rage expelling through the deep growl that emitted from his throat. He would fight his brother and show who was boss! Then he could make Ma'at do his bidding. It was the perfect plan!

Ma'at was slow to return to his brother. The darker of the two was... hardheaded to say the least. He needed some time to clear his head away from the slow witted male. Ammit was good for protection, but needed a lot of guidance otherwise he'd just attack anyone. While Ma'at didn't like to fight, he could hold his own in one.

Of course, not that he would let Ammit know that. Ammit was a simple male, just there to fight anf kill, where Ma'at could judge. It sometimes made Ma'at's life hard, but he loved his brother despite the agression and rage. Sometimes Ammit would test his boundaries with Ma'at and he knew that one day Ammit would attack him.

He just didn't think the day would come so soon. As Ma'at came back to the den he shared with his brother, a dark shape came hurdling at him. His brother came at him with a harsh hit, sending the lighter of the two to the ground. Ma'at grunted in pain, but Ammit was still upon him. He rolled to his side, the dark shape unsuspecting of the movement tumbled with him.

"Ammit," Ma'at snarled, shaking the dark male from his body. He shuffled back as quickly as he could, but the dark male regained his footing. His brother was beyond words, and Ma'at could only snarled.

He rolled, kicking out at his brother as soon as he neared. The dark male took the full forced of his kick, and stumbled away. Ammit coughed, not expecting the blow.

User ImageMa'at pulled himself up, now on solid footing. He watched Ammit carefully, but the darker male seemed a bit wary now. He wasn't smart by any means, Ma'at could definitely out manouver him in this. It wasn't really a fair fight. While Ammit was mainly muscle, he didn't have much stamina. Ma'at was the opposite. He was sleek, quick, but he packed a punch if he needed to.

Ammit watched his brother for a second longer before lunging again.

Ma'at was quicker though.

Ammit was thrown off balance, shoved to the ground by his brother's blow to his chest. He scrambled back to his feet, turning to lunge again. So he did, and was pushed off balance again. The same stop and go action repeated for a while. Ammit wasn't even sure how many times he tried to attack his brother, but he lost count.

And he was exhausted.

Ma'at didn't look like he was though. He was focused, watching Ammit's every move. Ammit tried to attack once more, but Ma'at pushed him to the ground, a snarl on his maw.

"Give up, brother. You won't win against me," He growled. The tone made Ammit shrink upon himself. He wanted to keep fighting! He could win. He shoved at his brother and tried to attack again, but with the weak feeling in his muscles, Ma'at was able to push him over again.

"I give up," Ammit whined, finally giving into the exhaustion. He wasn't injured, not physically. No blood had been drawn. Ma'at hadn't even swiped his claws at Ammit. He would be fine after rest, in a physical sense. That didn't mean his ego wasn't bruised, however.

Ma'at snorted, shaking his head.

"I knew this day would come, where you would try to take over," Ma'at said softly, pressing his forehead to his brothers. "I'm only doing this to protect you, keep you safe. I wouldn't do this if I didn't believe that."

Ammit huffed, turning his head away. He didn't need his brother's protection. He could take care of himself just fine!!

But could he? Ma'at showed him how easily he could be beaten. Ma'at could have killed him at any point in their fight, but he hadn't done that. He'd simply pushed Ammit over until he couldn't fight any longer. He huffed again, turning his head away from Ma'at's touch and gaze.

Ma'at gave a bit of a sad smile and sat back. He watched as his dark brother remained where he had been pinned. The lighter of the pair spoke again. "I would not have come with you if you weren't important to me, Ammit. I love you, you're my brother. I would do anything for you."

Ammit snarled where he lay, frustrated. He didn't want to be the second in command or whatever his brother thought of him. He wanted to be better. He didn't need his brother's protection, he didn't need any of the weak, stupid emotions like the one he was feeling now. He would be better, he could be better.

Ma'at watched his brother as the other seemed to try to work out something with himself. He frowned, the pained look on his brother's face not disappating in the slightest. He gave a small hum, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like you were lesser than me, brother. We're a team, you an I," he started. "You and me against the world, you know. This is our home now, but we still have each other's back, yeah?" It was really the only truth he had known, he knew he tended to take charge, Ammit wasn't a natural leader after all.

But he could make an effort, to show Ammit that they were a team, and not some sort of hierarchy.

Ammit huffed again, but he seemed calmer. Ammit's indigo eyes bore into Ma'at's red. "A team?" He asked softly. Ma'at could only nod. The darker male's whole body seemed to sag. He could only hope that Ma'at meant his words, not just say words to placate his anger. Even so, he needed to learn how to fight against his brother.

Just in case....