The Painted Egg
Prompt 1

Solo Format
Counts as 5 RP growth Points
Solo word minimum is 750

Spring has arrived in Tendaji; in most places flowers were blooming while others might only see a slight temperature increase. The weather was nice so you decide to take a stroll. As you leave town and enter a small clearing, you notice strange colorful dots all throughout the grass.

"Oh stop right there!"

Freezing, you stop with your foot hovering just a breath above the grass and then as you slowly take one step backwards you notice that something colorful had been nestled against the ground. What was this? A Gaein girl comes forward and offers a big smile, "Thank you for stopping! You nearly crushed the egg." From there she explains that the whole field is full of colorful eggs that she had spread out for the villagers to find. Apparently in Belrea this time of year is a time for festivities and one of their most popular games is finding brightly dyed eggs that children create with their parents who later hide them away. As a member of the Academy she had been granted permission to come and share this knowledge with those in Tendaji and so offers to allow you to play with those already shifting through the wide expanse of fields.

[ Roll a 1d20 to determine what happens during your hunt!]
13. You find a total of 1, totally normal, painted egg!