After leaving the lioness Kai, Impisi found herself in an area she had not ventured in. There was a lake that was being fed by a river, and near it a large stone one could find sunbathe comfortably on. Deciding she needed to rest, the gray-wolf like female headed in that direction, jumping on the flat stone. It was only the sound of snoring below the rock that caused her focus to shift to the bright pink male underneath it. Her head tilted, coughing to interrupt the other's slumber.

"Ahem." she cleared her throat. Nothing.

"Ahe-Ahem." She tried again. Still the lion below her made no move, just the heavy snoring. Rolling her eyes, Impisi would have just taken a small cat nap, but who could sleep with that loud snoring? It was like a herd of elephants trampling the ground. Deciding not to take anymore of the sound, the female jumped off of her rocky perch, down to the water. If her voice couldn't awake the male, maybe something from nature would. With a quick swipe at the murky liquid, the female flung the water towards the brightly colored male.

His breath quickened as he snorted, eyes jolting open from the wet intrusion. "What what?" the lion asked, bewildered at the sudden awakening. "What's going on?" The tone of sleep still rang in the lion's voice. "Is it morning already?" The lion yawned, eyes fixating on the female. "Oh. A lady. Not use to seeing one by themselves out here. Hello!" The cheery male started, eyes lighting up.

"Kuangazi Jani." There were teeth like marking imprinted on his maw, giving him an overbite look without even flashing his own pearly whites. "But most just called me Gazi. I mean they would, if I met many. I don't." The pink lion sighed. "Bit abnormal being out here you know. With how bright this pelt is. Stick out like a sore thumb, no one wants to be seen with me." The male rambled a bit, causing the female to quirk an eyebrow. "Ah, look at me go," he continued.

"I can see why you travel alone." Maybe it wasn't by his choice, but his continuous words would make anyone not want to travel with him. "Gazi is it? Call me Impisi. This seems to be like a rather nice resting spot, but," her eyes narrowed at the male, "your incessant snoring would make no one able to rest. Now I fully understand you being here first, but, I have been traveling for a while now, and would like the rest. Would you mind if I stayed here for a bit."

Gazi's eyes widened. "Really? You want to stay here...with me? I mean, sure that's no problem! Er --- I won't sleep, I can just stay awake and watch you. I mean, not watch you, know, like not sleep. I have a bad habit as you could tell so I don't want to bother you if I were to sleep again." The rambling continued, causing Impisi to shake her head again.

"Look, all I would like is peace and quiet. Can you manage that?" Impisi asked.


"Yes would be the answer."

"Right...Yes...Yes, I think I can. But, are you sure you want to sleep right here. I mean, there is a bit more of a better land just past the river. Nice and sunny, lots of warm rocks to lay on. I am sure you would like it better than this shady spot."

Impisi jumped back on the boulder. "I think this will make do. Tell me Gazi, do you have a pride, or a place to call home?" The female asked.

A light shake of his head caused the female to huff.

"Heh. Figures." She muttered. "Well. You know, if you are tired of traveling on your own, there is a place that would welcome you. Granted, you'd have to speak with Dastan, but I am sure he would welcome you. Perhaps there you can find someone to speak with continuously." She refrained from saying the trees would be a good candidate. He wasn't the exact lion she was looking for in returning to the pride, but if he meant one more lion for her group than Tycho brought back, then she would certainly welcome him.

"What's say you?" The lioness asked with a smirk.

"Oh...uh...I don't know...The pride life is not normally my scene you know, and well, I just think being able to be on the outside is much better suited for me. But you know, thanks for the offer! It is quite kind and not many offer that to me. Maybe if things change I could find myself there? Yes? How does that sound. I think that would be a good idea!" Gazi continued.

Impisi went to cover her ears, playing it off as scratching the fuzzy appendage. "Right. No need to decide. The pride is that way," She pointed towards the direction she had come. "If you do end up there, just tell anyone that Impisi sent you." The lioness lowered her body on the stone. "Now, if you don't mind. Sleep?"

She rested her head on a paw as the pink male watched her. His green eyes flickered back and forth. "Right, sleep. Okay." he shifted nervously on his paws. "Yo--you know what. Maybe I will go over to the rocks I said. You will probably be more comfortable by yourself." Maybe Gazi would be more comfortable by HIMSELF.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Impisi," once again, the bright green eyes lit up, before he headed off, his light colored tail tuft beat the ground as he walked.

The lioness did not reply, only grunted when the male was out of sight. If she was having a head time recruiting others, surely Tycho was doing just as bad of a job. She couldn't let Dastan down. She would continue on her travels after a good rest. She could at least spare that for herself.

Closing her eyes, it did not take long for the female to fall asleep. Her thoughts wandered into her dreams. How could she persuade others to join her?

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