It was their first time to be outside of the pridelands. The four lions, though the single female of the four wasn’t really a part of their crew.

Smirking, Eirik followed the captain after a recent raid. A thrall had been captured, some loot obtained. He couldn’t wait to lead his own crew. And he knew who his first thrall would be… his eyes narrowed at the memory of the girl with the messy patterns. He liked visual order. He couldn’t help obsessing over details until things were symmetric or organized. So why was he so bent up about the b***h leaving? Leaving without a single word. Leaving after Eirik had said those things to her. He didn’t realize he was snarling until Equi’knox bumped into his shoulder.

”Stop thinking about her,” he muttered under his breath, so that the captain and the other reavers wouldn’t hear. Eirik’s eyes blew wide, darting over to Equi, mouth opening in protest. Before he could speak, the lovable idiot jumped in.

”It’s obvious, Eirik! Most of the time, if you’re upset outta no where, it’s gotta do with her right? She’s been gone for, what, how long now?” he asked, looking over to Equi to confirm.

Altxorra, the female freeborn and older than the two, rolled her eyes upward. Adolescent boys talking about a girl. Right. Of course. How pathetic. ”Stop gossiping and keep moving,” she snapped. She may not be a reaver yet, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t put three pathetic little boys in line.

Egia jumped at her snapping, eyes wide. He hadn’t been aware of her talking! Eirik’s eyes narrowed, his teeth baring. Equi let out a sigh… oh boy. This is why he didn’t like women. They could trash talk you, rile you up, and not a single paw could be raised to them. At least, Equi couldn’t hit a woman. Eirik, on the other hand… <******** bitc-“

Equi nudged into Eirik, jerking his head for him to follow. He saw the consideration in Eirik’s eyes as he pondered over whether he should follow his friend or put the woman in her place. Equi jerked his head to the side again and Eirik passed one more sour look to the tall female before stalking away with Equi. Equi’nox was a bit relieved at this; fortunately, their female companion was not Skitters. Otherwise, he doubt he would be able to pull his hot tempered friend away from extracting revenge. And inevitably losing whatever verbal battle that ensued.

Egia followed, casting glances over his shoulder at the lady, uncertain. Altxorra scoffed. Boys. How pathetic.

”Eirik, you need to calm down,” Equi said bluntly. When Eirik began to bristle and open his mouth to retort, Equi held up a paw, pausing in following the procession back to Mysky Syntynty lands. ”No, listen. If you ever want to make it as a reaver, as a captain, you’ve got to learn to reel in that temper. No one will follow a childish captain who’s hellbent on getting riled up at every little comment,” Equi said.

Egia fidgeted, knowing full well what Equi was implying. The way Eirik’s eyes were narrowing also indicated that he was suspecting it as well. Altxorra nearly wanted to laugh. So, the bright yellow with the mask was pointing out he wouldn’t follow the freckled face brat, was he? And that brat was aiming to be a captain? She snorted. She’d mate a thrall before that ever happened. And she loathed those weak thralls.

Egia finally decided to chime in. ”He’s kinda right, Eirik. I mean, I’ll still follow you, no matter what. But I think it’s going to be just the two of us,” he glanced nervously at Equi, hoping to see a correction to the word ‘two’, ”and we can’t really raid when it’s just two, y’know?”

Eirik tossed his head. <******** you guys,” he seethed, before the adolescent stormed back to the crew that they were with. ********, they thought that? He thought they were his friends!

Altxorra smirked at the shocked and hurt on Egia’s face and the exasperated one on the more stoic youth. ”Nice job, brats,” she mused. And nearly laughed at the wary expression from Equi. ”I doubt that idiot will ever be a captain. But he needs to know he’s a d**k. And the best way to believe it is to hear it from your friends.” Altxorra truly believed this. Because of this, she knew she could never hold back the truth. State what’s on your mind, let the pieces fall where they will.

Egia fidgeted, frowning. He didn’t quite like this outsider talking about Eirik like that. He looked to Equi, trying to gauge what to do, since Oisin and Eirik were not around.

Equi just considered her for a moment before finally speaking. ”With you listening, I’m sure you already know our names. What’s yours?” Not that he was actually interested. He’d just like to know about troublesome women so he can actively avoid them.

Altxorra grinned, which was really just baring teeth. ”Alt,” she introduced with a toss of her head. ”Hurry up brats, or you’ll be left behind.”

Equi watched her walk away before sighing and looking at his nervous friend. The usual cheerful Egia looked torn between staying with Equi or running to Eirik. Probably to beg for forgiveness. It was ridiculous, how much Egia strived for unity and fun within the crew. But it was admirable and lightened up the mood most of the time. The idiot really was loveable.

”We have a troublesome captain, don’t we?” he mused to Egia. Egia’s eyes brightened, understanding. No, Equi would follow Eirik regardless, wherever he went. They already considered the hot-tempered male as their captain, their leader. That’s why Equi found it so crucial to get Eirik to grow up. He would follow Eirik to his death… but he really didn’t want to meet it soon or because Eirik couldn’t keep his temper reined.

Eirik turned around to glare at his two friends who were still a bit off. ”Hurry up or you’ll be left,” he snapped. Altxorra smirked at him as she past him by.

”Such brats,” he heard her mutter. He bit his tongue and focused hard on his friends. He needed his crew. He couldn’t let them down. And if that meant being s**t talked by Equi, so be it.

w.c.: 1,066