Boneka gave a hard look to the two temporary companions. They were on the outskirts of a crossroads and had met in a very unfortunate circumstance. She had been on her way with her puppets to show to another pride. The crossroads just happened to be on the way there. She knew she should have went around it, even if it would have costed her another day. Too many others, too many chances to take with her wares. But… she thought it would be fine. How wrong she had been.

Baik’hati’s ears twitched nervously, shoulders slumped, head ducked low. The two lionesses, even though smaller than himself, were still intimidating. Too big, in his opinion. He had lost sight of Ume a few days ago and had been looking for the small leopardess in a near panic. Without really knowing direction much from his left to his right (though he even confused those at times), he had ended up near the hustling crossroads and not the nerve to go in. There were too many lions. Even if he hadn’t seen one that was larger than him, it was still too much. He should go back, go in the other direction. And he actually did, a day ago. But somehow, ended up right back to where he was. He should really learn how to read directions.

The fuming and glaring pale lioness scowled at the large pink lion before dividing some of that glare to the older dark lioness. It really wasn’t her fault. She focused on not looking at the crumpled dolls on the ground. ”You should have kept the dolls safer,” she snapped before rounding on Baik. ”And you should watch where you’re going. You nearly stepped on me!” Well, not really. He did run into her. And, startled, she had jumped back and crashed into the darker female, landing on the satchel of dolls.

Boneka’s scowl deepened. Dolls? Dolls?! She didn’t create dolls. But she didn’t expect this brat to realize it or appreciate her art. So instead, she shook her head. She was a businesswoman. Her wares were broken. ”You break it, you buy it,” she said firmly. She didn’t have to worry about the big guy running away. He seemed frozen into place. What a strange guy. He could easily overpower them and get his way.

Hewa tossed her head angrily as Baik’s head ducked further. He mumbled something and both females’ eyes swiveled to focus on him. He ducked his head even more.

”I don’t have anything to trade,” he mumbled in his deep voice. They continued to stare. He fidgeted under their looks, unsure what to say. ”I-I promise I’m t-telling the truth. But I could-“

”I’m not paying for some poorly made dolls,” Hewa snapped. Boneka’s attention was brought back to the brat, ignoring what the large male had been about to say.

A quick glance at Hewa told her one thing; the girl had nothing that she could use to pay. Tisking under her breath, she pondered on what to do. They did have to take responsibility. You couldn’t get through life just saying sorry and not taking responsibility. And regardless if it was intentional or not, it was a waste of profit and time. Her eyes moved to the puppets again. She could repair some of them, with the right parts… If only she had her paws on Lijen, then she could get to work immediately with minimal damage.

Boneka nearly laughed. Yeah right, Lijen here. She couldn’t find him in the Nchi even if they were both in the same district. And if she could, he’d take his sweet time and take so long that she may as well start a new puppet from scratch. Well, if wishes had wings… Shaking her head, she settled them both with a firm look. ”Names,” she demanded in a bark.

”Baik’hati,” the big lion immediately stuttered out, flinching at her snap. What a strange fellow. Boneka nodded, though he probably wouldn’t have seen with his eyes to the ground. Her gaze turned to the pale lioness, who continued to glare and stayed stubbornly silent.

After a minute or so, the brat finally gave in. Letting out a hiss, she bit out “Hewa.” Boneka nodded, satisfied. That will do. She was unsure if this plan would be worth it, with a lion who flinched and trembled at every word and with the lioness who would probably fight every little thing said. Boneka was sure if she told Hewa to keep breathing, the younger lioness would stubbornly hold her breath in spite.

”Alright, Baik, Hewa. Until you’ve repaid the full cost of the merchandise you destroyed, the puppets,” Boneka emphasized with her eyes cutting towards Hewa. Had the youngling been about to stick her tongue out at Boneka? ”You will be working for me. I’ll pay you fairly, though you won’t see a stone of it since it will all go to repaying your debt. If you refuse this, I will find someone to drag the payment out of you, and I doubt you’ll enjoy that even a bit. Think of this as being responsible adults and agree.”

”Y-yes, of course!” Baik hastily blurted out, head whipping up. He had been about to suggest that before the one named Hewa had interrupted him. And after some thought, he had figured it would have been a bad idea anyways. Who would want him to work for them? It would hardly be a repayment, just a burden. But if she had suggested it… he would eagerly agree. Hopefully, he could be of use. Otherwise, he wasn’t sure how he would repay his debt to her. He really did feel bad about the dolls- no, puppets.

Boneka nodded in frustration and settled her hard gaze on Hewa, who was bristling and staring back just as fiercely. ”Hewa?” Boneka implored, unblinking. The girl remained stubbornly silent, almost trembling in anger.

”Why do I have to help repay some stupid, ugly dolls,” she growled. When Boneka had been about to reply and restate the requirement of responsibility, Hewa held up a paw. ”Oh, alright. Fine, whatever. I need to waste some time anyways,” she muttered, ears flat. She wasn’t happy. But she valued being responsible, even if she didn’t like it. She would do this and hopefully, pay it off quick.

Boneka’s hard expression blossomed into a content smile. ”Good. Now help me gather this mess up. Careful not to damage things further or leave anything behind; I can still use some parts,” she told them briskly.

Baik hurried to help, trying to be careful, with Hewa dragging her paws but eventually assisting as well. Boneka sighed. She may as well rent a den there. If she could. Eyeing the bustling crossroads that they’ve yet to fully enter, she chewed on the inside of her cheek. She needed somewhere to work, hopefully they could find just the place.

w.c.: 1,158