Finding the path to her long-term hosts had been, blessedly, easy.

Although a distance out, Lifa recognized landmarks and views around the route, offering her some comfort in knowing where the path needed was. All she needed now was to find a seer. Find a seer, and ask after the baby. It was a fairly simply question as well -- the baby, being a half-sibling, was rather lovely, a dark lioness with light markings, one Lifa was sure was safe and happy now, so for a time, the journey was pleasant. The weather was clear, the air fresh, and everything pleasant.

The rains came, however -- a heavy downpout in the middle of the night and Lifa jerked awake to a male moving into her sleeping area, the female standing with wide eyes as he wiggled in, and she bit her lip, watching to see what he did.

Shido wiggled his way into the shelter to check for trouble, really. Ifa and Damla were aways off, and the male wanted to be gentlemanly. It had been rather nice out, and seeing it rain so late made it imperative he found shelter as he scouted for his mother. Damla was a difficult one to be sure -- a harsh lioness with little awareness of humor as he saw it, but she tried. Awkwardly. Still, Shido tried to be polite, and seeking shelter was his first act of doing so. It was a nice cave too, warm and dry and Shido thought he might show it to his mother when the faint outline of something made him pause, and blink.

"Hello?" He called. "Who's there?"

Lifa paused before answering. This was a strange male -- likely a rogue, and strangers could be dangerouis: steal homes, food, lives... Anything, and for a moment, she dared not speak, but, finally, she took advantage of the darkness, and snorted.

"Yes." Shr grumbled. "What do you want? I found this spot first."

Normally far from an asocial lion, Lifa shifted, watching him warily as the young male blinked, then shook his head.

"Terribly sorry. Do youlive here or are you getting out of the rain yourself?" Shido replied to the talking shape patiently, the male settling, and Lifa watched, jaw dropping. Astute little thing, this one, and Lifa frowned.

"You aren't going to have your way with me are you?" Lifa asked, brow raising. Shido made a horrified noise, and almost reared, the reaction alone made her settle.

"No! That-- ew no!" Shido made a face at the notion, and motioned frantically. "I just need a place to rest. I mean -- my travelling companions might need to stay too, but-- I mean -- come ON."

Lifa laughed then, finally, and stretched.

"Sorry, one can never tell out here. If I have a rogue encounter of that sort, I'd rather make the passes, not him. I'm Lifa. You have friends? They wo't-- you know?" She motionede, and Shido made a face.

"No, no, Ifa and Damla are girls. And Damla Ithink is my sister. So no." The lion stuck his tongue out, and Lifa snickered.

"An Ifa and Lifa. Whomever invented naming really got lazy inventing names, eh?" She giggled, and Shido blinked, before chuckling.

"I suppose so. Do you have travelling companions?" Shido asked. Lifa blinked then, and looked to the fur draped on her yet -- The Cloak of Travellers blessed by Kami, and she hummed, sighing.

"Only the Kami of my ancestors." Lifa said softly. "I hail from Doma, ere you ask. I'm searching for my sister to raise our pride's numbers, and thicken the bloodlines after sickness took most of our people. I am the daughter of the late king, Kaien, and sister by adoption tyo her current king, Hien." Lifqa bowed her head piolitely, and Shido stared befoire a half-smile formed on his lip.

"Adopted princess hm? Can't say my family is royalty, but I am sorry for your pride." Shido sighed, humming before he closed his eyes a moment, humming thoughtfully before opening his eyes again.

"But would just one creature help that much?" Shido asked. Lifa shrugged, sighing.

"Hien believes more will come-- rogues he met in his exile during the plagu, but he wanted me to go searching.,I planned to ask a seer how to find my baby half sister before I came home." The lioness sighed, and Shido looked over to her again, thoughtful.

"Maybe he's hoping others will follow. I know seers -- various areas have them. But, at the same time, maybe it's best to take a little time. You may have even younger half siblings you've yet to meet, or she may be dead. Ifa and Damla may be willing to help, or my mom." Shido sighed again, and Lifa seemed to think.

"Possible. But I have to try. When summer comes, we want to send fireflies into the skies for those whom passed... To share good news that we survive. I want to tell them I found her."

Shido listened, nodding. It was a noble endeavor, yes, but also one that dared hope for luck. Still, it didn't seem right to let the female try and come away empty pawed.
"Where do you seek seers then Lady Lifa?" Shido asked idly. Lifa half-smiled, eyes flashing.

"A pride that cared for me spoke of lions bearing demons laden with seers. I mean to find one and seek the answers I need."

"The Aegnor'hini?" Shido sputtered. "They keep pale lions as servants. How do you plan to walk out?"

"By force if needed." Lifa shrugged. "I'd hope a noble from another pride wouldn't be caught."

"No, not immediately, but you'd risk yourself? Why?" Shido bit his own lip now, listening as she sighed.

"Because. I want to save my pride." Lifa looked to Shido cooly, eyes glinting. "My people count on new blood to thrive now. As princess, it is my duty to the people to do what I can to restore my home. I failed once. I won't abandon Doma again." Lifa looked toward the exit then, and growled.

"But if you wish to stand in my way, and seem so set on staying here, then I'll be on my way. I will not see my people want for life."

Shido blinked, then rose, rushing to styand by the female, shaking his head.

"No, no, I'mnot saying not to help your home. But... Come with us. Let us help you. My mother has kin in the Aegnor -- she's a seer as well, if that is all you seek. But please, let us help you." The male nodded, Lifa blinking, then smiled.

"Help is appreciated, and if your mother might help, then I'd welcome it. Far be it for me to look a gift zebra in the mouth." Lifa smiled, then she looked out. "When will your companions arrive then?"

Shido shook his head.

"Not for some time. We'd likely both be asleep until they arrive and we'll all wake at similar times, I suspect. You can meet them then, when we hunt for the day."

Lifa nodded, then, climbing on a small outcropping near him, and lay upon it, shrugging.

"Then we'll speak more then. Right now, I've walked all day and should like some slep. I do appreciate this, though." Lifa yawned, and settled. "Very much."

"You're very welcome. We shouldn't be too far from home, either. So I hope mother can help you. Do sleep well, my lady." Shido responded. Lifa nodded, and yawned, nestling to sleep, and was soon out, Shido laying nearby to doze off, the only sound soon the drops of rain outside of the small cave.