She was lonely, and for a creature like Niyati that was more than likely a death sentence. The lioness was peculiar - she enjoyed the company of others' but rarely stuck around long. Even with her own cubs, she had practically abandoned them since they were weaned. They had been expected to simply keep up with her. There was not a bone in her body that could be made to genuinely care for anyone else, though she did suppose she loved others in her own ways. Compared to the majority of her family, Niyati was a blessing.

Do'al was out and about siring more cubs than she could count, likely up to something nefarious. Makri was usually up to no good herself, and as for her other siblings... Well, Siri had been missing for a while, and Roshan had hopefully found happiness somewhere. The family was very dynamic, and Niyati liked to think of herself as the balance between them all. A terrible balance, but someone had to try.

Niyati was a lioness who found it easy to love others, and even easier to leave them. She was cruel in more subtle ways. Even now she barely thought of the lion who had sired her first litter, one she had played at love with. She remembered his name, but cared not to draw it to her lips again.

The lioness laid alone in her grievances, groaning pitifully and dramatically. It was just growing dark out, but her bright pink pelt made her stick out like a sore thumb no matter the time of day. One had to wonder how she survived when she was placed at such a clear disadvantage.

He didn't consider this a viking mission. More or less a doing a favor another. He was asked to investigate a cave just outside the Myrsky Syntynyt lands. While he wouldn't jump at the opportunity normally, being cooped up within the Stormborn land was enough to take on any type of task outside the land. He'd only be away for a day at most, and he was sure the cave this close to the pride would serve as nothing more than a place to get out of the bad weather.

The dark lion enjoyed his little stroll by himself. Soon he thought to himself. Soon he'd be back on a real mission, gathering things for the pride, investigating more lands. He'd take his little black lioness friend with him too, even though he was sure the two would not be sight-seeing much together.

A low groan caught his attention. The cave wasn't too far out, but he could take a brief detour. The sound was definitely female, and Ciro was not a lion to just turn nose at one. (Even if some of these rogues caused him more than enough headaches to last him his lifetime).

His golden eyes scanned the area, spotting the source of the sound. The bright pink pelt was something Ciro didn't see all the time. She must not be from around here.

"Why the long face there, miss?" His voice was calm, quiet, and held a bit of charm too it. "Someone as pretty as you should not wear such a look."


Niyati turned her head to look at the dark figure approaching. In comparison, she was like a beacon, her pelt almost appearing to glow under the starlight. She was a lioness used to standing out in a crowd, and a small part of her enjoyed being so distinguishable. She rose back onto her feet, curiosity drawing her in. Really, she should be more cautious, especially since she knew just what kind of lions lurked about in these lands.

It just wasn't in her nature. Bad attention was still just attention, and she was bored enough to risk everything for the sake of some entertainment.

Her reaction to him was reserved at first, though his flattery did not fall upon deaf ears. It wasn't until she was close enough to get a decent look at him that her demeanor changed. Not bad. A handsome face would suit her just well for now, something interesting to cut through the dull humor of the day. Night itself seemed to bring along so many possibilities for her.

"Then perhaps I am fortunate enough now to come across someone who knows how to rid such a look from my face?" she purred, insinuating too many things. Here was someone she could play with, and she'd be loathe to ruin the opportunity.

Ciro was far from a daft lion. He seemed to be able to read between the lines of this lioness' words.

"Oh. Well aren't you a forward one." Ciro purred back, licking his lips slightly. "Do you use that greeting on everyone you come around, or am I truly that fortunate." The Reaver was one to talk though. If he could bypass formalities and go straight for the action he would. However, most lionesses did not enjoy that particular treatment. "I could tell you some ways to get rid of that look, but somehow I think it'd be better to show you."

The lion did not want to ruin any chances he may have with the female, so he left his questioning to a minimal. He stalked up to the female, taking in her scent. It was too bad he did not care to take thralls. She definitely would be a very pretty one to his collection. Maybe he'd get lucky and have someone else capture her, then he could fool around as much as he wanted. Where was Kristanf when he needed him.

The lion did not bother to ask the female's name. He'd probably never see her again, so what was the use. "But first, you have a unique coat, one that is certainly not from around here. Are there many others that look like you?" The shine could bring in quite prize for some stormborn. He'd get the word out when he went back to the pride.

"Only on the pretty ones," Niyati assured him with an impish wink. He was her type, though to say Niyati even had a type was a stretch. As long as they were charming and willing, Niyati would pass her time with them. After her first, almost affectionate fling with Chandran she had reverted back to her old ways. There was no better way to pass her time than being charmed by some rogue male who might just get lucky.

If he pressed her now, she wouldn't say no. Niyati didn't see the point in playing around with words and actions when the real fun laid in the future. She had deemed him an acceptable playmate, he wouldn't have to work hard for her. Not that she didn't mind the small talk. Perhaps he simply needed time to build himself up, stoke the fires for them? She had to admit she was curious as to how he would go about handling her.

Closing the distance between them, Niyati stopped her confident stride just short of him. Then, sweeping her paw forward she reached up to cup his cheek with her paw. "You must not get out much if you've seen none like me before," she chastised playfully. "I have some children, and some siblings with lots of children. I am sure that if you open your eyes and look, you will find plenty that aren't nearly as charming as I am."

"Oh, I assure you, I get out quite a bit." His words could have multiple meanings. Ciro was a seasoned lion after all. The feeling of her paw on his cheek caused him to frown. He was normally the one to take charge of this situation, and so far the pink female had been in the lead. He needed to turn that around and fast.

A slight curl of his lip was an indicator that he did not appreciate her gesture, although he did not pull away. Instead, his claws unsheathed, a single nail tracing the sparkle like marking right under her bright pink eyes. He followed this trail down her cheek, stopping just under her chin as he forced her to stare into his gold eyes.

"Nearly as charming," he repeated, his gaze never wavering from hers. "Your words seem charming, but those can be deceiving. I am more of a lion that you would need to...show me," a smirk lay on his maw. Niyati was sure to get the words he was saying. The question was, here, or elsewhere? Denying the female was quite a difficult task at hand for the Reaver right now.

He could kill two birds with one stone. That cave. If it was truly abandoned, the two could be alone to see what trouble they could get into, and then he could just head home knowing his pride mission was over.

Releasing the other's chin, the male backed. "I got a job to do. You are welcome to tag along. I can assure you it may be worth your while if you do."

She noticed his discomfort, and that only sparked her interest more. How charming it was to witness a lion used to things going his way. Niyati could tell that he was used to being in control, and couldn't help but dream of watching that control slip away from him. Would he find it off-putting to have a lioness run the show? Could she chase him away by pursuing him too hard, or would he become a creature bent to the whim of his desires? Perhaps he would be more fun than she had anticpated.

The lioness grinned as she felt his claw draw down from her eye to underneath her chin. Their gaze met, and within her rose colored eyes were an intensity and lust that was undeniable. "Aren't you cute?" she crooned. She leaned forward, bumping her forehead against his. "The things I could show you would make you never want to leave my side. I'd have to hold... restraint, and I'm not very good at that."

She batted her lashes at him, watching as the lion backed away from her. Was he running? Or did he think that she was weak enough to chase after him? A foolish idea. Niyati turned from Ciro, looking back over her shoulder at the dark lion with what could only be interpreted as disappointment. Niyati would run things here. She would dictate how the evening went. That she was certain of.

"Then I wish you the best of luck on your job. Perhaps our paths will cross again...?" Niyati smiled innocently at him, but she knew exactly what she was doing. If he left her now, at least it was a fun game while it lasted.

"Not into the thrill of not knowing, are you." Ciro commented with a frown. She wouldn't chase him, it was obvious. And Ciro would not let a perfectly good lioness get away, even if she was more of a dominate presence. He'd just have to show her. Sure she could say all these words, but what really matter was performance. Ciro knew his record. Could Niyati even compare? She said she had children, which would leave her without satisfaction for a few months.

Deciding to not run, he stood there, watching her leave too. He would chase. He needed to.

"Believe me my dear," he said quietly, voice low with want as he stalked after the pink lioness "I can assure you no restraint will be needed with us." When he got closer to her body, a paw struck out to her back, pushing her. She did not want a secluded area, so be it. This place would work well.

"I feel if we delay much longer, we both will get bored."

"I get my thrills elsewhere," she promised him. Her tail swayed behind her as a tempting bait for the dark lion. It seemed as if, in the end, her will proved to be stronger than his own. Their meeting would remain on her terms, and maybe if he impressed her that would change. But, Niyati was a knowledgable and fickle lioness. Ciro had his work cut out for him if he wanted to tempt her into submission.

He came after her as she knew he would. That was fine since Niyati was done running. She had made Ciro bend to her, and there was a great amount of satisfaction in that victory. His paw pressed against her back, and she needed no further cue from him. "Then you best not keep delaying us further? I've been waiting long enough," Niyati purred, her final temptation.

Though she knew she need not tempt him further. She already had him where she wanted him.

"Believe me, my dear, I do not intend to keep you waiting," he whispered as his head neared her ear. "You had your little fun, but now it's my turn. I can assure you, we will play these games my way now." He held a smirk above her, although she could not see it.

Did Ciro say that this mission would only take a day? Somehow the reaver believed those words would now prove to be untrue. With the two lions in question fighting over dominance, he did not see him returning to the pride that quickly. He needed to show this female who he was, and just was it was like to persuade a stormborn to the point of no control. She'd get her fill, and then some from him.

"Shall we begin?" It was an answerless question. Both knew. Ciro would make sure Niyati would be begging for him in the future. Or perhaps, she would have just wound him around her own little paw?