(AstoriaFallen = Vijana; Fairy Snails = Mthunzi)

The brown female walked through the prides lands with a smile upon her face, it was a beautiful day and she couldn't be happier about how things were going for the pride. They were slowly growing in number and everyone was healthy, what more could be asked for?

Walking through the rolling hills towards the water her green eyes flashed to her right for a moment, she had heard something. "Who is there?" She called out, voice stern as she firmed up her stance. While she figured it was another pride member you never could tell these days.

It had been along time since Mthunzi was in Anvesana Caritra. The pride felt like it had changed so much since she left. There were new pride members roaming around and the ones she did know had aged. It looked much more alive then before. It was beautiful to see, but it made her feel like she had missed out in watching it grow.

She hadn't really been paying much attention to where she was going, just taking in all the scenery. She wanted to stop by the water to get a drink before heading up to the dens. When she heard the lioness speak up, it caught her off guard. Mthunzi stumbled into the water, causing a splash.

'That is one way to make an introduction,' Mthunzi thought as she looked at the lioness.

“Mthunzi,” the cheetah muttered as she slowly made her way out of the water. She tried to hide her annoyance with a grin toward the lioness. “I am a seeker, just got back to the pride.”

Moving forward her gaze fell upon a very dark cheetah that had stumbled into the water, whoops. Had she caused that? "Welcome back to the Pride Mthunzi, sorry if I startled you." She commented as she approached trying to hide her amusement at the situation, though to be fair it was a warm day and the water seemed very inviting. She willingly walked into the water and submerged the lower half of her body with a light sigh. "I'm Vijana, one of the Prides Guards."

"Learn or see anything interesting on your travels?"

Vijana did not look familiar to her but that was not much of a surprise. Even when she was active in the pride, she only kept close to a small group of friends. “Don't worry about it. I was already a bit on the skittish side. I guess have been away from the pride too long. It almost feels like I am in a whole new place.”

She took a moment to steady herself, her annoyance subsiding. “It is nice to meet you Vijana. Sorry for the poor introduction.”

The question about what she saw during her outing made her chuckle to herself. “Well I probably should have some real adventurous tales to share with the pride. Unfortunately I am certain that anyone who stuck around here have more impressive stories to tell. I might have gotten myself distracted while I was in the rogue lands with personal matters.” She said, thinking specifically of a cheetah that had kept her entertained while she was in the rogue lands.

“The last time I was here the new Nayaka was still keeping to himself. By now he has been more active in the pride right? Have you had the chance to see him?” The pride's leadership was always interesting to the cheetah. She was still very young when the previous Nayaka passed away and she could remember them searching for the new Nayaka.

"I suppose I should have shown myself better before just shouting like that." Her form of apology given to the other as she took a drink from the cool liquid and then gave her a smile and a light laugh. "Well, considering the new Nayaka is my brother I do happen to see him often enough." She was uncertain how much the the pride knew of his family, especially those coming back to the pride after having been gone for some time. Returning to her comment about the rogue lands, "I'm sure distractions happen time and time again to those who venture forth there. I'm glad you have returned safe and well."

Mthunzi let out a nervous laugh. Of course she would look foolish in front of the Nayaka's sister. “If I get the chance to meet him I will be sure not to splash him with water.” She said jokingly. Really though, she did not want to embarrass herself in front of any other pride members, especially not anyone connected to the Nayaka. When she had a chance, Mthunzi was going to go talk to some teachers or scribes and get caught up in the pride and find out everything she missed out on.

“Thank you.” She responded. “I have been gone for too long it would seem. Next time I leave I will have to limit myself. Distractions are good in the moment, but a waste of time when I return with nothing.” There were things she would report to a scribe though. Mostly just locations. Nothing too impressive, but something was better then nothing.

“How have these been in the pride? Things seem to be moving smoothly. I felt like the only thing out of place was me.” Mthunzi said, before looking around. From what she could tell it had not changed much. But she knew better then to just judge off appearances.

Laughing she shook her head, "Well, it might be a good stress releiver for him." Imaging the thought was indeed one to make her spirit soar with untold amusement. "And to be fair, our brother was raised away from us given his extensive training so one wouldn't think to place him with me and my siblings, especially since he doesn't exactly fit the color scheme we have going on." It was true, their brother was the odd one out, a deep red in contrast to his natural colored siblings.

Noding her head she gave a small shrug, "Well you learned to limit yourself from distractions so I wouldn't say it was a total lose of learning experience."

"Things have been well, slow going but overall we have been thriving which is good." Looking around she removed herself from the water. "Are you hungry? We can go get something to eat if you like, esepcially since you've just returned you must want some food and rest."

When the Nayaka made his next appearances she would have to make a note of his appearance. Mthunzi did not have any siblings herself so she had nothing to compare her appearance to. She wondered if Vijana got a lot of questions about her brother, but decided to hold off on asking for the time being.

“That is good to hear. There were some places out there that just seemed deserted. I could not imagine the feeling of returning here and seeing something like that.” She said, taking a glance around her home. It was a beautiful place, she thought.

Since her return she had not really thought about eating or anything like that. She was still just a little shocked to be home. Vijana mentioning food however, made her realize just how hungry she was. She scrunched her face up when she realized it.

“I am hungry.” She stated with a somewhat defeated sigh. It should have been the first thing she did when she got back, but it was better to eat now then to continue waiting. “Thank you for the reminder. I think if you hadn't mentioned anything I would have completely forgotten to eat.” She followed the lioness.

Nodding she gave a small shake to remove any water that clung to her fur. "Of course, sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves and need a friendly reminder." Smiling she motioned for her to follow and lead the way to some fresh food to help nurish her tired body.

Mthunzi silently, but happily followed Vijana. She still felt a bit like an outsider in her home, but with a friendly face like Vijana it made her feel slightly better. When she was feeling better, Mthunzi decided it would be nice to repay the lioness’s kindness, perhaps with a tale about one of her previous outings that was more interesting then this. For now she would settle on having a meal with a new friend.
