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He was on a mission today. Poe had managed to get some "time off" from his scouting duties.... per bribing another Spotter and dodging Eadgar on his way out, and he was going to find a pretty lady to spend the day with. Maybe longer, maybe shorter, depending on how he feels, but that was his goal for the day. It felt like forever since he got to spend the day with someone of the fairer sex, which was a shame for them.

So he had silently planned this beforehand. Go out into the rogue lands, meet who he could, and make his leisurely way back home eventually. If trouble really showed up - and he doubted it would - Eadger would find him.

The cheetah shook his head to shove those thoughts away. They were distracting him! Hopping up on top of a stump, he sat up tall and proud, enjoying the way his fur seemed to glimmer in the sunlight, and scanned the savannah for anything eye-catching.
