Not a soul in the world could call Sheqeri a quitter. She’d been wandering around for hours now, tying to find her way. But she was well and truly lost. Not an auspicious start for a young lioness looking to find her path in life. How could she find her life’s purpose if she didn’t even know where she was.

She’d been imagining what kinds of sights she might see, adventures she might find, handsome strangers she might meet.... when she’d wandered into an expanse of caverns. Problem was, by the time she’d come back to reality, she couldn’t seem to retrace her steps.

Her tail flicking back and forth in agitation was the only sign of her distress. Qeri was optimistic by nature, and stubborn from birth. She’d find her way alright. Eventually.

Nearby, a large figure hid carefully in the shadows. His colorful pelt blended in with the shadows of the cavern beautifully, whereas on the open grass of the Savannah, he would have been distinct and hard to miss. It was one of the reasons he’s hidden here.

He’d been watching the lost lioness wander for some time now and he wrestled with the decision to step forward or not. It would be difficult for the dappled lioness to find the exit on her own. Not impossible, but difficult. The cavern walls were tall and the light played tricks on the eyes. She had been going in circles for hours now and seemed completely oblivious to that fact. He doubted she had much familiarity with the land or being on her own.

Still, Khal was hiding here for a reason. As much as he wanted to help, if he did, he’d have to show her the way out and she would know he was here. His self-induced banishment would be gone.

But....he couldn’t bare to watch her struggle any longer. The urge to help was just too strong. He would just have to be careful.

Slinking from the shadows, he quietly approached and settled a safe distance away.

“I can show you the way out.”

Sheqeri nearly screamed at the sound of a voice in the silence. The lioness whirled to find a large lion sitting close by. A very large, brightly colored lion. He would have been extremely intimidating if it weren’t for his sorrowful eyes and deliberately soothing expression.

Heart beating rapidly, she forced her claws to retract and her breathing to slow. He clearly wasn’t trying to attack her or she would be dead already. She hadn’t even heard him approach. What was it he had said....

“Wait, you know the way out?!” she shouted excitedly. She winced as her loud voice echoed off the canyon walls and winced again as her clear rudeness bounced back at her.

“Sorry, that was rude. My name is Sheqeri and I am lost. Can you help me?” she asked with a hopeful smile.

Khal mirrored the lioness’s cringe, but his expression changed to one of surprise and mild disbelief at her apology and introduction. The lioness was young and clearly too trusting. If he were inclined to violence or worse, she would have been in big trouble.

“Yes, I can help you,” he murmured quietly, his voice deep and gruff with disuse. “Follow me,” he said, and turned to walk towards the exit. It was a bit of a walk, but he trusted she would follow.

Sheqeri blinked, mildly affronted, and hastened to follow the large lion. He had completely ignored her introduction. How rude! Well, at least he was willing to help.

“Hey! Wait up!” she called after him and pawed quickly through the dirt until she followed him at a close but safe distance.

“You didn’t even tell me your name! And what are you doing here? I didn’t know anyone lived in this canyon. And where are we? How do you know this place?” she asked, one question tumbling out after another.

The lion made no sound to answer and merely glanced back at her for a second before continuing to walk. Sheqeri swallowed an irritated growl, not wanting to appear ungrateful for the help.

As she followed, she couldn’t help but notice the way the large lion moved. He walked with a mild limp, but more distinctive than that, he seemed to move with extreme care, as if judging every movement before making it. He also seemed to huddle in on himself rather than walking upright and tall as he should. She wanted to ask why, but knew it would be rude.

After a few moments of silence, she sighed before asking again, “Can you at least tell me your name, since you are rescuing me? Or something I can call you? Please?”

Khal almost began to regret his decision to help when the lioness began peppering him with questions. He ignored them as he focused on moving carefully and slowly. He had practiced, even since........the incident. He had to be aware every moment of his strength or he would hurt someone. Again.

He kept his stride short so she could easily keep up, but kept his eye on the sky as well, wanting to have her out before it was too dark.

He sighed silently in relief when she stopped speaking but shook his head when she continued a short while later. Still, he hadn’t spoken to anyone in so long.......sometimes he missed it.

He paused his stride and looked back over shoulder. “......... I’m Khal,” he said somberly after a long hesitation. Marveling at his own foolishness, he continued walking again, a little faster this time, as if he could outrace his own thoughts

Khal. Well, at least it was something, at last! She had been starting to think he was ignoring her. The male didn’t seemed too inclined to answer anymore of her questions and actually began to speed up. She hurried to follow and misjudged a step, her paw slipping on the smooth rock, and she landed heavily, twisting one leg beneath her.

She hissed at the sudden pain and cried out as her shoulder landed hard on the unforgiving rock. Panting slightly, she shook her head and gazed up to see the lion standing close by, a grieving, almost panicked look on his face. That expression distracted her from some of the pain and she spoke to reassure him.

“I’m okay, it’s fine! Just twisted my paw a bit and landed hard.....” she said, gently, rolling so she could take her weight off her paw.

Khal had been startled by the sound of her falling and when he’d turned back, the sight of her lying there and the pain on her face had brought all of the memories flooding back to him. It wasn’t Sheqeri he saw lying there in his mind, but someone else entirely, someone so dear but now lost to him......

Her consoling tone snapped him out of his mind and he shook off the ghosts of the past with visible effort. By that time, she’d stood again and was gingerly trying to walk on it. She winced a little as she put her weight on it, but was able to walk without difficulty and didn’t seem seriously injured.

“Are you sure you are alright?” he asked after a moment, voice quiet and unsure.

Sheqeri nodded emphatically and though her paw pained her a bit, she tried for a reassuring smile. It was clear that the large male had some past demons and though she was extremely curious, she knew better than to try and pry. She smiled again and stepped in place to follow him.

The lion clearly slowed his pace and took even steps, glancing back regularly to make sure that she was alright before continuing. The concern touched Qeri, and she stayed quiet out of respect and so she could concentrate on where she was walking.

The sky had darkened significantly and the sun was just a bare sliver on the horizon when the two finally stepped out of the cavern and into the grass beyond.

Sheqeri breathed deeply, relieved that she was finally back on familiar ground. She turned toward her silent rescuer and grinned warmly.

“Thank you so much! I didn’t know if I was ever going to make it out of there!” She laughed but then sobered quickly. “Really, thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to find that path on my own.”

Khal nodded a small bow, his manner a bit awkward at her gratitude. He glanced around nervously at the open grasslands that he hadn’t seen for a long time. It was so open......but didn’t seem as frightening as he had thought it would be. Perhaps the demons of his past had bothered him enough for awhile.

Realizing the lioness was still waiting, he turned back to her.

“Um, you’re welcome. I wasn’t going to just leave you there,” he trailed off.

“Well, goodbye. Please be careful. With walking and with......who you talk to,” he said. She was plucky, but clearly young and naive. He didn’t want anything bad to happen to her.

Bobbing his head in a farewell once more, he turned back to the caverns. But he couldn’t resist looking over his shoulder to watch her walk out into the tall grass. She looked so free. The caverns had hidden him and protected him for a long time, yes, but now they were beginning to feel like a prison. Perhaps he needed to follow his own path out. His past would always haunt him, but maybe he could find a different future.
