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[PRP] Circle of Meh [Aketch x Nemanja'janan]

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Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:53 pm
The area in which Aketch had decided to spend a little bit of time in was adorn with jagged red cliffs over what almost looked like red seas of cracked clay beneath. Dead trees left whispers that maybe this area was once a place worthy of growing something green and lush but those days were long gone. The temperature was hot in the dry sense making sweat evaporate before it had the time to linger. This area was a place no mortal would willingly linger but Aketch was a goddess and the sort of comfort found in more mild climate did not matter to her much.

Aketch chose to stay in her goddess form as she felt no need to hide who she was. Pride was not the reasoning of why Aketch chose to stay in her natural form so much as the goddess really had never been given a reason to hide her self.

The gods haven may have been a better place for the likes of gods and goddesses but Aketch much preferred spending her time out here where she could be around those who truly believed and practiced in her domain.

From the tops of one of the jagged cliffs the goddess sat perched over looking the dry cracked clays below where a group of vultures were currently making quick work of some poor soul who had wandered in to this area. Maybe the creature had known and come to embrace death or maybe bad luck had won a wager. Either way the creatures flesh was now being made quick work of and Aketch could not help but admire the work of the vultures. Their sharp beaks made it easy for them to snip and snap at the carcass. Soon the creature would be bones baking in the sun.

"I wonder what they were like when they were alive." Aketch mused.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:39 am
Alpaca Chobi
Apologies for the brevity of the post. I'm still dusting him off, haha.

The earth may have been scorched, and the land unpleasant, but it wasn't devoid of life. Not really. The dark maned god had found himself in the scorched lands, and he was not at all concerned about the heat, or the inhospitably. A place was a place was a place was a place, as far as he was concerned. This place was no different than any of the other places he had been before; there was ground, there was air, there was sun, there was night -- honestly, every place looked about the same from the god with the all black eyes.


One paw in front of the other. The large god didn't know where he was, but he didn't care. The heat? It didn't matter. The dust? Meh. Honestly, Nemanja'janan didn't care where he was, or why he was here. But he did care that he was still standing, and he could tell his threshold for caring to move was diminishing.

He heard a few protests and complaints of a group of nearby vultures, but the god barely noted their existence on his radar. Thankfully, the vultures didn't seem to worry too much about him, either; while they moved to the other side of the corpse to finish gorging, Nemanja'janan paid them no heed. Instead, he managed to walk past the scene, before flopping his paws gave up, and he flopped down hard on the cracked earth.

Let he vultures think they had a new free meal. Nemanja just didn't care.



Shy Mage

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:05 am
You're totes fine : )

Right in front of Aketch's view of the vultures flopped a strange looking creature that the goddess could only assume was a fellow god. With wings and horns what else could this creature be?

Sitting up on her perched spot among the cliffs wasn't going to sort out these questions so Aketch stretched her black wings out and lazily glided down landing very softly, and if she had a say, elegantly beside the creature in question. The goddess padded around the being so she was squarely stationed in front of him peering down at fully black eyes.

There was silence for a moment.

Aketch pressed one of her bird like talons to the creatures nose. The gesture was not polite but it was a gesture that wasn't meant to be impolite either. Merely curious.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:01 pm
Alpaca Chobi

Nemanja'janan did not expect to meet another fellow god in such a place, but he also did not care. Similarly to the vultures, the sudden appearance of a goddess hardly registered with him. Even as he lay in such a flopped state, the spike-tailed creature said nothing, and did nothing, as the other circled him. He stare out before him, breathing in and out, though when the lioness settled in front of him he did allow his black eyes to slow, ever so slowly, look up to see who it was.

The goddess was not one he immediately recognized, but that was just as well. When had he last been back to the Gods Haven? He'd left its realm as a young lion, and had bothered to return only once when he met up with Blood. Though he made no motion when Aketch reached out with a talon, he kept his gaze upon her. It was the most effort he could muster. Whoever she was, she wore the face of a skull, and had claws the likes of which he'd never seen. An unusual creature, but who was the spikey lion to judge?

After getting a look, he let his gaze relax, and went back to staring at her feet and where she sat. Trying to make eye contact was just too much effort for the likes of Nemanja'janan.

So, he said nothing, and remained still as the grave, as if he'd all but given up the ghost. Whatever Aketch wanted, she could have -- he didn't care. Let her attack, let her peck at him, let her leave him be -- it was all the same to him.



Shy Mage

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:23 pm

This god was not dead but he also wasn't responsive. Aketch tilted her head to the side and pondered this for a while. She did not notice that the group of vultures were crowding behind her seemingly also curious if perhaps this was a meal they could take advantage of. One of the vultures waddled forward and peered at the large god but Aketch was quick to usher it away by spreading her wings out wide.

"He's not food." She did not speak with hostility but she did speak with authority. Her intimidating appearance and size was enough to have the group of vultures fly off in to a near by withered tree. It was true that Aketch favored scavengers but she also would put a fellow god above a scavenger if put in the position. The fact that this god wasn't too responsive was troublesome.

"Did you get on the bad side of another divine? Are you cursed ?" That seemed like a logical question. Aketch was concerned but she was pretty sure she'd be unable to help this god if he was under some sort of curse.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 8:01 am
Alpaca Chobi

Nemanja would not have objected even if the vultures had begun to pick and peck. Honestly, he did look a mess -- his mane was tangled, his feathers in a constant state of molt, and his thick, plush coat was always in need of grooming. He was not the most handsome of gods, but he didn't care. Why go through all the effort of grooming? He was not in the habit of making good first impressions, or caring to impress at all. Here, as a collapsed heap, was no different.

Still, when the goddess spoke, one of his ears did give a small twitch. For perhaps a bit too long he said nothing, considering her words, and debating whether or not he had any desire to respond. Would it really matter if he was cursed by someone? Was it that strange for a god to be left alone in a heap? He wasn't sure how long he lie there in silence, but manners eventually bubbled to the surface. He had once been a polite lion, and had once been trained to at least speak when spoken to. He had not always been so consumed by his domain, and a hint of the old Nemanja'janan bubbled to the surface.

His voice was deep, low, and a bit gravelly from lack of use. "No." It was about as much as he could manage, for now. Maybe in a few more moments, he'd summon energy enough to say something more than a simple refute to her query. He was not cursed, nor was he hurt, or wounded. He simply was.



Shy Mage

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:25 pm

The long awaited answer was a relief to Aketch because she truly was pretty sure she would be unable to help if this god had been hexed. She let out a very loud sigh of relief but this didn't solve the mystery of if there was something wrong with this god or if there was anything wrong.

"Well that's good at least nothing irreversible. " Wait did she admit that out loud? Her bed side manner was lacking but as the goddess of scavengers it wasn't an expected skill.

"Well ... " Aketch pondered for the right words to form in to a question, "I suppose if it is not a hex then.. is anything wrong? " Aketch couldn't help but be curious.  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:34 am
Alpaca Chobi

The lion considered the goddesses words, an internal war happening. Past all that apathy, the large lion was not necessarily a bad sort -- or at least he wasn't rude. He had been raised to grow to be a good and powerful lion, and for some time, many years ago, he had been a good god. But life has a way of crashing down, even upon the gods, and Nemanja'janan had wrapped himself up in his domain. Caring was what lead to hurt, and the black maned lion never wished to feel such pain again. Passion, creativity, kindness, consideration, all went out the window the day he shroud himself n his domain.

Unfortunately, if it were meant to be a temporary reaction, the god had rather lost his way. At this point, he saw no reason to care, no reason to answer. Why talk? It wouldn't matter. But the goddess had asked about him, had even perhaps been foolishly worried. A small, tiny, sliver of life poked through that armor, and the large lion let another ear twitch. Slowly, slowly, the beast finally rolled heavily to his feet, so he might at least face the goddess. He was, of course, a mess, and another large, black feather fell from his molten wings. He slouched, almost as if the weight of his greasy and tangled mane was holding him down like a chain, and his black eyes showed no warmth. It was clear just sitting up in such a fashion took effort.

"Nothing is....the matter," he finally spoke, pausing for too long between each word. "Existence takes much effort." Besides which, he did not care to walk, or fly, or go much of anywhere. What did he care that this land was hot, and seemingly dead, and generally unpleasant? It was what it was -- a place, as the rest of the world was a place. He did not care if he was comfortable or not, hot, cold, surrounded by others, or alone. Nemanja cared little about anything, at the end of the day.

Finally, almost grudgingly, the lion showed some sign of consideration. "Hello."


Shy Mage

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:29 pm

Suddenly the god was facing Aketch which made the goddess feel a little better. He was moving and it seemed like he was looking at her even. Thank the gods there wasn't something more to this. Aketch was not well equipped enough to do much of anything except maybe help clean up a worst case scenario. Eyes so black that Aketch found it hard to look in to them were looking up at her. Her own yellow orbs cast their gaze a little higher on the other gods face. She was afraid she might fall in to those black eyes.

"Oh good," She sighed, "Glad to hear nothing is the matter." She wasn't sure what to say about existence though as she was a little new to the realms as a whole. She'd been frozen for so long that it felt good to exist and feel out the realms around her. Aketch was a very curious goddess and she still had so much to see.

"Hello. I get the feeling I may have interrupted something?" She cocked her head to the side in a very vulture like fashion, "What and why would you lay down so close to vultures enjoying a meal? I'm the goddess of scavengers and that isn't something I'd ever do myself. Tempt them."  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:41 pm
Alpaca Chobi

Nemanja'janan listened to the lioness, and actually took the time to consider her words. Vultures? Meh. He hadn't entirely realized that there had been birds nearby, or a kill; honestly, he hadn't even realized the lands were unpleasant to most but that was because he didn't really care where he was. One land was just like any other; if this one was hotter on his paws, and harder on his body than others, did it really matter? No. Not really. Very little did, if here were honest.

His spiked tail gave a little flick, and he slowly looked over to where some of the vultures stared at them and then slowly looked back at the lioness. Strange to find another goddess here. He didn't really know what to say concerning nothing being the matter. Nothing rarely was the matter with Nemanja-- not anymore, at least. A small part of him knew well that things could be horrible if he let them -- but those thoughts, those memories, that grief and pain, stayed buried far beneath the shroud of apathy.

It was just easier this way.

At her query, he knew he would have no choice but to reply. "You need not... worry..." he stated slowly, his usual lethargy present. "Here is simply a place I happen to be. I have no where to go, and no place to be." The lion couldn't remember when he'd had such a lengthy conversation. Each word almost sapped his energy, but he would not stop talking until the lioness wished to do so. "I did not... intend to tempt," he explained. "Their presence did not... seem important to note... until now... But even if they had... Their interest would have waned...in time." If he gave the smallest of shrugs, it was difficult to say; it might well have simple been a shift of his position.

"I am the . . . god of apathy," he explained. Perhaps she would now understand why the vultures would be no threat. Even if they started to peck and pick, they would have to get through his greasy mane and knotted fur first; and by that time, they might well be too apathetic to care. Indeed, for any vultures that were too close to Nemanja, even now, might begin to feel a wave of disinterest wash over them.


Shy Mage

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 5:48 pm

Aketch sat and listened to this god and kept her impatience to a controllable level. She wanted to ask so many questions but he was taking so long to say things. Interrupting was not an option as it would be impolite and that was one thing Aketch was not.

However, her waiting did not go unrewarded as her biggest question of all was answered by the god offering up his domain. The domain alone answered any and all questions she had allowing her to let out a giant sigh of relief. What an interesting, yet, bothersome domain. Apathy had its place in life just as her domain scavengers did but apathy some times caused great pauses in progress. Over all Apathy was a pretty neutral domain.

"Well that explains it," She shrugged. "I was really worried something must be wrong but if your domain is apathy it seems that all is in order here. Any ways. If you gave your domain I suppose its only polite to offer my own. Aketch the goddess of scavengers. I would say nice to meet you but I'm pretty sure you don't really care," There was an offer of a smile.

Behind Aketch one of the vultures fell out of the withered tree. It seemed to not want to bother keeping a tight grip on the branch for what ever reason but Aketch did not seem to notice as it did not squawk for help or flutter its wings. Another one did the same and fell from its withered perch. Aketch turned her head and tilted her head at the birds.

"Thats .. odd behavior.... "  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:02 am
Alpaca Chobi
Sorry Nemanja is such a . . . apathetic blob. gaia_pawstamp

A small part of Nemanja was surprised when the goddess released a sigh of relief. The black eyed god had to wonder if she had really been so concerned and alarmed -- all over a stranger, too. Was she naturally so curious or was it just that there was little else to do out in the wastelands? A question almost bubbled its way to the surface, before his usual apathetic nature shrugged it off. There was likely not sense in asking follow up questions, since he knew the goddess would more than likely be on her way soon. Very few hung around the lion for long... and that was probably just as well.

Still, when she said he might not care, he did let his spiked tail tip give a small thump. A slow blink, followed by a lethargic reply. "I might not... care... but it is interesting to know," he stated with a shrug of his shoulders. The action was too much for one of his wings, and a large feather fell from where they were loosely folded. "All is well here." He confirmed.

Well, about as well as it could be. While Aketch turned to watch the vultures fall from their perch, Nemanja seemed to slump even more from where he sat. "... I suppose....it would be.... prudent for me to... move." He finally confessed. Given her domain, he doubted the lioness would care to find the local scavangers inadvertently killed by his presence. It would be easy for another to come along and eat them, or they might will simply let themselves wither away as the days passed. While it didn't bother Nemanja'janan what the vultures did, or who succumbed to their apathy, he was smart enough to know it might bother others nearby.

But getting up sounded like so much effort. Mph. In a minute, perhaps... he needed to build up his willpower.


Shy Mage

Alpaca Chobi

High-functioning Shade

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:35 am

The two dots had not gotten connected in Aketch's mind just yet that the cause of the vultures strange behavior was linked to this god so when he said it was a bout time for him to go she couldn't help but shrug in ignorance to the actual situation at paw.

"Well... at least you're okay." Was what she settled on. Sure for most creatures she wouldn't mind if they keeled over and ended up as food for a scavenger but being a god came before her domain. While she loved those that scavenged more than any other mortal creature she felt an even stronger kinship with fellow gods.

"I , er... Why do you feel the need to move now?" She had to ask out of curiosity. "Did I bother you ?" Those dots just weren't crossing and now Aketch wasn't sure if it had something to do with her presence.  
[IC] Rogue Lands

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