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The group of lions milling about this waterhole were not a friendly bunch, though you wouldn't have thought it with how they were talking and laughing amongst themselves. They weren't mean, per se, but they certainly weren't interested in making friends at the moment.

Ajani supposed that he couldn't blame any of them. They had been wandering for a while, and for a time, their members had simply accepted what had happened. It was a necessary evil, and one that had ended in gaining a few more Outlanders who would fill their ranks. That said, they had all been without a home for too long now, and it was beginning to grate on everyone's nerves.

The lion pondered silently to himself about it, and then shook his head. They had not gotten the call to return yet, so there was no point in getting crabby about it. He eyed some of the newer members, rogues that they had come across in their travels, but they seemed to be adapting well enough. Most were Unbranded though, and still had yet to prove themselves.

He wondered what it would have been like had their mother still been around. When the Outlanders had scattered, only a small few had chosen to stay together with the former Vizier - Ajani and his sister included - but their mother was long gone now. Age and the harsh life of a rogue had finally gotten to her, though not before she had ensured that their way of life would continue.

Speaking of.... where was Shetani? His sister had been very busy of late, having taken over the duties of the Monarch's Mind, but now was a time for rest. They had been crossing very harsh terrain, and she had given the order to relax for the time being. Yet she, herself, was not here.

He snorted, before standing to track down her scent. She couldn't have gotten far. She never strayed too far from the group.

Sure enough, he followed her scent down the hill where everyone was settled, but paused as he saw her conversing with... were those birds?

The black lioness stared with hooded eyes at the two birds twittering in front of her, though her mind was elsewhere now. They had already given their news, and were simply squabbling between each other. They weren't important.

No, what was important was the order that they had relayed. It was lucky for them that they could verify that what they were saying was true and had indeed come from Kat and, by extension, Ashiki. Though a part of her almost couldn't believe that finally, finally....

Her ears flicked up at the sounds of heavy footsteps making their way towards her, but having grown up with those very steps, she knew exactly who it was. Her brother would never be able to sneak up on her. Still, she made no other movement to acknowledge that he was there yet. Instead, she turned her attention back to the two birds and motioned with her tail that they were excused. The birds gave a squawk, and while one flew off, the other gazed back with a lowered head. "Don't dawdle either!" And then it took off on hurried wings, likely noticing the narrowed look Shetani shot it. It was good it had, they only needed one messenger, after all.

With a sigh and a disgusted glare at the fleeing pests, the lioness turned her head to glance back at her brother. "Why, Ajani, we've been given good news, brother."

Ajani raised as eyebrow at her, half in surprise that she hadn't lashed out at that stupid rat with wings and half in curiosity over what news had come. "Oh? And what could a few birds have for us?" Skepticism colored his voice, but he trusted his sister's judgement. She wasn't one to take anyone's words at face value.

Sure enough, Shetani gave him a wane smile and chuckled, gazing back up across the plains in front of them. "That was a message from the Clergy." Ajani's ears perked up in hope at that, but before he could ask anything further, Shetani was turning and making her way back up the hill. With a scowl, her brother hurried after her, just in time for her to yowl for everyone's attention.

Shetani waited until everyone was looking up at her, choosing her words very carefully before speaking them, and then continued, "Brothers and sisters.... it is time." She observed the initial confusion, the hope blossoming among the older members, and then smiled with a nod. "The Outlands are once more flourishing, and the pride is being called back. We can return home."

That brought excited chatter amongst the lions and lionesses gathered around her, and she could feel Ajani's eyes on her back. Just as well, she needed to speak with him now.

Dropping down from the rock she had perched herself on top of, Shetani began walking towards the water, noting with a glance that her brother had walked up beside her.

"Is it really true?" Ajani almost couldn't believe it himself, but the answering nod made him smile.

"We'll begin the trek at sunrise tomorrow. Make sure everyone knows to rest up tonight. Perhaps send out a hunting group to catch some food for everyone." Shetani hummed thoughtfully, "It will likely be quite a journey, but not one that we cannot endure."

Ajani snorted, "Well of course not." He puffed out his chest, "We are Outlanders, after all." And with that, the pair separated - Ajani to ensure everything was ready, and Shetani to grab a drink before heading off to speak with some of the Consuls that were with them. They needed to make sure that their pride's history was not left behind in all the bustle to get back. After all, they had held onto as much of it as they could manage all this time. They would not lose it now - not on Shetani's or any of the Academy's watch.

It was high-time the Outlanders had returned.