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It had been peaceful day. A perfect day to patrol outside the pride's boarder. The young Nayaka was doing some studies and Devaraja decided if he wasn't around the Nayaka would be able to concentrate better on his work. It was rare that he went far from the Nayaka. But lately the Nayaka had grown so much that it felt right to give him more space and learn just what kind of leader he was going to be.

He looked around the barren land. Behind him, the pride was the a small speck of life in an endless desert. He turned away from the pride and started heading away.

“If I were flying I would have been there by now.” Utako grumbled. It was a bright, sunny day, with no clouds to be seen. It was an annoyance when traveling in the hot desert. There was only the occasional shade, but it never felt like enough. It did not help that, even as a regular lion, he was a warm, heavy mane.

His companion, Tsillah however, did not seem bother by the walking. She had the luxury of walking in his shadow. What he wouldn't do for a friend who was much larger then him to use to stay cool. He guessed that they weren't too far from Anvesana. Recently he had been to the pride to check up on his daughter as well as to meet the new pride leader.

He knew that he would get a warm welcome, though he did not plan on staying too long. His encounter with his daughter left her pretty upset at him and he couldn't fault her for that. However the pride was perfect for Tsillah. He had a small soft spot for the curious leopardess and knew that the pride would be a safe place for her to learn anything she would want to know.

“If you want you can start flying and I can follow.” Tsillah responded. She had only seen Utako once in his true form. He was an odd god, though she did not really have anyone to compare him to. She hoped that eventually she would meet more gods and learn about them.

“That won't be necessary.” He said, looking down at her with a smile. “I believe I see someone in the not too far distance. If it is who I think it is, I believe we should prepare ourselves to be welcomed.

Devaraja saw two figures in the distance approaching. He was prepared to chase them away if he did not recognize them. As the pair got closer though, he saw the form of Utako. The large lion was hard to mistake. He wasn't expecting the god, especially because he already visited recently.

Truthfully, he hoped that the gods stay would be less eventful then last time.

Devaraja took a deep breath and walked toward the pair, putting on a welcoming demeanor.

“Is that a friend of yours?” Tsillah asked, when she saw the dark lion start heading toward them.

“You could say that.” Utako said with a wink.

“Hm I wonder if it would be best if I just pretend to not know you...” She replied.

“They respect me. Trust me, if I recommend you to the pride, they will have no problem accepting you.” Devaraja probably did not see him in the best light, but the lion was still respected him and that's all that mattered. “We are lucky that Devaraja is there. Meeting with him will quicken your joining process.”

“I thought it was just a 'if you are useful they'll let you join,' sort of pride.” Tsillah raised her eyebrow at Utako, who just shrugged.

“I might have failed to mention that they are on the pickier side. But someone like you, who only love is learning will fit right in.” He explained. “That lion's name is Devaraja. He is a high ranking member in the pride. He is a bit of a serious grump. So do your best to make a good first impression.”

“I will do fine as long as you keep your mouth shut.” Tsillah said, sticking her tongue out at Utako.

Utako was about to respond, but Devaraja got within ear shot. The dark colored lion bowed to them. Tsillah returned the bow while Utako stayed standing.

“It is a surprise to see you again so soon Utako. Were you here to see Tihamtu?” Devaraja asked. He glanced over at the leopardess that was with Utako. She looked unfamiliar. He knew that Utako typically traveled with company, so it wasn't too surprising. Though usually he left them somewhere far from the pride because of the pride's customs.

“I am going to give her some time to forgive me.” Utako explained. Tsillah gave him a quizical look, but decided to hold her tongue. “My friend, Tsillah, has some interest in joining Anvesana. I have told her the bare minimum of the pride. Just that your pride's interest is the pursuit of history and knowledge.”

Tsillah noted that Utako's voice became more serious. But she also guessed that he might have blabbed to much about the pride in the past, which was why he was making sure Devaraja knew that he didn't tell her too much. She couldn't help but wonder if Utako had gotten in trouble with the pride in the past.

Devaraja looked Tsillah over from ears to tail. When he finished looking her over, his attention went back to Utako. “This is an informal way of having a new pride member join. I am not in charge of picking who can join and who cannot.” He explained. There was a flash of disappointment on the leopardess's face. “Ah but, I can have someone come meet with you and they will decide. We are a secretive pride, that is true, but we are always seeking new blood. If you are allowed entry, our pride's history will be told to you.”

Tsillah nodded her head. “My name is Tsillah. Utako spoke highly of your pride. History is something that I love and wold like to learn more about.”

“I will talk to the head recruiter and he will decide your fate. From what little I know of you, I would guess that it would not be a problem. As long as you are truthful you should be fine.” Devaraja said, giving her a confident smile. He turned to Utako. “If you would like, there is a den not too far that way. You two could rest there until the head recruiter has time to visit you. Unless you wanted to come back to the pride with me Utako.”

“No. I think that it would be best for me to stay by Tsillah's side. It is a strange place for her after all.” Utako said. “We will fend for ourselves while we wait.”

Devaraja nodded his head. “After everything is straightened away, we could have a celebratory meal for you.”

“That isn't necessary. After Tsillah is allowed in the pride, I won't be sticking around. I have obligations else where.”

Tsillah could not hide the surprise from her face. “What do you mean other obligations? I thought that you would at least stay with me until I felt comfortable in the pride.” She said. Devaraja stayed quiet. He was interested in the two and what their relationship was. Utako mentioned a mate in passing from time to time, but Devaraja knew that Utako was the type who would have flings from time to time. It would be more interesting to find out what Tsillah thought her relationship was to Utako, though Devaraja knew he would not dare ask her that.

“I will talk to you about it later. I promise you that I will check up on how you are adjusting as soon as I can.” Utako responded.

It was clear by her clenched jaw that she was not happy with that answer, but she said nothing more.

“Well I must return to my duties. I will hopefully be seeing you soon Tsillah and I hope your obligations go well Utako.” Devaraja said bowing his head. He wanted to give the two some time to discuss. Plus it would give him time to find the head recruiter.

“Thank you for your assistance.” Tsillah said, before Devaraja started heading away. She looked back at Utako. “When were you planning on telling me that you were just going to ditch me here?”

Utako let out a sigh. “I have a mate that I miss terribly. It has been some time since I have seen her. I also have some offspring that I haven't seen in a while. I want them to know I haven't abandoned them. Spending time with you was a small vacation. It was fun getting to know you and help you find a pride to call home. I will come back to visit you. You are special to me and I would hate to not be apart of your life.” He nuzzled his head against her cheek. “I just need you to give me some time.”

As much as she hated to admit it, she enjoyed Utako's company. “Alright. I will be fine by myself. After all the worst thing that could happen is that they don't like me and refuse to let me join.”

Utako laughed. “They would be lucky to have you. You are the ideal candidate for the pride. Now why don't we find that den Devaraja was talking about and get some rest.”

Tsillah agreed and the two went scouting for the den.

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