That dreaded chill in the air had stayed for quite a while all because Ushma had a litter of cubs recently that Beflecken and a few other family members suspected were not of actual relation to Beflecken. At first glance they sure looked like they belonged but there were questions about the green eyes and the dirty blond mane the boy had. Sure, Beflecken did not know his biological family and if there might have been some one in his family that might have had such markings but there was something else that did not sit well with the black and red male and that was the smell. These cubs smelt different and they felt different than his not to mention they were much bigger in stature than the previous litter.

Today was the day the chill would get scolding hot and something would happen. Beflecken was going to approach Ushma about it.

There, in the family den she laid with the spawn in question just as Beflecken had expected. What was not expected was his only son Gjenferd there helping his mother with said questionable spawn. Gjenferd had paid witness to more than a few fights the couple had which weighed heavily on Befleckens shoulders. However, it was just how things were and Gjenferd was no longer a cub so their bickering wasn't something that should have come as a surprise.

Ushma had a very stoic look about her as if she was musing what Beflecken was thinking but only partially caring. She didn't seem bothered at all that he carried a serious expression about his features nor did she seem to care that Gjenferd was beside her helping with the cubs.

"You look like you have something on your mind. Go ahead then. Spill it out already." Ushma yawned.

This sort of attitude was something that Beflecken had grown used to. He was used to Ushma being stoic but what he worried about was how she'd react to his accusations about her being unfaithful. It would be in front of the cubs and Gjenferd this talk and it made Beflecken have some cold paws about the whole idea. Ultimately though, his mind had been made up from the moment he'd entered the den so he did spit it out.

"These cubs," He started keeping his voice an even level all the while, "They aren't mine. Are they?" His soft blue eyes looked at his mate with a tinge of hurt. He knew the answer but it stabbed at his chest all the while. Gjenferd was quick to hush the cubs and pull them closer to himself keeping silent.

"Of course not," Ushma yawned, "Divine intervention. I was blessed with stronger cubs than what you gave me." There was a wicked smirk. Ushma knew this day would come and she wasn't about to lie to Beflecken. He needed to have the balls to ask the question though and thank the gods he did because this chill in the air was irritating her. "Glad to know you still have a pair."

Insults. It hurt. It really ******** hurt and Beflecken could feel rage taking over but he was quick to snuff the flame of revenge and took a deep sigh instead.

"Why.. What was all of this you'll get better and here we are now... Why would you do this? All of this time I thought you were pregnant with my cubs?" He felt a tear he was trying desperately not to have fall down his cheek with a hot singeing burn. His heart was heavy now and he was afraid it might fall right out of his chest at any moment.

"It just sort of happened. Nothing personal. I wanted strong cubs and I happened to come across such a strong god that I couldn't be rude. The divine intervened and I was blessed. Honestly Beflecken don't be such a baby about this okay? It was nothing personal after all." She looked over at Gjenferd, "I'm happy with you and your sisters but I wasn't satisfied. You're all stained with the ghost childs weak dna and that was my fault. I choose a weak mate." Whom she loved very much but it was easier to hurt Beflecken right now than to admit that.

"Dad is not weak." Gjenferd growled at his mother, "How dare you. He's been disrespected by your repeatedly and for what? If I remember the stories correctly it was you who lost every duel with him. It is him who is a reaver and not you." He growled. He hated Ushma right then and there for her disrespect but that hatred did not extend to his now confirmed half siblings he was sheltering from the arguing in his corner.

"See. I choose poorly. A weak reaction from a weak heart," Ushma was keeping her temper even for this. It was for the best that she play this part and for the best Beflecken be the one to leave because she couldn't bare being the one to end their mate status.

"I can't even believe what it is I'm hearing," Beflecken growled, "All of this time you could have left. We could have ended it but you begged me to stay to insult me like this? And worst yet you insult YOUR own blood? You have no honor. You are a snake," He took a threatening step forward with claws extended and teeth showing like he was going to go for blood. Ushma looked unphased by the whole ordeal because she knew Beflecken would never lower him self to harm her or any of her cubs.

"Do it," She smirked.

Beflecken growled and sheathed his claws. There was no way he could hurt her or the cubs. No, instead he turned his back and started for the den entrance.

"This is done. We're done. I'll only have contact with our cubs. You are dead to me." And with that Beflecken left never taking another look at Ushma behind him.

Ushma turned her head to Gjenferd and gave him a very stoic look.

"What about you? Do you hate me? I have a new son. You're no longer the only one and I am sure him and his sisters will surpass your and your sisters." Her words carried venom that seemed too intentional. She was trying to hurt Gjenferd.

"You're my mother. I will never hate you. But I do not respect you for the dishonor you've brought to our family." Gjenferd was having a hard time processing this new information. It was hard but he wasn't about to cry now.

"It would be better if you hated me," She sighed, "Just looking at you makes me think of him."

"Then let that be your curse." Gjenferd sighed and collapsed in to a pile of cubs. It was over. The chill was gone. Only heart break and pain remained. But at least it was over.

word count: 1157