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[ORP] The Storm Cubs Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 11:26 pm
"Clearly he has dust in his ears."

"Yes, clearly."

The duo stared at him as he spoke and she waved a paw. "I just said god blood isn't anything I never said It didn't MEAN anything. But anyone has god blood in them these days so I don't see why you throwing that around is supposed to make a HUGE deal." The black female said watching the red male as he seemed to grow bored with all this.

Mel on the other paw gave the male once more glance over and decided he was no longer worth her time. Clearly he didn't want to play anymore and when he turned down the spar that took the fun out of all of it.

"Maybe if you'd of spoke more about other things instead of coming off as some self absorbed brat then maybe we'd play with you." Erna commented before backing up without showing him her back.

You know, just in case he decided he wanted to play after all.


Mel was already paying attention to the disgusting white and green male spewing about some nasty habits. "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Ctrl F Greenie

Raksha noticed the stark white male not far away and he seemed just as unwanting of being in the mess like was. "You can come over here if you want." Tec was quite pleased when a softer voice broke out from the darkness and he finally spotted the male next to a paler female with gold markings and made his way over. "Thank you, I really wasn't wanting to go into THAT just yet."  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 11:45 am
Hila rolled her eyes at Kafele's offer to "show her how to be Captain". She wasn't immune to flattery, but in this case, she was more inclined to believe that she was being manipulated. On the other hand, if they did end up playing a game, she could listen..for a little while, anyway - just until she learned how to play it better.

But then, it appeared that the choice was made for her, as the potential game fell by the wayside, buried under insults pertaining to parentage (really?!) and aggressive posturing. It was almost enough to make her scoff aloud. Almost. She enjoyed fighting (both verbal and physical) as much as the next cub, butnot all the time.

As she debated how to reply to everything going on in front of her, she heard a loud belch, and turned to stare at the pale, wing-marked cub with a look that was a mixture of amusement and disgust, barely stifling a small giggle before managing to compose herself and turning back toward Mel, Erna and Kafele.

Surprisingly, much as Kafele's attitude irritated her to no end, a sense of fairness had her giving some of the other cubs (who seemed to have fallen to ganging up on him) a look of disapproval. To be fair, he had sort of brought it onto himself...but, playing Captain and Reavers sounded more fun than arguing, or fighting for no reason (the latter were things that she could easily indulge in with her siblings, with little provocation).

"If you promise I can be Captain later, I'll play." she said to Kafele, after another moment of internal debate - it wasn't as if she couldn't quit later if he was too bossy, or if she got too bored.


Ctrl F Greenie


Tipsy Hoarder

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 7:52 pm
((I am not sure who to quote so if anyone wants to play with Orm please go ahead : ' D Y'all are soo fast))

"INSULTING YOUR SISTER!?" He roared in the direction of who he could only assume was the girls sibling. His inside voice hadn't quite turned on. Almost as if there was a switch in the boys head he realized this and changed his tone.

"I wasn't insulting your sister. If I was I'd had made her cry. You better watch it pal cause I know tough words like .." He looked at the other with the most serious gaze, "Bollocks." It was a word that he'd heard his mother use and when he'd asked her what it meant she said she was using tough language. What he didn't realize because of his age was that she was substituting it out for something cub friendly. Orm had a lot to learn still as he was still a cub.

"So what. You wanna fight about it or something cause I'll fight ya!" He growled. Orm knew his father was a god but what was lost on him was that his father was the god of conflict and like a moth to a flame he couldn't help him self but seek out conflict it seemed.  
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 11:49 am
The air wasn't heavy, the sun was shining, and these cubs just wanted to puff out their chests? Eykt huffed quietly to himself as he rolled slightly towards a voice, while completely ignoring the looks of disgust and remarks made. He'd seen many a male make the sounds he had made! What was the difference? "Manners, psh." He quietly said under his breath.

"I'm okay, thank you."

He formed the sentence slowly, sloth like. Eykt was concerned with so very few things, he was unmotivated for the most part, until the idea came to be that they might play a game. A game of life - so to speak. Golden tipped ears perked, showing his interest, but still he remained quiet. He hadn't the will to become a Captain, but in his heart he desired to be a damn good reaver. Or so he figured, one of the older cubs said something like it just hours earlier and had anyone asked he really wouldn't have thought much more into it.

"Do you want to come over here?" His silence couldn't last forever, not when friends were a possibility, he offered the lioness that had offered him the same courtesy. Eykt wasn't about to get off his tubby little butt though. Not unless he got to play their game that is.

Yet still - the game was just chatter - there was still some heated debate it seemed.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 1:27 pm
Kafele ended up laughing so hard he almost rolled himself right off his little rock perch. Him? A spoiled brat? Oh, oh, it was too rich! He laughed to the point of making no sound, his eyes watering with tears as he struggled to suck in enough air to survive. He didn't have time to respond with words to the comments tossed his way before the female he had called to earlier piped up again, agreeing to play if she got to be Captain next time.

Perking up, Kafele hopped off his rock and walked through the sea of cubs towards her, grinning down at her as he spoke.

"Sure! All right! We got one Reaver!" He glanced around at the cubs that had been hanging on the outskirts of the fighting, his eyes first landing on the winged, tubby cub not far from where he and his new playmate were standing.

"Hey you! You should play Captain and Reavers with us," he said, getting more excited now that he actually had a few takers. There was a pale cub off by himself as well and he bounded over to him. He looked to be a bit older than the wrigglers that he had been trying to recruit before so hopefully he wasn't as inclined to fighting and arguing.

"You too! It's more fun with more Reavers," he added, wanting to encourage others to play.

Ctrl F Greenie


PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2018 1:30 pm
Sefu had more important things to do than deal with Kafele, who was proving to be not-fun at all! The truth was that Sefu hated losing, and this was perhaps not an argument he was skilled enough to engage in at his younger age. He wasn't even sure what the dumb head meant by quality over quantity. So, instead he scowled up at the older cub before deciding to pick on someone who was more his size.

Though they were the same age, Orm was quite a bit larger. Thankfully, there were two cubs ready to scrap with Orm. Sefu and Koharu were a formidable pair of fluff, or at least thought they were. "Dude, what does that mean?" Sefu had been raring for a fight until confusion blasted the wind out of his sails. He gave his sister a startled look, and Koharu shrugged her shoulders in a helpless gesture.

"Maybe he's calling you a buffalo?" she offered with a wicked little smirk.

"Then why didn't he say that?" Sefu responded with an agitated sigh.

"Because he's dumb," and Koharu's smirk grew ten times wider. "So let's fight! I bet I can take you on all by myself," the female cub announced. Her brother probably wasn't convinced of her skills, but Koharu was confident that she could handle someone who was even twice her size. She'd always been one of the fiestest siblings - and it was usually her brother who knocked sense back into her.

But today they were both just being senseless.

Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi


Tipsy Hoarder

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 8:14 pm
Hila shifted from paw to paw, looking forward to this game! She might not have been the most approachable cub, but she was looking forward to playing with someone other than her own siblings (not that there was anything wrong with them...most of the time).

"Yeah, come play with us!" She said, willing to follow Kafele's lead on this front...for the time being, at least. (Because really, who wanted to play Captain and Reavers with only one reaver?!). She was a little less graceful than the older cub as he darted about, but a stubborn glint in her eyes dared anyone to point it out. She might not be as quick to fight as some of the other cubs, but she hated being made fun of (or even thinking she was being made a fool of).


Ctrl F Greenie

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 8:28 pm
Rolling her eyes Erna reluctantly gave in and her cousin gave a nod as well. "Fine, I guess we can play." Looking at her cousin Mel swished her tail, "Aren't there enough of us that there can be two Captains?" Especially if they were going to be playing Captain and Reavers, it would be more fun if they had two Captains, like two teams. "I vote Erna as the other Captain." The black female stood tall and proud, this could be fun. "Plus we can actually play against one another then." Erna added.

Tec and Raksha watched as things unfolded and he gave the white male a nudge, "We might as well join them right?" Moving forward the black male stood next to the cousins, "I second Erna as second Captain." Plus he already knew them well enough that he wasn't going to be getting any surprises in the end. Tec gulped as he really didn't have much choice in the matter, he was a thrall but he could definitely pretend to at least be a reaver. He knew enough about the on goings of the pride. "I'll play too I guess."  


Winter Wolf

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 11:18 am

In truth, Orm had no idea what the word he said was. He only knew it was tough but he wasn't fully sure why. A defense as to why he chose a word he knew nothing about was a little out of the question so he said nothing and merely glared for a while until it hit him as to what he should say.

"WELL WHO CARES ANYWAYS!" Again he gave as big a roar as a cub possibly could. "Alright lets fight! I can take you both!" He glared at the two of them being way over confident in his abilities all the while. Honestly, Orm was convinced he could take the both of them despite not having a ton of battle experience outside his den. He'd yet to have a full taste of what it was like to fight others you knew nothing about.

"I'll even let you have first attack cause I feel sorry for you." He puffed his chest out with pride. His little baby claws were fully extended as Orm was now ready. As ready as any prideful dimwit who bit off more than he could chew could be.  
PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2018 10:47 pm
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image

Tecwyn stuck close to Raksha, there was something about the black male he found like-able, despite the fact he was much larger than most of the other cubs he was still a thrall. Raksha looked over at the pale male and he was starting to get a similar notion, perhaps they should get out of here, but he came with Erna and Mel so he'd have to leave with them, mainly because they had taken a shining to him for some reason or another. So it would seem Tecywn would leaving when they wanted to leave.

Erna and Mel gave a look at one another, while this was starting to get entertaining they were starting to get bored. "Wanna go cuz? Yea, I just want to go home and eat." The duo turned and looked at Raksha and his new friend. "You two, let's go." They said in unison almost and and Raksha tagged along side them with Tecwyn in tow.

(five posts for all of mine here and they are now exiting!)  


Winter Wolf


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:03 pm
It seemed like the whole group was breaking up into smaller groups, either leaving or trying to make their own Viking band. Kafele heaved another sigh and decided he was done trying to convince them all and would play with the single cub that had went along with him...for the most part.

"You don't play /against/ other Captains. There's one Captain and you go a-Viking! Sheesh. C'mon," he added to Hila. "I'll teach you how to be the best Captain ever, I got some brothers that will play with us and we'll show you the ropes!"

He bounded off after that, pleased as punch that he had gotten his way. Mostly. His grand plan of running around with a dozen cubs had simmered down to just one, but hey, that was still better than none at all! Kafele was sure his siblings would be willing to let his new friend play with them, especially since she was a girl. They did have a sister but she didn't count. Heading for his den, he glanced over his shoulder to make sure Hila was coming before quickening his pace.


OOC: Last from Kafele!  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:51 pm
Hila wondered, briefly, if it was this difficult as adults, when groups were supposed to come together to go a-viking. She hoped not.

While she still wasn't sure she believed Kafele was an expert in being a Captain, she had to admit what he proposed sounded more fun than anything she'd heard suggested by the other cubs (and she did want to be a Captain when she grew up!), so the dark-pelted cub trailed after Kafele, wondering what his siblings were like. "Ok," she replied as she did so, accompanying it with a small shrug...and maybe a small smile.

Thank you for this! I was starting to think I'd have to have Hila quietly wander off soon xD

OOC: Hila is out after this, too!  


Tipsy Hoarder

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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