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Reply [IC] Rogue Lands
[PRP] Laying Down the Law (Chau, Azzan, Kat)

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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:48 pm
User ImageChausika did what Azzan requested; she sat with him. Waiting in complete silence as a figure approached from the distance. She should have been scared or at the very least; nervous. However, the black lioness was at peace and though she would never admit of it, a large part of that had to do with the large male by her side. Then, all too soon, the lioness was close enough for pale silver eyes to make out her vibrant pelt and Azzan moved. It was only then that a sinking feeling hit the rogue in her gut; the sudden realisation that she was no longer in control causing nausea to settle in her throat. Chausika was born in a cage; but had been a free spirit for as long as she could recall. She looked towards Azzan for just a moment; No. You lost your freedom days ago.

The younger feline stood up and followed behind him, her eyes now less curious about the inner working of the tunnels and the vivid colours of the rocks, but on the ground in front of her. “Azzan.” Her voice was different then, gone was the cockiness that the male must have gotten used to in the time they spent together, replaced with a sincerity that even she found surprising. “It’s your last chance. You can still change your mind.” It was a last ditch attempt to escape; but the request itself was laced with defeat as if she already knew the answer.

There is no escaping for you, you know that right?

The light shining in from the entrance of the cave made her squint once more and low and behold, there was a shadow waiting in the archway. Chausika did not look the older female in the eye, nor did she acknowledge her presence in any way. Honestly she was unsure how to, Azzan had made her out to be someone really important; Chausika was no good with those kind of people, living life without a hierarchy meant you were never really taught proper etiquette.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:22 pm
If Chausika had raised her gaze, she would have witnessed a lioness that was oddly mismatched against her surroundings. She donned a pelt that was vibrant red, unnatural and stark against white and black markings. Adorned by the bald lioness was what could only be considered a menagerie of jewelry. Metallic golds accented with the sparkle of red gems, expertly fastened into each piece. No lion could have crafted all the pieces, and it was obvious she had gotten them from somewhere else. Amongst lions, she was bold and almost unnatural.

"I do not know how you do it all day." When she spoke, it was clear that Chausika mattered little to her. The black lioness had been dismissed entirely in favor of Kat's own 'woes'. Her paws were sore from exercise she rarely indulged in. That wasn't to say she was unfit. Kat was a large lioness, and had grown up in the Pridelands where meals were plenty and she had never truly wanted for anything but treasure. Under her extravagant jewelry and rich pelt were muscles to at least say that she was not an inactive lioness, though her duties hardly required her to be as fit as she was.

Scouting the lands had been far more exhausting than she had anticipated, but it was a fruitful venture. The lands were ready to host the Outlanders again. They had finally recovered to the point where Kat was confident that if she called back the pride, they would thrive within these borders. She had returned to the heart of the pride to send out her messengers, but she had the suspicion that she was needed.

So here she was, in all of her glory as the Monarch's Soul. "It is time to call back our Queen," she told Azzan. While she had not expected to find him with another lioness (she did not think him the type - had to pity the poor thing), she did not show it. Kat had a habit of hiding how much she knew and how much she did not. Her eyes had not been on Azzan for a while. He was rather boring to talk to, and she was more concerned with her Queen and those that were waiting for the Pride's rebirth.

Perhaps she would stretch it to even say her children, though the last one had left her and had gone so far away that Kat not discern her destination. Only that it was too far for her to even want to follow. It was no matter, Calypso would come back to her in the end.

Her gaze finally fell to Chausika, only interested because she had not seen the lioness before. But, she had seen her now, and if she needed to again, she would. The younger lioness had yet to look at her, and Kat could easily surmise that the creature likely was not here because she wanted to be. How scandalous! She simply had to know the circumstances behind this little arrangement. "Azzan, I'm impressed - I was almost convinced you'd die before having cubs."

There was no subtlety to her words. She was pushing for a reaction out of him, and if she got none, at the very least he would explain the poor lioness' presence.


Tipsy Senshi


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:35 am
Azzan only had a brief moment before Kat was within earshot of their words to look back at Chau. For a very brief moment there was something akin to pity in his eyes but the exact reason wasn't clear and he obviously wasn't going to give voice to it. Truth be told, he had come to enjoy her presence (as much as Azzan enjoyed anyone's presence) over the last several days and knew well that she was simply a rogue doing her best to survive. Only, in this fractured time of their pride, rules were more important than ever.

"I'm sorry, Chau," he said quietly, turning his eyes away from her and to the figure that was approaching, "she would know."

It was impossible to explain Katiti to anyone. It was true that they had encountered many vessels, some talented at their craft and others who were barely deserving of the title, but there had never been one in Azzan's life so astute as the Queen's Eye. She had not gotten her title out of luck, she had gotten it because she was Ashiki's best instrument in these trying times. She was the all seeing Eye. He could only hope that eventually Chau came to understand that and, perhaps, would forgive him for his keen sense of justice and loyalty.

The Claw sat down as Katiti entered the cave enough to rid herself of the silhouette created by the sun in the backdrop, showing her pelt for what it was - a striking splash of color and bold markings, as beautifully eclectic together as it was against the dusky red of their desert home. He was nearly about to introduce his captive when the female spoke up - catching him off guard with her words even if they were ones he had expected.

"Finally," he seemed more relieved than a lion accustomed to introversion should be, but it was a clear, honest emotion in his dual-toned eyes. He missed his family and his pride. "I was beginning to think I would never see her again."

Whatever relief and joy he had found in that moment was completely doused by Katiti's next words. He should have known. Her tongue was, at best, a double-edged sword and his expression went from unguarded to annoyed in the blink of an eye. If Chau had been watching, she would have realized immediately that he respected Katiti but often could not stand to be alone with her. It was too bad Ashiki didn't want her head knocked around too much.

"This is Chau," he stated, firm and pointed, keeping whatever pity he felt out of his tone, "she wandered into the caves while you were gone thinking she could scavenge. I was going to chase her off but she has insulted the name of Taka."

He paused and turned his eyes down to the smaller female at his side.

"I have kept her for your judgment, Queen's Eye."

Z o m b i k ii

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:46 am
Pale eyes watched Kat as she spoke a brow raising at her initial comment, maybe high ranking members of the Pride were not expected to exert themselves? It was a strange concept, especially for a Rogue who was forced to keep active. These past few days she had spent here were the most stationary she could remember. All she could do was listen to the conversation between Azzan and the Seer, words that she could not understand totally, the Queen was returning? The male certainly sounded relieved to hear that. The black lioness remained silent for a moment, this interaction holding little value to her. She was, rightfully, more concerned with what was next to come.

Chausika was not expecting Kat’s next words though, her face changed then, dumbfounded by what they had just been accused of. A wave of embarrassment came over her young frame, her fur too dark to give away the fact her skin had reddened. “He still might.” The lioness mumbled to herself, loud enough for Azzan to hear, soft enough that it might have escaped the Eye.

“Chausika.” She snapped as if to cut off Azzan’s words. The correction of his words meant to show the fact they were no longer on friendly terms, petty but - it was the only power she held. Things were different now; she had asked nicely, she had been good - it was not his pity she wanted it was the ability to go home. To return to her world of freedom and adventure.

The smaller lioness moved away from him, catching his eyes just for a second but looking away. She then took a place between the male the striking lioness; staying on her feet, not knowing which was more dangerous. She felt like she was between a viper and a jackal; there was fear in her heart and a desperation that she doubted either understood.

The devil she knew or the one she had just met? Silver orbs looked at Azzan one more time, the internal battle reflected on her face. The young lioness did not want to be his foe, but what choice did she have now? She had already tried to ask for his help and there was none to be found in him. So instead, she decided to try and find some in the female. “Azzan has told me about you, that you are a gifted Seer, and on meeting you I do not doubt him.” She stated, turning away from the male completely. “Believe him enough to hope you will not be deceived that easily.”

There was that anger there again, that she had shown when they first met, arising again. “The only thing I insulted was his own ego, and was probably kept to relieve the ache of isolation.”



Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:40 pm
"I would have informed you if that were to be the case," Kat told him, puzzled briefly over Azzan's relief. Azzan was the last of Taka's bloodline that remained within the Outlands. Above all else, she would have informed him if their Queen would not make her return. It was doubtless that Kat would know her Queen's fate. Her eyes were focused upon her, keeping watch over her Queen's journey even if she knew there was nothing she could do about what she saw. There was comfort in seeing Ashiki's unwavering strength and perseverence throughout the hardships she endured. A true Queen, and Kat doubted she would see any else comparable to her in the rest of her lifetime.

For once, Azzan did not seem to immediately bore the Monarch's Soul. Instead, her interest became keen as the Claw described how he came about acquiring the young lioness' presence. How very interesting indeed. Kat needed something to occupy her time with while she waited for Ashiki's return. It was almost as if Azzan had the sight himself, predicting Kat's boredom and providing her with some relief to it.

She was the Queen's Eye, but that did not mean she was deaf. Her ears flicked at Chausika's whispered words. Little slipped by Kat, even if she chose not to react to the lioness' insolence in that moment.

"A wise decision. With our Queen's return nearing we cannot have the whispers of doubt and disrespect at our borders." Chausika was about to learn that there was no safer presence within the Outlands now than Azzan's. Kat was no sympathetic party - she felt little for some silly rogue who had spoken out of place. But, there was a use, and a place for everyone.

What a bold little lioness, to approach her so and still insult the blood of Taka. There was no warmth in Kat's eyes now. Instead her posture straightened, and she stepped closer to Chausika to tower above her. Kat was rarely intentionally cruel, but she had little tolerance for blasphemy when she was preparing for the return of the lioness most important to her. "It seems, even now, she speaks with such disregard to Taka's bloodline. You would insult his blood to court favor with me?" She tilted her head to the side, the expression of pity on her face a mockery of the actual emotion.

Her judgment was passed too-quickly.

Chausika never stood a chance.

"For one who's words so boldly disrespect our land and pride, silence indefinitely." But, that meant instead of casting Chausika away, Kat was drawing her in, binding her to a land she did not belong to. "Until she can control her words, she has no right to speak again. Though, if she does, I would love to wear her tongue around my neck until it withers dry." Her gaze shifted back to Azzan, "She is Tarnished. I have use for her, and under my wing I will teach her the ways of the pride and reform her into a proper member. If she fails in this, there will be no forgiveness. My next sentence will be far harsher."

One could almost think that she was doing this for Azzan, keeping his new friend within the pride and training her into a proper lioness. In reality, this was for herself. She needed someone to do her bidding, but she wouldn't dare keep the lioness around when she wagged such a treacherous tongue. There was too much at stake to let Chausika's presence dampen the magnificent renewal of the Ukulhwa'Izwe.

"Your last words, dear. Once we leave this cave your silence and servitude is expected."

Z o m b i k ii

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:30 pm
Well, he would have warned Chau against her behavior but, unfortunately, it seemed like she was going to try and play against the sense of reason that Katiti did not have. With each breath the girl took and every word that passed her jowls, the furrow of his brows deepened. It should have been enough to tell her simply to shut her trap but no, never this feisty little rogue, and now she would have to deal with the consequences of her ignorance.

Poor thing. How could she have known insulting him, in any fashion, was frowned upon? In a normal conversation it might have been brushed over but here, and now, when she stood trial?

"You dig your own grave," he sighed out, annoyed. "I thought we had made some progress, you and I."

It was a shame. Once he had gotten past the insults and the general lack of knowledge of this world's greatest should-have-been King, he had sort of liked her.

Ah, well. He lifted his eyes from her and settled the dual tones on the Seer's instead. Tarnished were not things to pity, they simply were.

"I hope she proves to be a useful pet to you, Kat. I know that you will have your hands full when the pride returns."

Z o m b i k ii



Eloquent Lunatic

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:12 pm


Chausika could not even begin to comprehend how this situation had come to pass. All of this because of what? Hunger? Curiosity?

The black lioness had been somewhat calculated in her actions; she was aiming to get exiled, chased out, attacked. Never in a million moons did she think her actions would just solidify her prison. Katiti’s sentence reached her ears; but her voice was a blur, like Chausika was dreaming them. Who even was this lioness? And why had her own blood suddenly run cold in her veins? Questions she would she find the answer to all too soon. Her breath caught in her lungs.

Her anger fizzled away to defeat as quickly as it had been summoned. That was her last chance, her last effort; she had no strength to bite anymore, no backup plan. By the sounds of things; she was going to be deconstructed and built back up, indoctrinated and shaped into whatever Katiti wanted her to be. Or else? Chau would be lucky if she never had to find out what the harsher punishment the Eye had alluded to.

Her last words? Her brow furrowed. Then Azzan spoke, and her emotions sparked again.

She wanted to yell at him; she wanted to throw his words back in his face and spit on him. Tell him that it was he who dug her grave. That she was just as disappointed in him as he was in her. That she thought they made some progress too. The young lioness just sighed, silver eyes slithering over to look at him. Her heart sank. There was that face again, the one she had made when he was on top of her with his teeth to her cheek. Defeat.

If this was the last time she had the freedom to use her voice; then she would choose not to.

She had nothing to say to him.

Nothing to say to the Seer Either.

Chausika sat down then, looking at the termites that marched by her feet, willing them to carry her away.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:12 am
"An excellent choice, my dear. I do hope you do not regret it," Kat spoke sweetly with words laced by poison. The newest member of the pride clearly had a bit of fight in her, which would serve her well in the future if she ever learned how to properly wield it. Chausika oddly would fit in well with the Outlands, if she ever was removed from her position as Tarnished. Kat was interested in the lioness' future, but she was beginning to think she wanted it to be a surprise.

To have Chausika's fate spoiled by a vision would just be so terrible! Kat would have to focus her mind on others to keep from finding out the dark little lioness' future.

"Now that we have that matter settled." Her paw gestured dismissively to the now silent Chausika. "We have to be prepared for the Queen's return. You have done excellent work securing the borders, Azzan." Praise was rarely received from Kat that was actually genuine. She could throw around compliments and niceties like they were nothing.

"It will take some days now for Queen Ashiki to return, but I will let you know when she is close so we can prepare a welcoming meal for the members of her travelling group. I do not know how skilled a huntress this one is, but you're more than welcome to use her for such labor as needed. Until then, I'll keep her busy with some... tasks I have in mind."

Were they actually going to be meaningful tasks?

Probably not.

But that didn't really matter, Chau was at Kat's disposal now.

Z o m b i k ii



Tipsy Senshi


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 3:37 pm
Sulking. Of course that was her first course of action. Azzan could not have explained why such an act annoyed him so deeply but he forced his dual eyes to look away from the dark femme and up toward Katiti as she shifted the topic of the moment away from her newest toy and to the one thing that his entire life had revolved around since the day they had accepted their demise -

The Queen was coming home.

The annoyance in his gaze faded and the Claw, the one and only general that had remained behind, let himself sit tall and straight at attention. Katiti had been a strange companion throughout the years (at least whenever he could not escape her company) but she had been the only other soul in this world that had held so steadfast to their goal as he. He was glad to know that it had not been in vain, that they had not remained in vain, that he would see their pride reunited before he died -

"I am certain there are things that could be done," he said, blunt and to the point, "the dens will need to be cleared of debris and the Queen's quarter will need to meet certain standards."

At least now, with the shadow that Chau would become, he needn't be demoted to the task of custodian alone. His gaze dared a flicker in her direction before he pushed himself up onto his feet.

"I will go inspect the pride grounds and let you know where she is needed most - unless you have other news to discuss?"

Z o m b i k ii

[IC] Rogue Lands

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