It was a grand, sunny day in the Bahari. There were many days like today, but Moana cherished each and every one. She had heard stories from long before her time of terrible storms and floods, of the sea taking so many away from the pride by various means, and while she never hoped to see a day like that she knew that some day it would come. About two moons ago they had lost their leader to the Scourge, but in giving his life he had sent them away. At least, that was what she had been told. A kind-hearted lioness by nature, it was no surprise that when the sun-bathing lioness spotted one of the royal cubs - well, adults now! - approaching the beach she jumped to her paws to go to him.

Shio, once again, found his paws taking him to the water. He had yet to attempt being welcomed by the sea again but he was in no rush to do so, accepting that it hadn't found him ready as a cub and that it may not ever. But he knew it didn't make him less of a lion to have been rejected at such a young age and to not try again. He was happy with his life and the way things were panning out, even if there had been sadness not long ago.

"Shio! Shio!"

Hearing his voice gave him pause and he turned to see Moana trotting towards him, a smile on her cheerful face. He smiled back at the lioness, not one to deny someone a conversation.

"Good morning, Moana. A beautiful day, isn't it?" he asked as Moana approached. She didn't stop, much to his surprise, and she ended up pressed against his chest, nuzzling his mane in an affectionate yet platonic way. He returning the friendly greeting even if it wasn't his usual style, knowing that it was easier to go with the flow sometimes.

"It's so good to see you and your siblings out and about," she said as she pulled back, the smile still on her face tinged a bit with sadness. "To lose a parent like that must be awful. I know it was hard hearing Ram had passed. Are you holding up all right?" Word was spreading like wildfire that Hima, Ram's mate, was not taking it well at all and that her grieving had turned to rage. She was sure to give her a wide berth, not wanting to incur the wrath of a widow.

"It's been a little difficult to be sure, but we're getting on," Shio said with a little nod. "My mother is...taking it the worst, I believe, but she's always been a creature ruled by her emotions. Given time I think she'll run out of steam and settle again, but for now we're all mostly keeping an eye on her and supporting my brother as he attempts to fill Ram's paw prints."

Moana gave a little nod of understanding. There was no way she'd be able to take up the mantle of king. Not that she could, not having been born into the royal family, but even if she had been she knew it wasn't the life for her. She enjoyed talking to people and making friends, yes, but there were some hard decisions a ruler had to make! Like dying for his pride. Yikes.

"Well, if you ever need anything, or your family for that matter, I'm here to help!" she offered, her tail swaying back and forth with energy. Shio smiled warmly at the female, a nod of his head accompanying his words.

"Thank you, Moana. Truly, we appreciate it. If there's ever something I need I won't hesitate to ask you."

"Good!" Moana's smile returned to full form, bright and cheery once again. "Would you like to lay with me for a bit? The sun is so warm and the water is so soothing, it's hard not to fall asleep even though I just got up!" She laughed and turned, motioning for Shio to join her back where she had been laying. He obliged and followed her. It wasn't as if he had anything to do, after all.

Moana plopped back down and rolled to her back, wriggling in the warm sand. "Ah, it's just great! I love the beach," she said with a fond sigh, finally relaxing on her side after making a little hole for herself. Shio didn't lay down but he did sit for a moment, watching the older lion get comfy. He chuckled and dug his toes into the sand, teasing the little grains with his claws.

"It is quite glorious to simply bask in the sun on the sand," he agreed, although he preferred the rocks that stretched out into the water a bit. "It's a favorite pass time of mine, to be sure."

"I think it is of everyone who lives here," Moana said with a laugh as she gazed up at Shio. "You know, from down here you blend in perfectly with the sky. Blue mane, white could be a big cloud!"

That got a laugh from Shio and he turned to show off his butterfly markings.

"I certainly am themed more to the sky than the sea," he agreed, not at all minding the observation. "I think it's a nice compliment, though. The sea mirrors the sky after all. When the sky is blue so is the sea. When it's sunset or dawn, it looks like it's on fire. During a storm it is dark and grey."

"You know, I never noticed that...what a good point!" Moana said as she gazed out over the water. "Maybe the sea loves the sky just as much as we love the sea."

"Perhaps." Shio stood after that, glancing back down the beach. "I must take my leave now. It was nice to chat with you, Moana. Enjoy the sun and your nap."

"Bye, Shio!" Moana called after the male as he padded off down the beach, heading where, she wasn't sure. But she didn't much care now that she had said her piece to him. If he needed help at all he knew who to call! Satisfied, she let her head settle into the sand again, eyes closing for her nap.

Shio continued down the beach, smiling to himself at his own little revelation. The sea did reflect the sky...what a thought. He glanced up at the blue expanse above him, humming thoughtfully as he pressed on. He'd have to do a bit more thinking on that thought.

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