One day, Koya'Kiwavi really thought he would like to settle down and forget this nerve-wracking, endless wandering that he loved as much as he grew weary of it. Day after day it felt like he was running into new and different creatures; Gods, lions, leopards, demons, mortals. The list went on and on and even when he thought he had finally seen all the world had left to show him, it only surprised him again in new, odd ways. He had only just left behind the lands where he had met the Goddess, that fiery, impish thing that had watched him like he was some spectacle to be seen, when he ran into someone that reminded him of her without fail.

"Are you sure you don't know where she went?"

It felt like the hundredth time he had been asked this question. He just sighed and shook his head, sending his short mane tossing around his green face.

"No! I told you, I already met her and she just.. poofed. That's what they do right?"

The lion with the golden mask writ into his features sighed and, at last, seemed to believe the words he had said. It was disheartening the way he immediately sat down and let his defeat overcome him, though. It wasn't that the leopon was really being purposefully difficult either - he had met the Goddess of Rebirth and she had left him in peace just as soon as her curiosity had been satisfied. How was he to know that her claimed son had seen the pair of them together and thought it to be something more than it was?

"I suppose the Sight wins again. You would think after so many years of trying to find her that I would know better by now. I can't match her pace because she's not bound by anything."

Koya hesitated as the male began rambling - was he talking to him? The green leopon shifted on his feet while he watched the golden-maned fellow, uncertain if he should speak or if he was even meant to. Should he just leave? Maybe he could just.. quietly slip away without the lion noticing. Yet, no sooner had he shifted a single paw than he found the other male's eyes upon him again, staring intently at him as if he might find the answers even Kiwi didn't know he had.

"Why did she care then? What was it about you that made her seek you out?"

The green leopon wanted to both scream and sigh. This endless questioning was extremely frustrating but he supposed he would have wanted to meet his mother too if he knew she was a glamorous, ethereal goddess. Defeated and committed to dealing with this other male until he was ready to leave him alone, he too sat, though ungracefully.

"I don't think she did care, uh - I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

Something about the hesitance made the gold and red fellow laugh at least, just before he fessed up his name. "Tabani."

Koya nodded at that, committing it.

"Right, Tabani. Like I said, I don't think she did care about me? Well, not me for who I am anyway. She was just curious about um," he paused, flicking his non-tufted tail, "about my being? I don't think she has ever seen a leopard and a lion hybrid before. She was staring at me like some sort of exhibit. I was rather worried she was going to try and lock me up somewhere for a pet." He found his comment amusing but, belatedly, realized he might be making out this guy's mother to be a bit of a cook - was he going to get mad? He cut his eyes to him of a sudden just to make sure and was relieved to see that he was still smiling. Good. He hated when lions got all touchy for no reason. "I'm Koya'Kiwavi, by the way. Most of the time I'm just called Kiwi."

"Kiwi," he heard his name echoed on the lion's mouth, though his eyes had taken on a distant look he recognized. Whatever he was thinking of had very little to do with his name. He wasn't surprised when he finally seemed to come back to their conversation.

"So she just thought you were interesting. Do you think that there is any chance that she might come looking for you again?"

This guy, though. Kiwi wanted to yell at him about how he was making this out to be more than he ought to and, besides that, ask him why his almighty Seer powers didn't just tell him everything he wanted to know about the damn Goddess. It was rude, though. He wasn't rude.

"I doubt it, honestly, but I guess there's really no way of saying? I don't think there's anything about me that she would have cared to revisit. I think it was just.. the luck of passing by."

It was clearly not the answer Tabani wanted to hear and not for the first time, the male fell silent and stared out past the leopon to the rogue lands beyond them, pondering something only he could see. It felt more than awkward to just sit there, waiting, and he had just about decided he was meant to leave (again) when the lion broke his silence.

"I think I'm going to stick with you for a while, just in case."

Koya'Kiwavi's mouth opened and closed in succession several times, flabbergasted by not only the sudden decision but also the finality with which he spoke it. He was still trying to think of a way to deny him when the lion pushed himself up onto his feet and started walking in the direction that Kiwi had been heading when their paths first crossed. He paused long enough to look over his shoulder at him, expectant.

"Well, come on then. What are you waiting for? The Moon Pride is this way, isn't it?"

Kiwi sighed. He was headed that direction for a reason and this lion knew it. There would be no shaking him now. Defeated and annoyed, the smaller male pushed himself back up to his feet as well and began what he expected was a long, annoying journey with his new (and unwanted) companion.

(1,050 words)