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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands
[PRP] Empty [Yhe x Bast'ion]

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Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:23 pm
Bast'ion was returning from yet another viking outing. The kirin lion was taking a liking to viking life because it was something to do and something he could have control over in his life. You didn't need to do a whole lot of thinking when you were acting on instinct and that was what Bast'ion liked about it. Though he'd never admit to that because he never thought that hard about the reasons of the why he was constantly seeking those outtings out.

He had been back in the dens for less than a day and already the kirin lion was feeling restless to go out on another viking trip. Zerrin seemed to have things covered while he was away so the kirin lion didn't feel too bad about leaving as long as he was doing.

The fact that his daughters were nearly grown had never dawned on Bast'ion. He gave them attention when they needed it, sure. But he was not one to really check in on his daughters. They seemed to have things figured out on their own and that was just fine by Bast'ion. They could go and do their thing with out question and Bast'ion could go off and do his , admittedly, selfish deeds with out too much worry.

It was nearly a perfect set up but there still seemed to be something lacking inside of himself. The kirin lion never took enough time to self reflect and figure out just what that might be. Looking with in was something he used to do a long time ago and it was not something he wanted to ever do again. There was something inside him that he was running from and the thought of confronting that chilled his soul to its rotten core. He would not confront those problems. He would continue to run.

Bast'ion had taken up a post on the top cliffs of the den area where he laid undisturbed watching the hassle of the dens from high above. He felt detached from all of this and empty.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:34 am
She had been left alone to her own devices, like a old toy being discard for a fresh one. It wasn't even as if Bast'ion had demanded much from her - in fact what was required of her was a pitiable amount. Her captor had stolen her from the rogue lands, and then shortly after had proceeded to disappear back into those lands on another viking. The male was hardly ever home, and if Yhe did manage to catch a glimpse of him, it was often short.

It wasn't as if she wanted to be near the male, but she could no longer see any point in her capture. She had been kidnapped for the thrill of it, and that settled poorly with the female. What even was the point of her being here? She had nothing to provide this pride with, and while his daughters were not unpleasant... they were not her's. This wasn't her family, this wasn't her home. Her family was out there probably looking for her now as she lazed about around the dens.

She felt no pride in her work and no motivation to do anything that would make herself proud. Yhe was in a stump, as alone and worthless as she had ever felt. It was his fault - all of it. The dark lioness approached Bast'ion now from behind. He had returned the previous day, but she had made no attempts to greet him or show him any sort of kindness. Her words were laced with bitterness as she spoke, "What am I even doing here."

The weight of her words were unbearably heavy - she was so tired of this. She longed for the freedom she knew she could not have. "What are you even doing here? It's clear you don't want to be here. Do your daughters know how little you must care for them since you are gone so often?" She knew better than to be confrontational, but she was done. Something needed to change.

Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:55 pm

Bast'ion let out a very displeased grunt when Yhe approached him as he assumed her reason being more complaints. In a matter of moments the kirin lions assumptions were realized maybe he'd made a bad decision coming back to the dens.

"You're as bad as Zerrin some times," He grumbled under his breath but he knew he owed her answers. None of the answers were going to please her but he supposed why the hell not. She was here and she wasn't going to leave if he could help it.

"You're here because you're one of the most beautiful lionesses I've ever seen and I don't want to share you with the rest of the world. I want to know where you are and I want to know that you're not going to leave. That is why you're here." The kirin lion looked her in the eyes as he talked not hesitating a moment in his explanation or trying to justify the 'why'.

"It's selfish and horrible but thats what you got to work with now. And I'm stuck with your complaints. Whys everyone like 'what about me and my feelings' to me all the time any ways? It's like I got a headache too some times." He knew the added tid bit had made it worse but Bast'ion did not care.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:08 pm
If he thought telling her that she was pretty was flattering, it wasn't. For a while she had suspected that it was his only reason. Yhe wasn't unaware of her own beauty - it was evident in the way that she carried herself and the way she spoke. But, to think of herself as someone's trophy was a sobering thought. The winds of anger were blown out of her sails, and she sighed. The sound heavy with emotion that she didn't expect the lion to understand. No, he was a shallow, callous creature. The only thing that was pure about him was his belt, and the dark circles around his eyes alluded to his true nature.

"Your plan is flawed. You're hardly here to keep an eye on me. There are plenty of others I could let take in my beauty." The insinuation was clear. With Bast'ion gone most of the time, he had no real means of controlling her. She did what was required of her, but that was so little that she had copious amounts of free time. There were other males in the pride who could appreciate her beauty. She wasn't Bast'ion's - she'd like to see him try to stop her.

"Do I really look all that surprised by this? I am good at reading others, and there's nothing but selfish desire within your gaze." She stepped up to him, emboldened. Yhe did not think he could stop her from doing anything. He had captured her, yes, but he had hardly tamed her. He was too busy running away from his problems to fix them.

She rolled her eyes at him, unimpressed with his complaints. He deserved all the misery that could be thrown upon his shoulders. "You're in no position to complain when you make a habit out of making others miserable."

Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:20 pm

It was true that his plan was flawed and that he was not always around as of late. Bast'ion loved to keep busy to keep his mind away from some very toxic thoughts. Thoughts that made him feel weak and helpless and the fact he him self had been victimized at one point. Those were thoughts that hurt and made him angry. Those were thoughts that made his life a pointless joke and the kirin would not face those thoughts right now.

"Oh. I suppose you could yeah." He growled in response, "You could go to any male in the pride and they'd have you in a second. I guarantee it. But would that make it worth while for you? Notice I've never asked you to lay with me." He actually let out a sigh. Bast'ion was tired.

"If it is what you want to do I can't stop you. But at least I'll know where you are. I can't tell you who you can and can't sleep with. I mean I can. But..." He closed his eyes for a moment, "I get not pleasure from sleeping with a female who doesn't want to. So yeah. You've been completely useless to me but you're right I've been completely useless to you too. I'd say I'm sorry but we both know I'm not. "

He was being completely honest from his perspective but it was a warped perspective he was coming from. He opened his eyes again and looked at Yhe.

"Ska. Do you want to fight me for your freedom?" He was being serious.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:32 pm
"You haven't," Yhe agreed, but she suspected it wasn't for lack of wanting to. It was strange that some moral code creeped up now all of the sudden. He wouldn't force her to sleep with him, but he was perfectly willing to capture her and take away all that had been in her life before. It was a contradiction, but Yhe wasn't sure it was wise to question it. The lioness had no desire for any male so cruel. In this pride there was an overwhelming lack of sympathetic males.

"But, there is value in it. Even if you see it and do not take it, does not mean I can't make myself worth everything to someone." She was not exactly a cunning female, but she was by no means dumb. Her words were just that, though. Words. Yhe couldn't imagine throwing herself at anyone for an empty promise at a better life. Her body, her pride, it was all too precious for that. The lioness would remain a perfect lady until the end, whatever end came for her.

It was hard to say now with Bast'ion claiming ownership of her.

"If we're useless to each other, then what even is the point? Do you place so much value in my beauty that you'll let us grow bored by it?" she sighed, tired of dancing around words with him. They talked and talked in circles, but nothing ever came of it.

His next statement caught her off guard, and she turned a questioning look back towards Bast'ion. "If it was truly freedom? Sure. But, with you, I do not think anything is unconditional. I do not think of you as kind or understanding. If you intended for me to have my freedom, you would have never taken it."

Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:44 pm

"Sure. I am sure there is value in it but I've yet to see it. So." He was being a little bit of a grumpy butt. "Please. If it makes you happy choose a male and then choose another male. Choose another male after that. I'm trying it my self and have to tell ya I'm not any happier. You're beautiful so I know you'll find an equally beautiful male ." He grunted.

"Look. I'm.. Yeah. I am serious. I won't be happy about it but you didn't get a fair shake the first time we met. " Bast'ion grinned. "But if you lose you need to stop complaining. Because by then it will be your fault. Not mine," He was feeling confident that she wouldn't win but at least it would be fairer. By Bast'ions standards.

"How about that? I promise to not use claws or teeth." Unknowingly , this was actually for his benefit not hers. The sight of blood weakened the male.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 4:53 pm
"And you would truly be okay with that? Doesn't that defeat the entire..." she cut herself off with another heavy sigh. His actions were simply ones she could not understand. He was a fickle creature, and she couldn't figure out how his mind ticked. There was logic and reason to his actions, but they were beyond her comprehension. She had developed a more pure set of morals and values, untainted by the harsh realities of rogue life. They were simply on completely different sides of the spectrum.

Did he even understand her?

Her ears flicked, her tail twitching with slight agitation. She knew better than to trust him, because something didn't feel right about his offer. Was he only making it to shut her up? Obviously he had to be confident of his victory, otherwise he wouldn't have made the offer to her. It didn't sound right, and Yhe wasn't willing to bite at his bait blindly.

She did not trust him.

"You're kidding." It wasn't a question, just a pure, flat statement. "Against you I stand little chance. Your size and weight are all you need to beat me. Why offer me a 'fair' chance now when you wouldn't before? You know you can win - this is pointless." She turned away from him, silently infuriated by the cruelty of the offer.

"This is no gracious act from you, and I will not be mocked by it." She was no warrior - it was already clear she would not win.

Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:07 pm

His offer backfired in a way Bast'ion could have never imagined. Well, damn. That was off the table now. And now Ska was super upset and in all truth Bast'ion wasn't sure how to fix what he'd broken. So he sat there and listened with a very dumb founded look on his face. He wanted to assure her that he was not mocking her but now that he thought about it he kind of was. She was an outsider and even his daughters would probably have no problem winning against Ska.

"I guess you're right. It would be pointless." He really hadn't thought a bout that. But Bast'ion also did not underestimate females as that was the reason for his downward spiral even now.

"I'm ..." He smiled, "I guess I am stuck with you then. But I'll not neglect you anymore."  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:16 pm
"I suppose you are - we are," Yhe amended with a heavy sigh. At least she managed to yell some sense into him, but it hardly made her feel any better about her situation. She was still enslaved to a lion she could not even fathom understanding. The lioness couldn't shake off the feeling of defeat - even if she could win their banter with words, it meant nothing. The ground she made was small.

"Look, it's not just me you're neglecting by running off all the time. Give your daughters some attention - there's little I can give them that compares to a parent's love." Of course, she wanted this to be just about her. She wanted him to feel like an idiot for ruining her life. But, it was clear that he wouldn't now. He had no regrets - after all, Bast'ion had what he wanted now. Yhe expected that once another pretty lioness came around, she would no longer be the focus of his fleeting attention.

Until then, they were stuck with one another.

"I'll leave you be, now." She had made all the progress she could in one day. Her thoughts were weighing down, and she wanted to be alone to deal with it all. The dark lioness rose back onto her feet and turned away from Bast'ion, heading back down the way she had came.

Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:19 pm

"Wait," His tone was slightly softer, "Stay."  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:23 pm
The word, first, gave her pause. The lioness looked back over her shoulder, staring at him despite all the hurt he had caused her. There was no reason for her to linger, but just as little reason for her to walk away. Yhe had nothing waiting for her now besides him.

There was only him.


Alpaca Chobi


Tipsy Senshi

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands

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