It felt both strange and satisfying every morning that Ashiki woke in her high den, every morning that the sun filtered through the entrance of the rock face and drew her out onto the overhanging crag. It had felt like she might die in the rogue lands before the Outlands ever recovered enough for her pride to return home at last but here she was, surveying all that was her birthright, and waiting for the last of her lions to meander back to the home that awaited them.

Katiti had sent the bird to her first, beckoning her Queen home so that she might make the final decision. It had taken no time at all, in truth, for her to decide that her Eye had been right - the herds had returned, the debris had settled, and life for them could finally, at long last, return to normal. It had been a scarce few hours before they sent the rest of the birds to hunt down her two remaining viziers and their groups. There were others that would be more difficult to find but it would happen, in time.

This particular morning greeted her with a welcome sight in the distance. A group had crossed the small gap between the rivers and was headed at a beeline toward the mounds they could see without a doubt in the distance. They were headed to her, toward their home. With a knowing, pleased smile on her maw, Ashiki began the careful descent through the tiers of tunnels that connected den to den, so that she could emerge at ground level and make her way out to greet the travelers. It was no surprise to see him at the front, her fiery warrior.

"Ebbe, my Claw, welcome home."

When Ebbe first received the call from the avian, he hardly could believe what was said. So, now was the time, eh? His ears flickered whilst listening, occasional snorting at the words. Dismissing the bird, he had rounded up his small group. No need to wait any longer to return. Now was the time.

And so they did. Over the dry southern grasses, and into the familiar territory. While there were termite mounds littered across the plains, none were as large as what the Outlands have. The pesky Pridelands may have had Pride Rock, but the Outlanders had their share of beauty, and these mounds were one of them.

Although the striped lion was a bit shorter in stature, don't let the form full you. What he may lack in height, he made up in strength. Already his body had battle scars, a token of either duels or fights he had come across both during his life in the pride, and that outside it. Now, he was sporting a new one, right across his face. The mark was fresh, dark and red. The sting had gone away, but the inflammation was still present. It was a little dirty move from the female he had battled, but in the end, things worked out in Ebbe's favor. A constant smirk riddled his maw, as his eyes lit ever so slightly at the memory.

Drawn out of his thoughts by the sight of a familiar female, Ebbe's orange orbs stared forward until he was standing just before Ashiki. His head bobbed in greeting, the slicked back bangs of his mane falling just in front of his eyes.

"My Queen." He murmured, lifting his eyes to stare into hers. "Looking lovely as ever, I see." A compliment Ebbe rarely gave, but for the Queen, he would always make the exception.

"It is good to be home." His paw reached up, pushing the hair from his eyes. "I hope I did not keep you waiting long."

An amused smirk pulled at the Queen's mug as he layered a rare compliment upon her. She knew it to be unlike him, he was not prone to flattering, and it was the only sign of respect the aging warrior queen needed of him. Ebbe was a good soldier and had never made her question her decision to nominate him as her Claw; even in the rogue lands he had clearly been defending the honor of Taka's pride.

"And you have been as brave as ever, I see."

A paw rose and indicated the wound, fresh and swollen, that marred his handsome face. Luckily for him they were in a land where such things only increased the value of a male - she was sure there would be young ladies flooding into the lands from their different groups that would be vying for his attention simply because of the battle scars he wore like medals.

She let her eyes slip past him for a moment to the small group that followed him without question, lighting her attention upon faces both old and new, others that seemed familiar only for the ancestry writ upon them. It was a relief to see so many coming home at last, still loyal, or newly recruited.

"You are among the first groups to pass the rivers, actually." She half-turned then, an indication that they were meant to continue forward to the caves and mounds that made up the complex structure of their dens, "I hope you have not forgotten what it was like to remain in one place after so long."

"Would you expect anything less of me?" The lion smirked, observing the female as she looked to the group behind him. "I think you will be pleased with this bunch. Although some are unbranded, I believe they will prove themselves in the best way." Ebbe flexed his claws in the dirt at the comment. He wanted strong blood warriors for the pride. He needed to know there would be someone to take his place as The Monarch's Claw when the time came to it. He would not tolerate weaklings amongst his rank. " And, of course, the familiar faces are always beneficial to the pride." He said quietly.

Ebbe made a soft hum. "Is that so." He stated, rather than asked. While in the presence of the Monarch, the lion always remained standing, aware of both of their surroundings and any potential threat. It would be a scar's mistake to believe there would be no harm in a land just beginning again, where someone in Ebbe's position would not.

"You know me, My Queen, I like my routine. I am quite antsy to have things return to their former glory."Ebbe was more likely saying he was itching to begin his job again. Out in the Southlands, one could only do so much in regards to structure. Now with dedicated space, he would be able to settle in nicely.

He followed the female towards the caves, his eyes shifting, cataloging the lands he hadn't stepped foot in and awhile.

"Are the other viziers? Are they here as well?" He asked.

Would you expect anything less of me?

The aging Queen did not answer but her wicked smirk was firmly in place as she stared ahead of them to the termite peaks that loomed above her lands like towers. No, she expected nothing less than the strength and wisdom he brought to the table but it wasn't a fact she had to reaffirm. His position was proof of her faith in him - she did not pick her viziers unwisely. Ebbe was every bit of promise she had seen in him when she had been a younger lioness saddled with a heavy duty.

"Well, with you at the helm I am certain this group will blend back into the pride without much trouble at all. I look forward to seeing their strength in the coming weeks." Only time would tell, she knew, how well they could all acclimate to pride life once more. There were many that she did not doubt and yet the younger ones, even some of her own kin, might find it a struggle.

"Kat is here, as always. She waited for me to respond to her call before we sent out the rest of her little birds." She paused then, tail flicking as she considered how to phrase something. When she spoke, her bright, acidic green eyes glanced up at him. "Shetani has taken her mother's place as my Mind, I am afraid the old lady did not survive her time in the rogue lands. It hurts my heart to know she did not see her homelands again. We will need to honor her after her children arrive with their group but, no, they are not here yet."

"Ah. Dear Katiti." His tongue clicked as he thought of the wicked seer. The two didn't always see eye to eye, but at least they could come to an agreement when it came to Ashiki. His mind then traveled to the name Shetani. It was one he had not heard in a while, but he was sure once he saw the face his memory would come back in full force of her.

"Ah. My condolences for the loss of your original Mind. The Southlands were, indeed, rough on a lot." Some of his group had fallen from either battle wounds, heat or lack of food. One had even be trampled during a hunt, a small lion who wanted to prove himself. His name though, Ebbe did not remember. "I feel those who were truly loyal but do not make an appearance would have perished amongst them." It was the only excuse for someone not to return to the pride. Other reasons would just mean they were traitors to their blood, and to their Queen.

"Might I suggest a small feast in her honor, as well as in honor of the pride becoming whole again?" Ebbe offered Ashiki.

"Soon it will be our time to shine again." The lion's eyes lit up at his own comment. "And with Kat, myself and Shetani by your side, we will be prosperous once more."

Ashiki nodded slowly in agreement, though let her thoughts fall silent as she considered how many might have fallen and how many others would not make their return regardless of where they were in the Southlands or beyond. Her own brother had parted ways with their group early in the days of their nomadic exile to find himself a cushier, kinder pride to take him in (or so was her opinion). A part of her wanted to be angry at those that would follow his path but another part of her, the realistic part that made her the Queen that she was, recognized that their desertion was just one more way to weed out the faithful and the strong from those that would hold them back.

"I think that would be very suiting, my Claw," she murmured, fondly, even as her voice sounded somewhat distant and thoughtful, "it has been too long since her passing for us to observe the proper mourning period. Perhaps, though, we can find a token to take to the Ancestor's Cliff on her behalf."

Unless one of her children happened to be carrying a bit of their mother with them, of course, but it seemed rather unlikely.

"There is quite another matter that I would like to discuss with you," she stopped short of the caves and let her eyes slide past the Claw to the group that followed dutifully in their wake. She inclined her head to them, a clear sign of dismissal, and then glanced over her shoulder toward the tunnels.

"You may all find your place among the dens now, I require a private word with my right paw."

Ebbe suppressed the curiosity that piqued his mind as Ashiki mentioned another matter.

Orange eyes watched as the small group behind them dispersed, locating a place to rest their weary paws. Ebbe had pushed them hard the last leg of their journey, so it was only fair they would be able to enjoy a nice evening. Even if the pride members did not all return, there were enough here to start working with at first light. The Claw had forewarned them what sort of training they would be going through once their home returned. He was eager to start those trials.

With the area empty, the male glanced back towards the Queen. "Is this a suitable area, or shall we convene to a more private location to be sure there are no... wandering ears about?" His voice was deep, and his eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of those trying to intrude on a private conversation.

"Though, having just returned, I am quite intrigued what you wish to tell me."

Ashiki smiled at his ever present awareness, having realized only in that moment just how much she had missed the care and loyalty that her viziers provided. It had been so long since she had been given all three in the same place at the same time and, without a doubt, she knew his words to be true: they would thrive again, soon, and the Pridelands would remember that it had chosen the weaker path if she died making that point.

"We can walk and talk, it is not so serious, I just don't feel like answering a dozen questions right at this moment." For the first time since his arrival, she laughed, and fell into step as gracefully as she had as a youthful Queen. It felt like she had walked an eternity in the Southlands and, truly, she was certain that his paws were as tired as those that had just disappeared into the dens ahead of them even if he was not likely to admit such. She wasn't apt to keep him too long but her own legs itched to carry her through her lands and survey every inch to make sure she had not forgotten it.

"Once all the groups have returned I would like to have a festival of might. I have brought my own unbranded with me and I see that there are many with you. I suspect there will be more with Shetani and maybe still more that wander in with the smaller groups still in the Southlands." Her tail flicked as she walked, snaking behind her in a rhythm that matched the pace of her paws and the roll of her thoughts. "We have many new faces that have wandered in without so much as a scratch on them."

Her gaze flickered sidelong to him then, offering him an approving look at the sight of his fresh, still-healing wound.

"I would like you to help me organize plans for a month long duel - I want to know which of our unbranded have promise and I'd like to give our returning members the chance to show them what we are made of."

A festival of might.

Ah. Ebbe enjoyed hearing those words. It wasn't as if the lion was a blood thirsty creature. Instead, he was one to always push himself. He wanted others to do the same, yet it seemed that the will to do so was not in a lot of lions. It disappointed the orange male to say the least.

"It does appear some of the unbranded appear without marks. But." he paused, gaze flickering towards Ashiki briefly before looking away. "That will change. They have experienced the life of surviving. A skill that does not normal lead to marks. Now it is time they learn the art of battle." He nodded as he spoke, ready to oversee everything militia related.

"I would be honored, My Queen, to assist with this request." Ebbe bowed his head in respect before it lifted. This would give him a chance to observe the old and new members of the pride, and as Ashiki said, find out those who had promise.

"Has there been word whereabouts the other groups are?" He had sent the one avian back to advise Kat of his groups return, surely others had done the same.

"You are a good vizier, Ebbe," she responded proudly, having not even the slightest doubt that he and all those he had led home to her would help make her pride strong once more. It was almost surreal to think that they had come through this journey together, at last, to stand once more among the lands her family had claimed. She paused then and turned to look at him head on once more, making a point of staring up at his eyes. "I want you to know that I could not have done this without your help. I will remember that."

Each of them had served their own purpose throughout this long trial and, as she had realized with Katiti days before, she owed her viziers more than just a warm welcome home. How she would show them her thanks she was not entirely sure but she would think on it for there would never, she hoped, be another trial quite like this in the history of their great pride which meant there would never be another set of viziers that would ever prove themselves quite so well as they had.

"The bird from Shetani said she was two, perhaps three, days out - he wasn't certain how many lions she actually had with her so there's no way of guessing how slow their progress might be. There are other groups at about the same distance and others still that have not had their messengers return." She offered him a smile then, "So we should probably get started with the plans, hm?"