Before Ciro headed over to speak to the new War Lord, he wanted to swing by a certain female's place of residence. Well, that was if he knew where she actually lived. He was not successful in finding out where the female lived, although he did enjoy the voyeuristic side that she had displayed on their last meeting. Since that visit, Ciro found another female to take the edge off, but none were just quite as thrilling as his little black fox.

When he got to the row of dens, he half expected the female to be out and about. Her scent was here, but since she lived in this vicinity it was expected.

Did she go on a viking mission? The two had made a deal, he would make Captain, she would join him then to get reaver status. At least with that, Ciro meant he could chose his band of travelers with him, and if he just wanted Njia to join him then he could do that.

Not seeing the lioness nearby, he shrugged. Oh well. He wanted to share the news that her first outing would be coming up soon if the War Lord agreed to promote him. For the Reaver, he was excited just to think of it. Finally, a captain!

Njia had been a little secretive towards Ciro, but that was only because she was acutely aware of the effect he had on her. All it had taken him to convince her to join the Stormborn were some tempting words and far more tempting actions. Her weakness, she realized, was him. It wasn't as if she had feelings for him, there was no romantic inclination towards him besides the fact that she just needed him. How shameful that was, and if her parents knew their ears would turn red.

She didn't need the distraction of him in her life, but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to chase him away. The only thing she could do was avoid him, and even that wasn't working well. For the past few days she had been busy touring the pride and familiarizing herself with the area. She had even managed to make a few friends - the pride itself seemed welcoming to those who had proven strong enough to join their ranks. Those who hadn't, however... She looked beside her to a thrall, scurrying along on their way to accomplish whatever task their master had told them to.

The dark lioness was on her way back to her den when she found Ciro conveniently standing... right in front of it. Was it by chance or by sheer luck that he had chosen the right den to be near by? Njia decided to play it off as if that wasn't her home. The real dilemma was that she couldn't get into her den with Ciro there. Maybe she could... lead him away?

Clearing her throat, she approached the lion from behind. "Fancy seeing you here, huh?"

Ciro wasn't surprised to see the lioness approaching. He was in her neck of the woods after all. A toothy smirk drew to his maw Njia spoke. He stretched his front legs out, golden eyes glinting in the sunlight. "I do believe, I remember saying something about how you would be seeing more of me once you joined the pride. I have been quite rude to you by not keeping my word." He walked near the lioness, enjoying her scent, and form, probably a little too much.

"So I decided to drop by again, just to see how you were doing." And other things. It was Ciro, after all. He enjoyed every moment with Njia.

"Besides. I also wanted to see if you were still a freeborn, or if you had headed out on a viking mission already." He nudged the female a little bit. "After tonight, you should be looking at a brand new Captain. And I will be looking for a new band to take with me." His stare bore into hers. "You are obviously my first choice."

There was a comfort level and familiarity with Ciro that was just too dangerous. He approached her with ease, and she let him, taking in the sight and smell of him - potent and powerful. Njia sat down, planting her paws firmly to the ground so that she would not be tempted to sway towards him. If she could keep control over herself, their interactions would keep from getting too nefarious. "Well, I have been busy myself," she told him with a small shrug of her shoulders. "I am still learning my way about the pride."

He made it so hard to ignore how appealing he was. Her cold exterior, false before him, was broken down easily as Ciro closed the distance between them and nudged her. She just... had to hold her ground. "I haven't, actually. I did have an offer from some male with an odd eye... but, you know." She grimaced at the memory. Njia didn't quite trust some of the males here, and she definitely would not let the sketchy ones take her out on a 'viking' alone. The attractive ones, however, were just as dangerous.

Their gaze met, and Njia's resolve completely crumbled. She leaned forward, bumping her head underneath his chin in a proper greeting. "...Even if I'm full of distractions?" she asked him with a teasing smile. Their vikings, she imagined, would accomplish little. But at least she would be satisfied.

Grumbling to herself, the lioness shook her head, trying not to think too hard on how her vikings with Ciro would go. "You know, if you are a captain tonight... I think I might just have to accept."

"A male with an odd eye?" Ciro snorted. Although Njia was not his the thought of another male asking her out on a raid was off putting to say the least. The lioness could do what she wanted, but there was a pang of something that ran through Ciro if she were to accept another male's offer. Was it...jealousy? He wouldn't let the lioness know that, as he tucked it away.

"I believe you won't find better company on a viking than yours truly."

As she rubbed under his chin, the male smirked. "As long as the distractions don't get us killed, I find them a pleasant welcome." His whispered into her ear before nipping at it. "Imagine the world we could see together," the places and views they could share their unions.

"I would have hoped you would say that. But, there still leaves this little problem. How can we celebrate the position change, if I still have yet to know where you leave. Are you still so willingly against showing me your place? Do I need to...persuade you a little bit." He ran a claw over her neck, digging ever-so-slightly into her nape. "I do think you would need to owe your Captain that much." He purred.


"A very odd eye," Njia explained further. Ciro had no reason to know who the lion was that had asked Njia out along with him. She liked to think that keeping it a mystery would at least give her a leg up against the dark lion. Njia knew how to take care of herself, if she felt like the male was a threat she'd deal with it. If the male put advances on her, she would also deal with that in whatever way she saw fit. Njia had grown up quite a bit already since separating from her mother.

Well, she matured in some ways, and seemed to take a step back in others.

Her ear flicked at the n**, his whispered words tempting and alluring. She had spent so much time travelling in the rogue lands, but had she truly seen it all? Had she experienced it like she should. Before she had been so focused on survival, but in a band of strong lions perhaps she would be able to actually take in the sights. Maybe in time her attraction to him would wear off, and she'd be able to think straight with the male near. Right now, it was clear that Ciro had her wrapped around his claw.

Slowly, but certainly, her resistances were being shattered. "You'll have to let me actually see things, you know," she told him. Doubtlessly they were going to get very distracted - how would a viking band even handle having the two of them joining forces?

Her heart began to race as she felt the sharp edge of his claw draw down her neck. Oh, this was so bad. "I am sure," she replied, her voice a little sharp, "that we can find a way around our dilemma." Njia very suddenly stepped back, breaking the contact between them. If that kept up he'd have her submitting in no time at all. Her tail flicked behind her, the expression on her face wary but also wanting.

"You aren't my captain, yet," she purred the only challenge she could make to his dominance.

"I think we could arrange that." Having the two lions together may not be rewarding for the pride at first, but every time they met, they would learn a little bit more about each other. The two may go as far one day as being incredible partners, just by knowing how the other thought. One wouldn't know, unless they tried.

When the lioness stepped back, the male gave an amused looked. He'd reel her back in, he always did. Rising to his feet, he took a step towards her, advancing as if she were his prey. In his mind, she was. Njia was the sweetest dessert you just could not get enough of.

He stopped just before her again., not bakcing away from the female. His form just slightly so towering over hers.

"I suppose you are right. But the next time you see me I will be." He backed off with a smirk, watching her tail flick in agitation and want. He had no reason to think he would not get promoted. He had enough vikings under his belt to become a captain twice over.

He turned away from the lioness. "Still no Javek, eh?"

They hardly knew each other, but he knew her. Njia had to wonder if he understood what made her tick, and more importantly, what her weaknesses were. Ciro seemed to know exactly what actions to take to make her resolve crumble. The lioness attempted to hold her ground against him, remaining seated while Ciro made his purposeful approach. She tried to show that he did not hold such sway over her as to make her back away from his pursuit.

No, she would face it head on if she wanted to.

Njia needed to move on from him and focus on her new life in the Myrsky Syntynyt. She knew the more time she spent with him, the more dangerous he became for her. Raiding together was a very appealing idea, but it was more like a tragic fix for her need for him. It would only make her more addicted to his presence.

"And you think you get an early reward for a promotion you have yet to receive?" Njia asked, her voice tight. If he pushed her, she knew he would have it all. Njia couldn't gather the will to deny him. She stared up at him, yellow eyes intense and easily readible.

"He has gone off an errand to inform my mother of my actions." Her tail twitched again, a dead give-away for what she was thinking. There would be no vulture to interrupt them.

Ciro turned his head, but not the rest of his body at her comment. “I wouldn’t call it a reward as you call it, Njia.” He said her name differently than how he normally would. If she didn’t have shivers running down her spine already from his being, perhaps he voicing her name would.

“I would more or less call it something around the idea of good luck gift” He pondered the hint for a moment, still not moving back towards the dark female. “But, I would happily settle for a reward when this promotion does become official. My question to you though,” the reaver turned around, his own gold eyes burning up into hers. “Do you think you can wait until that time comes around?” His voice was low. Any around would struggle to hear what he had to say. Ciro could tell by the female’s reactions her need, however he tried to ignore it. He was not against dragging her out as much as possible.

“That does seem very tempting…” His tongue clicked, smirk returning as he almost forgot his plan. He wondered how she would be if he left her with the want, only to return after his meeting. It could end very badly for him.

“I probably should get going though, I don’t want to keep the War Lord waiting. I’ll be back though,” he gave a slight wink. “Unless you can find an even better reason for me to stay right now.” While Njia was quite the tempting offer, he wanted still wanted to know more about her, and the only place to start was knowing where she lived.

Njia shifted uncomfortably, struggling with herself to resist the temptation to close the distance between them. He knew how to play her, and in a way Njia definitely wanted to be played. Her claws unsheathed, anxiously digging into the ground below her. How much longer could she keep up this ruse of not wanting him? He had already seen through her, and she knew herself well enough to recognize her desire. There was no point in fighting it. So... why was she?

One more time couldn't hurt that much, right? Especially if they didn't go back to her den. So long as she kept that a secret from him, then she could avoid the trap she knew was waiting for her. There had to be boundaries between them, limitations. Otherwise Njia would just get swept up in all that he was.

The young lioness rose up onto her feet, her mind made up. She just couldn't let him go yet. He was the nucleus of change in her life, and she could not deny him. "You're putting off your own promotion for me?" she asked him, tilting her head to the side to cast him a smug look. If she was going to give in, she was going to plunge head first into everything she knew she should reject. "I guess, we'll have to be quick?" she inquired with an arch of her brow.

The invitation was there - the true question was where she could lead him that was secluded and also not her own den. Njia approached, bumping her head back under his chin, insistent on his attention. Sure, she came on strong, but so had he.

Njia was right. Their little rendevzous would need to be quick. Besides, once he earned the title of Captain, he could take as long as he wanted with his little black lioness. All their actions were always fast, from their first encounter in the roguelands, to the last meeting in the public space. For once, Ciro would make sure to take his time.

However, right now was not that time. But, being the lion he was, he would not say no to some action.

"This time, yes." He purred quietly as she bumped her head under his. "Next time though," he managed to grab at her neck with his mouth, a taste he had grown accustomed to many times, before releasing it. "I will take my sweet time with you." He said seductively. Just because their relationship wasn't a romantic one, did not mean he couldn't be a loving partner.

He would let the lioness lead the way this time. If she did not show him her den, he would find out the answer one day. It was a secret Njia couldn't keep hidden forever.

How horrifying it was that one action from Ciro was enough to undue her. The bite at the back of her neck made her weak. She knew that the Stormborn were not submissive lions, that she shouldn't show such weakness to the male. The truth was undeniable. His words could twist and sway herr into doing anything that he pleased. She was a lioness that could be molded to his whim, easily coerced into being whatever he desired her to be.

He had changed her life, and in a way that had shackled her to him. She could not shake off the chains of addiction - the only option left to her was to embrace it.

So, she did.

Njia pulled herself away from him, tail tapping underneath his chin as a beacon. She led him away, not to her den, but at least to a quieter area where they could revel in one another's presence.