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A small yellow head raised out of the gilded red and gold collar about the neck of an otherwise bedraggled lion laying flat on the savannah plains, a forked tongue flicking in and out as blood red eyes took in the shimmering horizon all around her. Nothing moved, silence was so solid that Hati thought about belting out a song to combat it even if she knew that Athrun would likely be annoyed by it because she certainly knew that he was not sleeping.

Sleep never came easy for the lonely old god, but it seemed to be coming less and less as days alone progressed onward. It was something that the tiny snake had noticed very quickly upon their reuniting, his heart was not even broken, it was simply in shatters and not a soul other than she herself had made an attempt to repair it or understand what had happened. For all that others were concerned it was his own problem that he had to handle, one that he wasn't handling as well as he should have given the state of his returning memories.

"If we ssssimply have to lay around all day, would it be possible to find some shade? I have no problem, but I'm sure the sssskin under all that white fur will burn ssssooner or later while you're doing your best to be a flat cat." Hati offered, her head bobbing about looking for any kind of coverage that might present itself.

"Never once have I had a problem, likely a result of being a god despite this mortal form, surely I won't have any issues today." Low and deep, Athrun's voice sounded as tired as he looked just laying there on the grass. Through sheer power of will he had pulled his battered looking wings into an illusion that made him appear all but a large adolescent mortal with more gold than one should have acquired in such a short time. Despite that he had no real qualms about sunburn or damage by laying in the one spot he'd found with no lonely thoughts or feelings rushing about in his head.

An oasis of painlessness in the center of an otherwise bustling Africa, the god who's realm had him clinging to his own loneliness laid in the form of the mortals he had always tried to help, even against the wishes of his fellows at times.

I should have warned you he's kind of a hot mess, but he can snap out of it a little with company.