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[PRP] What Can I Brew for You? (Arkani x Issdal)

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Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:37 pm
User ImageIt was a gloomy day, but that didn't dampen Arkani's mood. The stoic lion knew the rains were important for the crops to grow and that was truly the lifeblood of the pride Without their crops the herds would move on and there would be no wheat to make Brew. Brew wasn't a necessity, of course, but it was such a staple within the Suzat that there would certainly be an uproar if there was a shortage.

That had never been the case thanks to the fertility of the land, and in fact the land had been particularly fruitful this year, allowing for extra wheat production which in turn meant more brew production. He was on his way to meet with Issdal who had told him with glee that she had perfected her newest concoction. She was a talented brewer that could make old favorites but was quite the wizard at making new flavors. Not all were successful but she had promised him something fantastic this time.

He didn't have to go far to find the Brewer, as both the dens and the Brewery were in West Farthing. A short walk brought the Thain to the entry of the large den that housed the Brewers and their work and he poked his head in before calling out.

"Issdal? Are you here?"

PostPosted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:45 pm
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As quiet as one might expect a position brewing ingredients to be, Issdal's particular method of doing two or three things at once often kept her on her toes and a loud clamoring of noise followed her wherever she went. Between sealing up barrels of Brew to mashing ingredients for boiling and even testing all the different spices that went into things she was lively and could be thunderously loud when something didn't go her way. For such a small lion it was most likely the height of amusement to watch her work in such a loud way, though her elders had always boxed her ears for it on more than one occasion. She'd dumbfounded them all by becoming an exceptional Brewer though and Issdal had no reservations in telling them that her methods clearly worked.

Currently she had her nose inches from the water in a boiling pot, curious to see if her nose could decipher any scents that her tongue had not, however the rolling boil was doing nothing to aid her. Wrinkling her nose up and wiggling it from side to side as she raised her head, boiling water having splashed a few droplets onto her sensitive skin, the lioness turned her peach-toned eyes onto the pale form of her Thain's head and a wide smile crossed her features, momentary pain instantly forgotten.

"Arkani! It's a pleasure to see you on such a day, I've got something simply fantastic that you must try!" Issdal bound from the pot after casting it one last glance to check on the rate of boil, her dark paws leading her swiftly to a resting barrel to the side of her work table that she hefted up with more strength than she should have possessed. "You know how I was talking about mixing in some flavors for the Brew served at Lithe? I wanted to get your opinion on this batch, I've had it fermenting for a while now but I can make extra if you like it."

Excitement danced in her eyes as she poured enough out for him to try, always curious to what the Thain of Sûzat would think of her particular brews. If she could help it Issdal would give him priority over her own brother even, not wanting to step on the toes of the lion that had given her the position that she now held. Only he could manage to critique her brews without insulting them outright and earning her anger. If her bright demeanor was too much he never complained, at least not to her ears. Many viewed her as overbearing when it came to her taste-buds and preferences for making everything perfect, but it was simply that she wanted it perfect for all her fellows! If these brews were to be drunk at celebrations than she wanted them to be worthy of such and would throw out any that were not as wonderful as the company she would keep.

This particular brew had been a mash of peaches, spices, flowers and a few other things that had simply sung of Lithe to her; one of the many reasons that she understood that good brews were comprised of many things. If the taste and scent could take one on a journey than she had completed her goals and done her job well.


Lonely Phantom


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:44 pm
Of course she was here, hard at work as ever. Arkani was glad he had appointed such a passionate Brewer when he had become Thain and Issdal had yet to disappoint with her new and wild flavors. Some of the more traditional Brewers certainly weren't pleased with her experimenting, but Arkani was more than happy to have some variety to the taste of the Brew.

"Lithe? Already?" he asked as he stepped into the large den, an amused tone to his voice even if his face remained stoic. The holiday was some months off still, but he couldn't deny it was practical to start perfecting a new Brew now rather than waiting until it was too late to make any changes.

"I suppose I could stand to taste a bit," he said, nudging one of the hollowed-out gourds in her direction to fill from the main container. Interest sparked in his dark eyes, though. What proper hobbit wouldn't be delighted in sampling a new brew, after all? Arkani, a full-blooded Sûzat reaching back more generations than anyone cared to mention, was certainly not going to pass up on that offer.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 8:31 pm
"A good brew takes time, just as much as it takes to grow the ingredients. Plus I've been testing out aging properties with different types of elements." Sweeping a small paw towards the different barrels, dried gourds, and random assortment of tightly woven baskets that seemed to be seeping in corners, she pulled a face before spinning back to him with a smile and adding, "Some work better than others.... But it's all in the name of learning! Those that first created brew likely had to experiment a bit to get it just right or we wouldn't love it so."

Energy brimming within her and excitement just barely contained to see his reaction to such a new experiment, Issdal poured out a fair amount for him and drug the small barrel back towards herself. One paw on top of it, keeping some of the vapor within and the other all but drumming on the top of the wooden table, the small lioness looked on her Thain with barely contained curiosity. All celebrations were a reason for the Sûzat to drink, Lithe not the one exception, but never had she brewed up anything specially flavored for it. In fact it had only been a fluke that she had even thought of it after a flower had bloomed so unexpectedly through the snow one warm winter afternoon, though in the back of her mind she was certain that time would have brought the desire upon her either way. No matter the circumstances, it was something that she'd never once attempted and the fresh flavors had spoken well to her so the lioness was curious if they would speak to others.

A hiss and crackling sizzle had Issdal swiftly on her paws once more and removing the boiling over pot of ingredients, lest they end up muddled from overcooking. For the moment at least she didn't smell any difference, no threads of burning spices met her nose as the notes would have likely had her simply pitching it down the hole she had dug in the back for composting any failures or ingredients that were simply used for simmering. Nesting the pot down inbetween a few cold rocks to cool itself before she bothered doing anything more with it, Issdal awaited Arkani's response by leaping up onto the top of a rather large barrel that was threatening to pop it's lid, her entire body weight holding it down.

Far be it for any to consider her lazy or tell her she didn't move fast enough!



Lonely Phantom


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:30 am
Arkani nodded in agreement to Issdal's words. Very good Brew was aged for seasons at a time and only shared at certain times of the year. Simple celebrations called for the Brew that didn't take quite as long to ferment, but special occasions called for special drinks. Lithe was certainly a special occasion and having a flavored Brew unique to the holiday was something he would enjoy.

He waited for her to pour him a sample and almost immediately after she was off, checking on this, testing that, re-fitting a lid. He watched with an amused expression as she darted back and forth. She worked harder than some of the Herders it seemed!

"If Krimb wasn't your brother I'd suggest you were part cheetah," he joked as he lowered his muzzle to lap up the Brew. The Master Marsh Wader was so un-cheetah like that it would be impossible for the siblings to share any relation to the smaller feline. He let the Brew settle on his tongue before swallowing, eyes widening a bit in surprise.

"You know...that does 'taste' like Lithe," he murmured, going back for a second try. There was a hint of floral tones that suggested the flowers that bloomed around the time of the celebration and the air always held that faintly sweet yet not overpowering aroma during the festivities. That Issdal had managed to get it into a Brew was not only impressive but astounding to him.

"Perhaps a bit longer in the barrel to deepen the flavor, but I'd say you're on to something here," he said after finishing the sample.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:31 pm
"You aren't the first to say that either!" It had been a source of neverending amusement for her to be likened to one of the smaller and much swifter felines. Of course in many ways she was just like them, but her steps were much slower despite being small enough to be even shorter than some of the males. With a laugh she waved a paw at Arkani's comment and hopped back over quickly once she was certain that nothing else was boiling over. "Sometimes I wonder if Krimb thinks we're totally different species of siblings too. But that's just because we're polar opposites."

Her eyes caught the reaction he had to the brew and a wide smile split her muzzle from side to side, her fangs flashing from happiness rather than anger with the toothy smile. Her heart would swell up every time someone complimented the brews that she made, but hearing it from the Thain himself had her ego all but soaring. Luckily she was far too grounded in reality for it to swell her head overmuch or she would never be able to touch ground with her toes from all the happy comments that others often paid her. Truth be told, she and Krimb were much alike in that manner, she never allowed much to distract her from the thing that she loved the most in life and certainly no compliment was so good that she'd stop developing flavors and combinations in the belief that she had managed to find the best one.

Flavors were always changing and little twists had proved to be the best when developing them. Like flowers! Flavors and scents had called to her for much of Issdal's childhood and even adult years, tempting her and distracting her from things until she could find the exact note. If one were to look in her den they would think she was so incredibly attentive to details that it bordered on dangerous as she had different spices in gourds hanging and strips of flowers, grass and herbs laid out perfectly straight to dry against one of the back walls. All in order, all perfectly preserved for later use, and all a different piece of the original that had caught her senses so well.

Issdal tried everything and anything that she could.

"That right there! That's the exact reaction that I wanted. I have more of it in the barrels to muddle fully together by the time Litha rolls around. I hope everyone loves it." Both of her front paws had smacked down on the table as she rose and exclaimed to her Thain, eyes sparkling as she thought of the joy that it might bring to others. Of the surprise they would feel. It didn't just strengthen her resolve, it furthered her purpose to have others feel and experience what she felt when she caught the first thread of the notes that went in to building the flavor profile of a special brew. Placing her paws up to hold her cheeks with her elbows on the table as she seemed to slump a bit with happiness she looked at Arkani and smiled, "I just want to make all the celebrations special."



Lonely Phantom


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:30 am
Issdal's joy was palpable and Arkani had to wonder if there was a way to turn that particular flavor into a Brew. For now he smacked his lips and went back for another lap at the sample, enjoying the subtle flavors of the flowers mixed with the normal, satisfying flavor of a good, deep Brew.

"I'd say you've succeeded already on that front, Issdal," he said with a low chuckle as the lioness wistfully spoke of making celebrations special. "Both with this and other Brews. You work very hard, are very passionate, and it definitely shows." He finished off the sample and pushed the empty gourd towards the lioness, a little bit of suds on his whiskers from the drink.

"Well, you have my approval to pursue a larger batch. Not that you need it," he added, chuckling softly. "I trust you in your experimentation."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:43 am
Both her eyes sparkled with joy as she was given permission to make yet more of the flowery brew and Issdal hopped in place, at least for a moment before she propelled herself towards the baskets that she'd placed in the corner. Pushing them before him she winked one eye cheeklily and flashed a very toothy and fang filled grin at him, knowing full well that he'd been prepared for this since she'd first brought him here.

"Oh just you wait dear Thain of mine! With that glowing approval I'll make enough for the entire pride and some to save for later when the darkest of seasons approaches us and we all want a reminder of the spring and summer sun." Glowing didn't even begin to explain her features, for there was nothing better to the little lioness than brews and parties. The larger and the happier the better!!!

"Are there any flavors that you think you'd like to see reflected in the tasting soon? I can brew up quite a few more in small batches for you all if you have a particular fancy." Issdal offered, leaning over the low table and looking Arkani full in the face as she did so, as if pleading for him to tell her that he might need more brew. It was what she lived for, what she breathed and ate, the main reason that she woke even before the sun came up some days. There was a deep need within her to make even more that she'd never been able to fully explain.

Gaaaaah my god this is short. Forgive me and bear with me as I find my lion voice again. XD;; I promise I'm working on it!


Lonely Phantom


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:49 pm
Issdal's enthusiasm was heart warming to see. As she bustled around her cave Arkani couldn't help but smile slightly. It was lions like her that made him proud to be the Thain of this small but close-knit pride. Seeing them be so passionate about what they did gave him the drive to be the best leader he could possibly be.

"Oh, that would be more than fine," he said with a wave of his paw at the offering of making more small batches for him to sample. "Perhaps a few flavors from our swamp? Your brother may be able to help you harvest the flowers that bloom there during Lithe. I haven't a clue if they'll taste good but if anyone could figure that out, it would be you."

He shifted where he stood, bobbing his head in a little bow to thank her for her time and her talent. "I must away, but I look forward to seeing what else you can do with the Brew. Hopefully you'll have enough time to experiment and come up with...oh...three new flavors for me to try? Then we can select one out of the three to join the one you've already made." With a friendly grin he turned to leave, ducking to ease his way out of the small opening.

Last from me!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:53 pm
A feral grin slid over the small Brewer's face as she thought of all the possibilities that she could lay before the feet of her Thain, especially given enough time before Lithe. There were flowers and fruits and even some swampy flavors that her brother alone would know, if Issdal could convince him to share with her. Snickering as her mind raced over all the possibilities that she could think of, all the choices and great opportunities there that nature could give her.

"Don't you fret Arkani! Come Lithe you'll have even more things to try and you know I'm not keen to let you down. Things are already brewing in my head alone and I haven't even gotten the chance to go out and experiment yet!" While Issdal had more and more that she could come up with and would if she had her way, there were older brews that had been fermenting and aging, deepening flavors that others hadn't even tried before because she'd been holding onto them rather stingily over the past few months. While a few would have to wait until fall came around or winter no even, there were more than a few that she could share for certain. In fact there was a very tangy one that she was thinking on even as she saw the bow that lead to Arkani's retreat out of the hut through the small door.

"Maybe some of the sweetgrass or lillies from the river nearby? I can always search about the Farthing too to see what might be available and taste good, though some things will take longer to brew than others and certainly they'll be...." Issdall trailed off as she gathered up the gourds and the little barrels, all the while intent upon listening to the boiling ingredients and the smells wafting about in her workplace. Eyes shining with inner thoughts and creative juices that were all but overflowing more than the pot that had nearly boiled over, the small lioness set about compiling lists of recipes in her head and ideas that would form now or maybe even months from now.

Brewing was certainly more of a paws on process but she loved every bit of it and her eccentricities could often pay off with her labors of love.



Lonely Phantom

[IC] Rogue Lands

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