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Ull = Greenie & Calypso = Krysin

Calypso was slowly beginning to adjust to her new home. The change was striking for a lioness who had become accustomed to roaming. It wasn't like she had no idea how to function within a pride - she had been born into the Outlands and had inevitably been molded by it. That time was long ago enough that it had become a distant memory. The only thing that could tie her to that heritage was her mother, an ex-Pridelander who had thrived surprisingly well within the Outlands. Even if she was free from her mother now, she still felt that daunting presence hanging over her occasionally.

Had she truly broken free from Kat if her mother was on her mind so often?

It was raining - it always seemed to rain here. She had abandoned the shelter of her den regardless of the weather. Most of the lions in the pride seemed used to it, hardened by it. Moving amongst the pride, it was clear that Calypso was not a long time member. She was tall, lanky even, with some of her rib cage still showing as a reminder of her life as a rogue lioness. Her fur, now dampened, was normally long and scruffy. Now it was just long, retaining enough rain that the tuft of fur upon her head fell down over her cheek, concealing a crimson eye. Her tail was abnormally long, dragging along the ground behind her.

The pride at times seemed like a melting pot. There were so many different sizes and colors to the lioness around them. She could find no distinct vision of unity, nothing that screamed 'Stormborn' except for their attitude and swagger. That, and she walked past a lion who was enjoying his mint leaves far too much.

Finally the rain became too much for her, and she put aside acquainting herself with more of the pride's lands for another day when it wasn't so... dreary. Calypso took temporary shelter behind a boulder, letting the large rock act as a break against the wind and rain. It didn't offer much by means of protection, but at least this way she could observe the pride as they went through a typical day.

She just couldn't, however, shake the feeling of being out of place.

The moisture in the air had settled upon the large, rough and tumble looking lion. It bothered him very little and it was clear his mane was used to being damp, though it hung much like any others, it still held - somewhat. Golden eyes weren't focused on anything as he lazily milled about a fairly active, beaten path, that was until he spied a rather sopping wet mess that decided the direct weather wasn't for her and scooted out of sight behind a conveniently placed boulder. Curiosity didn't normally set the lion on a different path, but since it was a lazy day he felt compelled to investigate.

Ull skirted a few lions to avoid their paths as he made a very obvious beeline for the boulder, whether in sight of her or not he didn't much care. Why would he? A lioness among lions wasn't uncommon, nor was it uncommon for a lion to approach a lioness. A thin grin grew on his muzzle as he considered the second part before banishing those thoughts. Mere curiosity, that was it.

"The rain doesn't seem to agree with you." Without much hesitation he entered her space and spoke with confidence which grew when his eyes finally spied the full picture of the lioness. He grasped that she was very nearly all one color, a sooty black, but hidden among those dangling pieces of pelt were sharp markings he almost couldn't take his eye from, but he managed too. Only when his eyes left those markings did he begin to notice that she was much more lean than the average Viking. Though he was a little startled by this discovery at first it also helped him to understand her pelt predicament.

"Would you like somewhere more dry to sit?" The offer was double sided. He'd surely be seen taking her to a den - his den. He had little intention of actually going through with anything, but it would certainly seem that way. "Unless you're more comfortable out here that is." The previous grin he wore returned with a vengeance and seemed a little more wicked.

She watched him approach, red eyes like slits behind a rather large tuft of fur that covered the majority of her face. In silence she observed him, the same he did to her. The dark green lion oozed with smug confidence, and it was just the right type of demeanor to get underneath her skin. While she had started fights for lesser offenses, she held herself back. This was supposed to be her new home - it'd do her no good to start picking fights here. Instead, she tested her claws against the hard ground, scratching away a few pebbles before she rose into a seated position.

"Where I am from, it hardly ever rained," she explained with a shrug of her dark shoulders. "It was a barren land, where the soil turned a rich red and was always parched." The Outlands had been an unforgiving territory, much like the Stormborn's own... but for different reasons. She couldn't help but see the similarities within their differences, and perhaps that was why she felt so unsettled now. How ironic it was that she would run away from her home only to choose someplace that could only remind her of it.

His next invitation was met with a dry stare, the line of her mouth pressing into a disapproving frown. There was always a sense of danger around Calypso - she was a lioness who rarely held back, and that energy hung around her like a dark cloud. "If it is sitting with you my displeasure could not be greater," Calypso answered back with a challenging rise of her brow. If he pushed her, she was unafraid to throw her own weight around. She was not unskilled.

Calypso was tainted with Outlander blood, after all. "I suppose I'll get used to the weather here eventually, better that I sit out here and adjust then get cozy in a den with some wannabe playboy." Ever so slowly, a grin creeped over her features. He was not the only one who could enjoy himself over word play.

He held in a gasp at something he hadn't noticed - those eyes. They seemed to burn through him at his approach and though he knew a lion or two that would run from such a fierce start he stayed firm. Something about the fire he found in there onlyl spurred his curiosity.

"Interesting" Was all he said at first as her explanation proved fruitful. Several other questions began to erupt as he thought harder on the subject. Before he began to even consider where to start he gave a toss of his mane and noted that the droplets of rain seemed to change over to a mist. He blinked away a slight blur. "So why would you leave somewhere that sounds.. much more favorable for that pelt of yours?" He was laid back, the question was asked in a much lazier tone than his previously pushy one as he hadn't missed the curve of her claws. Ull was no fool.

Brandishing a look of feigned dislike for her comment he cast his glance aside for a split second before returning it to hers. His confidence didn't falter, in fact it seemed she presented a challenge. Not missing the air of danger that seemed to radiate from her he let his mock dismay shatter in favor of that same smile. "You break my heart." He began and brought a paw up to his chest, adding a little gasp for effect. Considering his previous statements he decided to turn this on her. "You assume to much. Why do you imagine I'd bunk with a lioness so clearly out of her element when I could find a dandy one around every other corner?" Ull let his tone become non-chalant. "There isn't a damn thing special about some rogue." His grin dropped and his eyes grew dark.

"It's for the best that you stay put. Perhaps we'll manage to make a proper Salt Wife of you yet." The grin returned as he spat out his last remark, something he figured would be a parting statement - considering what she had said to him.

She had given up some information willingly, but his tone and attitude turned her next words sour. "It doesn't matter. I am here now." Her family history was not something she would air out for the public to bury their noses into. This male had no reason to know anything about her - he was just another self-confident brat who thought too highly of himself. He deserved to be knocked down a few pegs, but Calypso wasn't quite sure how well-received such a course of action would be by the rest of the pride.

The dark lioness was in unfamiliar territory still, after all. She was only just a member of the pride, had yet to prove her value and worth. It sure as hell was not going to be the worth of a damned salt wife, however. "Oh, how impressive you are to bed every weak female that throws herself your way. Surely that's worthy of a medal? Oh, perhaps a title? Let's put our heads together and think of something clever for the male who'd be the father of the whole damned pride."

Anger was a familiar friend, a companion that made her blood burn pleasurably. A fire to turn to ashes all other emotions that made her weak or hesitant. It was too easy for her to fall back to that crutch, that desire for fury so that she would not have to think too hard upon her actions.

Ull should have known that with this type of lioness, getting the last word in was impossible. She raised her paw, aiming a swipe at his chin that did not intend to make contact, but if he didn't move it sure as hell would. "I will never be anyone's salt wife," she snarled the promise. "The thing about rogues, you know, is that you never quite know what you get with them."

The lion was stunned into a silence, but his emotions were easily read from the looks that crossed his face. From mere curiosity about what she was saying to a hot white rage. The rage burned at this degree until such a time that her paw raised and an impending strike was upon him. Ull was quick, but couldn't move in the way he wanted to, this would have resulted in a dodge and yet he found himself swiped. His jaw seemed to move before the rest of him. Shock tore through his body at the attack, but it wasn't a complete stun as her final words made their way to his ears.

Raising a paw to his jaw and giving it some small amount of attention he found himself giggling, which eventually made way for laughter. "You surely don't know our women then - or perhaps they are all rogues?" He smirked slightly. "I enjoy gambling on which I may find, there is no harm in that, some women fall prey to smooth talking and dramatic story telling." What he said held no lies. This wasn't the first time he had been called on his s**t and he hoped this wouldn't be the last.

"If things go the way they ought to.." He smiled devilishly. "You'll be a saltwife whether you like it or not." True, he was tempting the beast into a full rage, he wouldn't be smiling so much if he didn't imagine - to some degree - that this might end up bloody.

There was something satisfying about lashing out - the immediate gratifacation of all her anger and frustration was something she'd never be able to pass out. All her emotions could transfer from her to her opponent with one fell swoop, coursing through her veins and to the skin and crossing over where her skin struck another's. Usually a quick strike was all she needed to get her point across. Others usually left before they became too injured, and the few that were foolish enough not to turn tail and run came to regret their decision.

Here, with him, however, he seemed incited by it. The scowl deepened upon her face as he laughed, and though she tried to hide how much it irritated her... she could not. Rolling her eyes, she looked away from her, casually flexing her claws as if to relieve that itch to strike again. Her temper was quick and nasty, and at times she had little control over it. She was a volatile lioness who's only goal was self-preservation and independence.

"It is a good thing then," and she stepped up to him, full of confidence and swagger, "that I am used to changing my own fate." The challenge was there, unspoken. The dark lioness held little sway over her own emotions, and now they burned a passionate fire of rage and hostility.

"Go find someone else to practice sweet talking to - because you're clearly ******** s**t at it." There was no space between them now. Calypso was close enough that their noses were almost touching, but she was not the kind of lioness to back down. There was never any going back for her.

Ull was confident, but let down, that another strike was coming. He had been mentally prepared for the actions that might follow his rather bold chatter. When she didn't raise her paw again, but looking like she seriously wanted to, he simply stared. Even as she approached him, not a wince or a faltered movement - why would he? If she had wanted to smack him again she would have done so and he would have let her. As she spoke he remained silent. In that silence he stared at her eyes, getting lost in them briefly, before staring at her nose which ended up mere inches from his own. Oh my.. The thought was brief and he attached no emotion beyond shock to it.

He snorted hotly and knew she likely felt the hot air wash over her face before fading. "You're new here, so you don't realize this yet, but whatever you think you're used to.. get unused to it." He furrowed his brow and the previously youthful looking lion took on a far more deadly vibe. "You may have earned your way in, proved yourself to someone at our borders, but consider that your hot ticket to whatever freedoms you desire - then you are sorely mistaken." Though he spoke firmly, harshly and at a level most others might not hear he did silently hope she would prove him wrong.

"I am?" The youthfulness returned rapidly as he smiled at her. "It seems to have worked at getting you closer to me." He raised a paw and dared to try and wrap it around her shoulders in an awkward embrace that encouraged a light bumping of their noses.

"And I say you assume too much, or maybe, too little of me. You don't know me. Don't assume you know my intentions." It took all of her will not to strike him just for his words. She was sure she could get away with fighting him, but this was a new pride for her. She needed to keep herself under control so she could stay within it. Getting cast out somehow only meant throwing her back into the waiting arms of her mother... and that old crone just needed to die already.

All the control in the world could not hold her back from her next actions. Calypso was an easy lioness to wrong - it was another thing entirely to pull off what Ull was ballsy enough to attempt. She felt his paw close around her shoulder and his nose just gently touch against her own, and then all she felt was that rage, burning and all-consuming.

Reflexively, her paw raised and struck against the side of his face. There were no thoughts behind the action, just intent. To make bleed and scar, to feel that hot red liquid run through her claws. "Get away from me!" she hissed, and her paw raised to strike out again if he did not heed a warning he should have listened to long ago.

That look in her eye told him that he was likely to not get out of their little meeting unscathed. However.. something seemed to hold her back from striking out initially - to that he was surprised. Ull was taking her as a strike first and ask questions later type, but that didn't seem to be the case with every encounter.

There it was.

Ull felt the world slow down around him as she pushed away from his grasp and eventually lunged a paw at his face. He closed his eyes quickly in an attempt to save them, but there was nothing more he could do. The sweet coppery scent of blood filled the air between them and he opened his eyes to a much more seething female. He chuckled softly as she hissed her words at him, but was not a fool. "Fine, fine. I'll leave the beast to her lonesome then."

He tried to remove himself from the situation casually, but had half a thought to realize if he turned his back to her within close range she just might strike again. So he peered over his shoulder a couple of times before catching up with a buddy and scooting away while he explained 'what the hell just happened'.