It was a long journey back to her mother, but one that the dark lioness would gladly undertake a thousand times over. Yhe was the last child to remain by her mother's side, and it was not easy on her. It never had been. Na'an was a complicated creature, tormented by so many things in her life. But, she was also loving, a true mother to her children. All of them had left, all but Yhe. There was a certain responsibility that rested on her shoulders now - to make sure her family was okay. Within Yhe rested a bleeding heart, it was what drove Yhe so far away from her mother now.

She had made a long trek to catch up with her brother, a lion who had suffered his own loss and was tormented it by daily. It seemed tragedy was something that simply accompanied the family, and Yhe sat back on the sidelines to bear witness to it all through light blue eyes. Grief was no stranger to her. She had mourned the absence of her father, the downhill spiral her mother endured, and then the loss of her brother's mate. Yhe had witnessed all of this, and still stood strong and elegant for the family she loved.

The lioness was a creature of beauty, her slender form and sleek fur inherited from her mother. The soft purples and blues on her back twisted and shaped into markings similar to her mother, but her face instead bore markings from her father. Cobweb markings fell from her eyes, dripping into the dark blue sea of her base pelt. Amongst rogues, she stood out, as if she understood how beautiful she was and that she had that expectation to live up to.

Something made her come to a stop, and looking out into the distance she saw a group of lions. 's**t', she thought. A very unlady-like thought but she had good cause for it. Yhe was wise enough to know to scatter when faced with a force of a couple of lions. The only downside was that they were in the middle of the plains - the view was clear. If Yhe could see them, they surely could see her. Frowning, the lioness turned the opposite way. She'd have to double back and circle around if she hoped to avoid running into them. Hopefully, there weren't more of them lurking about.

Bast'ion had enjoyed his first full viking experience maybe a little to much. Beflecken had held the group back from going all the way and capturing a thrall. To Bast'ion the sign of a bleeding heart was something he could do with out. He'd spent his entire life training to be the perfect kirin and for what? To have his trust in others turn sour and his throat nearly torn out. The kirin practices he'd endured were all but faded and in its place now was a dark void hungry for all things that were taboo to him before. It was unfortunate that the one thing that did remain from his training was a good dose of fear of blood. Bast'ion got dizzy any time the red stuff came out.

But that was besides the point.

The point was Bast'ion was out with a group of lions to catch some thralls. Shamelessly, Bast'ion loved a good scrap despite his slight disadvantage he was still pretty darn tough and good in a scrap. He couldn't wait to find some one to take back with him but it seemed the answer to what he was looking for found him before he found them.

Right before him was one of the most beautiful lionesses he'd ever seen and she was headed right at him. It was possible she'd seen his viking comrads and was trying to escape. Bast'ion wasn't about to let that happen. He took a very fierce stance right in front of this females path and looked down his nose at her.

"Well. Lovely day isn't it?" He knew he was being a s**t head not getting to the point.

Where did he come from?

Yhe stopped in her tracks. Before her stood a pale lion with unusual markings, though she supposed she had no right to think that considering that she bore a striking pattern upon her fur as well. He was larger than her, and most certainly stood in her path with a purpose. Quickly, she glanced back over her shoulder and towards the horizon where she had seen the larger group of lions. By the smells in the area, she knew she wasn't treading upon pridal territory... so what were they doing out here?

Instinct told her to stay away, and so she had tried to slip away into the distance. Instinct also told her that this lion was likely associated with them. How bothersome. Yhe was not the fighter of the family. As a cub she had always acted as the peacekeeper, and as she aged she slowly became the caretaker as well. It was within her heart mother and protect those she loved. Even the weak and defenseless earned her pity.

This lion was neither of those things, and her open heart sealed itself off. When she responded to him, her voice was calm and cool. "It is, with or without company." There was an eloquence to the way she pronounciated her words, as if she were royalty, and not just another lone rogue lioness. But, that was all she was. A rogue. Her words even had the bite of a rogue, the natural inclination to lean away from conversation and trust only oneself.

Then, to drive her point home. "Pardon me, you are blocking the way."

Not only was this female pretty but she was well mannered as well. Bast'ion took note as he listened to her tone. Not a lot of rogues had such manners which in all honesty struck something inside of him he'd rather not have struck. Bast'ion was raised to be more on the gentle side and have manners himself but these days most would never know this. Only Zerrin had the memories of a much more gentle lion that Bast'ion used to be.

There was a cracking sound as Bast'ion rolled his neck to the side as if to seem more intimidating. His fierce cold blue eyes were piercing as he studied this female. He even wondered if maybe he had a noble in front of him for a moment.

"Sorry. I won't be moving."

Bast'ions tone was flat and a little harsh. No way he was getting out of this pretty little things way. He leaned over her and studied her for a moment.

"But I'll tell you what. I can keep you company if you like." For a long trip he was now planning ahead of them back to the pride he'd keep her company. "What do you think about that?"

Yhe knew when someone was trying to intimidate her. This wasn't the first time she had encountered a male alone in the rogue lands. All the times before she had made it out fine. Normally, she could evade them. She was young, and she was quick. With this male, though, he was far too close. He had snuck in right at her blindspot, and somehow she found herself backed into a corner even when they stood upon open plains.

He was a threat. Now she was sure of it. If he was just here for pleasant conversation, he would not impose himself so much on her. It was a bad time for Yhe to be so far away from her mother. If any of her brothers had remained with the family, Yhe would be fine. But, she was alone. Her only tactics were snarky comments and running. They were close enough that if she ran, he would catch her.

She felt herself pulling back away from, disgusted by how the lion seemed to draw closer to her without moving. It had to be her imagination. "Well, then I will," she informed him promptly, the words crisp and cutting. If he would not budge for her, then she would find another way around.

"I would rather not." Her ears pressed flat to the back of her skull, and she stared up at him with a look of distaste. "I will keep my own company, you would do well to do the same." Then she moved, stepping to the side to try and take a wide arc around him. He would not contain her here, that she was sure of. "Farewell."

This female told him that she'd move so Bast'ion was prepared when the female stepped to the side. He moved him self in front of her once more now this time his fangs were out as were his claws. This was mostly for show as he didn't actually want to harm such a pretty lioness. Not only that but there was the problem Bast'ion had with blood. He did not want to spill any of her blood.

"Watch your self," He gnashed his teeth a little close to her face. His fur was puffed up giving him a bigger appearance than Bast'ion normally had. Sharp claws dug in to the ground below showing that Bast'ion meant business.

"Now listen carefully. If you try running again I can promise you that you'll wish you came with me. I promise you that you'll suffer a lot more if you run." He was pacing from side to side never allowing his gaze to shift from her. Annoyance may have been an understatement for what Bast'ion was feeling.

"How far do you think you'd get with an entire band of viking lions hot on your tail any how? I mean. That wouldn't have ended well." He stopped pacing for a moment and faced her once again.

Evidence suggested that Bast'ion would fight her if it came to it, but Yhe desperately wanted to ignore the warnings and push her chances anyways. If push came to shove, it was likely they would fight if Bast'ion did not back down. In a fight... Yhe would lose, and Bast'ion's 'companions' were likely near enough to lend the male a hand. Her paws were tied in this situation. There was no way out. If she bolted, she would still be done for.

Yhe growled, low in her throat, tearing at her otherwise soft voice when Bast'ion snapped his teeth at her. He was too close, it made her stomach twist and her knees weak with anxiety. She'd have to be careful with him, because it seemed more and more likely that he would harm her if he had to.

"I was not running," she corrected him impatiently. "I was walking," her voice dripped with sarcasm and was laced with irritation. It did not matter what pace she had set herself at - he would not let her leave, and her trying to was a great offense. They were at a stalemate, if only temporarily.

"I was hoping it'd be far enough," she answered. His pacing was making her nervous. Her body turned a little with every movement he made, pointedly keeping her back from him. If he was going to hurt her, she'd be ready to at least try to strike back. "So, then, since I cannot leave, what do you want?"

Bast'ion grinned the kind of grin that would make anyones skin crawl. Silence was allowed to wash over the both of them as he took a moment to stop his pacing and face the lioness head on. His cold blue eyes stared at her with a strong intensity.

"I'd think you'd had figured that out by now." He took a seat and continued to stare ate her, "We want you. Simple no? We want you to come back with us with no fuss but if you insist on fussing ... well... I suppose that would be just fine too." The dark scar in his heart was growing as he recited those lines. The shadow wound was feeding off of these dark desires of his and Bast'ion wasn't putting up a fight anymore. He knew deep down what he was doing was wrong but the sad fact was he didn't care. He found a society that nurtured this kind of behavior which may have not been what the lion needed but it was what he wanted.

"What is it you think.. No.. What is it you want to happen right now. Go on. I'm curious," Playing with a potential thrall may have not been a great idea. If Beflecken was among the viking group it was a sure thing he'd high disapprove of Bast'ions behavior.

Yhe found that she couldn't hold his gaze. There was something unsettling in his eyes, and after a few moments she realized it was the lack of depth in them. They were cold, unyielding eyes. In them she could read nothing but malice. What had happened to this lion to turn him so far away from the right path, she did not know. But, she knew there was no turning him back. His mind was set, and she had nowhere to run. If she ran, the only thing she would do was lead him right back to her mother.

She would not let Na'an suffer more.

"What purpose is there in taking me? I have little qualities that would benefit you." There was no bargaining with the lion, but she could downplay her worth. If he saw nothing to her, thought there was little use for her... perhaps she could bore him into leaving her be. "You are only wasting your time with me, lion." She did not know his name, nor did she desire to learn it.

Yhe could not keep the look of disgust off of her face. He was baiting her, toying with her... trying to draw her out only so he could shove her down again. Even knowing that, she rose to the challenge. Her dignity would not allow her to back down from him. "If you could roll over dead, that would be pleasant. I'd even leave your corpse alone for the scavengers to pick at. What kind of question is that?" She took a step back from him, then, keeping a careful distance between the two.

There was a lot to admire in the spark this female had to offer which fueled something inside of Bast'ion to continue his pursuit. She seemed like she was not overly afraid of him which while he admired the bravery he couldn't help but feel a sore insecure spot at the center of him fester. What he was doing right now as a viking was so far away from the path he once tread that he felt the need to make up for the years of pacifism he'd practiced. He was a much different lion now and felt the need to prove that.

The kirin lion paced even closer to the female and lorded over her as he listened to her point out a few flaws in his plan of taking her as a thrall which was quickly followed with him dropping dead.

"Shut up. I am tired of listening to you talk." He growled, "I'm not here to be your friend or be bargained with. That much is clear. You're coming with me and you're going to come with me now. If you choose to be violent ... well.." He paused for a moment letting the imagination of Yhe do the rest. "So lets go. We're done here."

In all truth Bast'ion didn't want to get his paws dirty. He didn't want to strike at Yhe and ruin her beautiful coat and he didn't want to be found out with his phobia of blood. He was wasting time by letting her call the shots.

"We're going. Now."

"If you are tired of me talking, then it's best to leave me here," Yhe told him quickly, her voice snapping at him like a whip. Would she be a peaceable thrall? Not now, but perhaps in time. She had a nuturing nature, and naturally cared about the world around her. When her peace was disturbed, however, it was no surprise that there was a little bite with her bark. Anyone put under the pressure that Bast'ion was throwing down on her would fight back.

She shrunk back a little as Bast'ion leaned over her. The difference in their size was notable, if only because he had the weight any male would carry. As a lioness, it would be harder for her to go up against him. If she tried, there was a chance she would win... but victory would be short lived with this lion's companions lingering nearby. Yhe grimaced, her mind racing to come up with a solution to her problem.

But, there was none.

There was nothing that she could do but submit. Yhe had no desire to be hurt, especially when she knew how the odds were stacked against her. "Fine," she relented, ears pressing to the back of her head. The lioness stood up to scoot back from Bast'ion. If he was so determined to snatch her away, she would be determined to keep her distance from him. She would go along with him, though not altogether willingly.

"Lead the way," she growled.