Between nessiaing's Antara and Fairy Snails' Jianyu

The sun was just rising up. It was the perfect time to be inspired. The pride was filled to the peak with life, because of all the interesting visitors from Mwezi'Johari. Today Jianyu decided to make an effort to meet some of their visitors. It was a rare experience, definitely not something he would want to miss out on.

He had never met someone from outside the pride, well other then those who ended up joining Tianxia. Learning about another pride would be fascinating. There were bound to be stories that they could tell him that would inspire him to make up his own tales.

He walked blissfully around, not having a set destination, just wanting to see who was up. There was bound to be someone from Mwezi'Johari who would give him a little bit of their time to exchange stories.

Antara was taking a rare moment to herself. The purple lioness was almost never without the company of her twin sister, that is since they were finally reunited as adults having already spent a life time apart. Antara was so far enjoying her time away from the pride she had called home since she was a cub. Although many things had changed since the death of her father, the pride still held negative ideas and feelings for Antara. That being said she knew that when this trip was over she would return home, as it was the only place she knew and at least there were a few members she knew well and could trust.

Antara looked around as she walked, slowly realizing but totally unwilling to admit that she was 100% lost and had zero idea of where she was or how to get back to where she left her sister and Kimondo behind. She had to hope she would either see something familiar or maybe someone would come looking for her. She also had to hope that she wasn't going to get into any trouble wondering aimlessly about.

As Jianyu walked around, he saw an unfamiliar lioness not too far off. She could have been from one of the other houses, but if luck was on his side, she would be from Mwezi'Johari. Without thinking about it, Jianyu altered his direction and started heading her way, with a large, welcoming smile. His steps were quicker now that he had a destination.

A lioness from Mwezi. Far from home, traveling in the name of peace, he thought as he looked at her. She would be a great inspiration for heroine. Jianyu decided.

“Hello there!” He greeted enthusiastically to the stranger. Casually he sat down near her. “I do not believe I have seen you in around before. I am certain I would have remembered you.”

Antara froze when heard the others voice. She had realized she would need someone to find her way back to her group but she wasn't expecting to find someone quite so soon. She wasn't sure she was ready for company. Antara had been raised in more or less solitude and had grown to like her own time, the only thing that she was okay with interrupting that time was her twin sister. She however was a visiter here and she wasn't going to embarrass Kimondo by misbehaving in any way.

She turned toward the voice a smile on her face. She wasn't sure if the male had been intending to flirt with her when he mentioned that he would have remembered her had he met her. If she was honest with herself she had never been flirted with, everyone in her home pride saw her more as a spectacle something to be watched but stayed away from.

"Hello there." she greeted the male. "No you haven't met me I am part of the group from Mwezi Johari. My name is Antara." she told him kindly.

Aw so she was from Mwezi. He did not know much about the pride, but he was honored that his house was hosting them. Though he did wonder what Antara was doing by herself away from her fellow pride mates. “It is a pleasure to meet you Antara.” He said bowing his head slightly toward the lioness. “My name is Jianyu. I am a bard.”

There was a twinkle in his eyes. Just meeting a lioness from Mwezi'Johari was enough to spark up his inspirations. Question after question popped in his head, but he refrained from blurting them out. He had just met the lioness. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off. He had always been slightly curious about the world outside his pride, but never enough to go exploring himself. Antara had experiences that he could only dream about.

“If you don't mind me asking, how do you like Tianxia so far? Is there anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable?” Jianyu asked with a gentle smile.

Antara studied the male closely, it was hard for her to trust in a stranger and she was already on edge. She tried to ignore that side of her. "It is very different fro Mwezi. To start with its not a nocturnal pride like my home" she told him a laugh in her voice. She was hoping she didn't sound to off putting. It was quite strange for her worrying about what someone else thought of her it wasn't something she had ever done before. She put a smile on her lips hoping it helped.

"Well if I were to be honest you could help me find my way back to my group. I wont lie I kind of wondered away wanting to see more of your home and may have gotten lost." she had a nervous last as she admitted what could have been wrong doing for all she knew.

Nocturnal? How strange, he thought. “That is quite a stark difference. Though I could see the benefits of being awake at night instead of the day. I could only imagine the moon light radiating down illuminating you and your fair pride.” Jianyu said, as he pictured the lioness before him. From what little he knew about them, he could not help but imagine the lions from Mwezi'Johari being elegant and regal, the moon light would only enhance these features.

His full attention went back to her when she requested help and his ears perked up. “I would be honored to escort you. To be completely honest with you, I find myself getting lost from time to time. I find that is is far to easy to get lost in ones thoughts. But the best adventures I have had in my life resulting from getting lost.”

He glanced around, trying to remember where the Mwezi'Johari lions were camped at. When he was pretty sure, he looked back at Antara. “I believe that your group is this way.” He said. “You must be pretty brave to go venturing by yourself. If I were in your place, I am certain I would have never even have left my home, let alone stray too far from my group.” It was like she was the heroine of one of the stories he would make up for anyone who would listen. She truly was inspiring.

Antara could feel herself blush a little when the male talked of the moon light illuminating her... it sounded like a pick up line or flirting. Though if Antara was going to be honest with herself no one had ever flirted with her, she had spent far too much time alone and kept in seclusion. She tried to figure out if she liked this feeling or not.

She couldn't help but smile when he said some of his best adventures started from him getting lost, Antara had never had an adventure, maybe she could count this one has her first!! "Adventures do kind of sound fun." she mused mostly to herself.

"Oh I wouldn't call myself brave, maybe silly for getting lost." she said laughing lightly as she began to walk with the male. "Tell me more about yourself have you always called this place home?" she asked.

“For me the best part of adventures are getting the chance to retell them to those who were not around. That way some details can be elaborated, but not too much. Just enough to make an audience hang on my every word.” Jianyu quietly laughed at himself. He knew that he had a tenancy to go over board on re-tellings. But that was what made storytelling enjoyable. Having the unthinkable happen. Turning an everyday situation into something fantastic.

“Though sometimes the truth is just as interesting.” He stated. “For example, I am certain I would not exaggerate anything about you. If I told my friends about meeting you, I am sure that they would believe I was making it up. They would tell me there was no way I would be that fortunate.”

When Antara said that she wouldn't call herself brave, Jianyu tilted his head. “You can be brave and silly. I see nothing wrong with that. Traveling so far from home, seeing new things, making new friends, it all stems from being brave enough to leave the comforts of your home and the desire to see new things.”

Her questions about him, left him thinking for a moment. He gave a cheeky smile to her when he was ready to speak. “I would say I have the heart of a storyteller, with a muse as unpredictable as the wind. I have always lived in Tianxia. The land here is my first love. I could never imagine leaving it.” There were times when he was younger when he thought about leaving, even if it was for just a short time. He thought about searching for his father, but in the end he decided to stay.

Antara thought about what the male was saying as he spoke. She felt her adventurous side coming out. She paused her step deep in thought suddenly. "Let's not go back yet" she told Jianyu. Her mind was racing and she liked her idea, though she was sure her twin sister would kill her for doing it.

"Let's go on an adventure... together... now." she told him. It was strange of her to suddenly have this whim, and to trust the male to keep her safe and spend time with her. It was all around an awkward thought process for him. "It will be fun" she told him with a nervous smile. "Come on lets go." the purple female was very excited about the concept of an adventure. She began to trot along in a random direction trusting the male would follow her.

Jianyu did not have a chance to think before he moved with Antara. When he woke up this morning there was no way he could have predicted any of what happened. “You lead and I will follow.” He said, staying close to her. Where ever she went, he would make sure nothing would harm her. Their adventure would have a happy ending, he was positive of that.
