Mkhai was itching to stretch out his limbs, get himself into a real battle. The clashes here were similar to the clashes he had experienced as a god, but at the same time quite different. The majority of the pride did not engage in fighting, and it seemed like those who were capable were sent out in groups to take goods from other lands. He imagined there was a system to it, but right now all he saw was too many useless, meandering lions. Mkhai wasn't just thinking about the thralls either. A lot of the freeborn in the pride had untapped potential, wasted, withering in complacency.

Thralls were acceptable trophies, and for the most part their purpose was clear. Rewards at first, and then tools to keep the pride functioning while groups of it departed. He had no further interest in creatures so weak, and if offered one for himself he would be be hard-pressed to accept it. Mkhai desired only the strong in his presence. Those creatures were unworthy.

The concealed God of Warriors made his way towards the border of the pride. He had intended to teleport out of the area to go play around back in the God's Haven, but the memory of what happened a few days prior stopped him. He had nearly been spotted teleporting back to the pride, and he would have a hard time explaining to anyone what a lion was doing appearing out of thin air. He would have to be more careful - it just wasn't in his nature. Subtlety was beyond him. All the god wanted was to start sowing his seed within the pride and see what could grow from his efforts.

Slowly, he looked around, certain that he saw no one in the area. He could teleport now, and just be careful about where he laned when he came back. By chance, he happened to look up towards the stormy sky. A frown dragged down his face, and his brows furrowed at the sight of a familiar feathered creature.

"Fidelity, is that you?"

Indeed the goddess had been on a flight high above the Storm born lands, scouting for a rodent or two for a light snack. Her attention though shifted to the camo lion-disguised god, and she soon found herself following him.

Gwen wasn't the most stealthy of deities, so when he had called out to her, she shook her head. No use denying something that he already knew to be true. With a slight hover, the goddess found herself dive bombing into the small group of trees, beady eyes scanning the area before she transformed into her true form. Lucky for her, her Goddess form looked as that of another lion. Her gauntlets could be considered trinkets, and her size was noteworthy for the pride.

She stepped out of the woods. "Can't fool you now, can I, Warriors?" The goddess smirked, her metal wristlets clanging with a small clink.

"Going somewhere?" She asked, walking over to the male. She was not in her smaller form, she did not mind how close she got to the other.

So, the wingless goddess made another appearance. It was unusual to encounter another god outside of their own realm, but here the two of them were within the same pride. What her purpose here was, he did not know, nor did he care so much to find out. The only thing between them that mattered was the truce. Both dieties promised to keep the other's identity concealed. For Mkhai, this was the most important factor of his stay within the Stormborn. He would not be harrassed by every lion struck by god-awe. The thought of weak females and simple-minded males gathering around him was enough to put anyone off the idea of staying within a pride.

He was here to offer his blood as a fount of strength to the pride. It was hard enough as a mortal to accomplish - he imagined it would be far more difficult as a god.

The God of Warriors sat down and waited for Fidelity to appear from the forest. No longer was she a small falcon, but a true reflection upon herself. If he had a sense of style, he would be pleased that they both had thought to wear bracers upon their front legs. Mkhai would have switched into a more comfortable appearance, but they were still within the lands of the Myrsky Syntynyt. He would hold onto his illusion for now. Wings were terribly hard to pass off as a natural appendage for a lion.

"No, you can't," Mkhai answered, gruff and humorless. "I must say, I am curious as to why you were tailing me." The God hated answering questions. He was a poor liar, and usually those who asked him questions lately were mortals. For the most part, he refused to deal with the ones that weren't to his... satisfaction.

She was a goddess, so he supposed it would not hurt to answer her in the end. "I have other investments that aren't just bound to this pride. Every now and then I disappear to check in on them."

The goddess shrugged. She really did not have an answer except she had seen the large lion from her flight and was just curious where he was going. “No reason.” Her answer was truthful if not blunt. “Making sure you kept your end of our deal, and haven’t revealed your true self yet.” She eyed the male’s mortal form, shaking her head.

“Though, I have to admit. Being in the land that practically worships you, I don’t see many extended bellies on the females. What, can’t find someone worthy enough for the Warriors bloodline to run through them?” She paused, a small smirk showing, “Or, just can’t get it up for the mortals.” Gwen approached the male slowly, eyes withholding something within their depths. “I’d expect more from the Great Warriors. Maybe you are not like your predecessor.” Fidelity did not know the God over the domain before Mkhai had it, and did not mingle with many other deities to find out about them. She did, however, expect to see a few pregnant lionesses around know that was his intention, but with the exception of maybe one, they were definitely lacking.

A curious look showed on her features. “Other investments? Like what? Where?” He had definitely sparked something. Gwen had traveled a bit before residing in the pride, but she couldn’t say she had other things to check on. The Haven was the only thing, but even that remained a little stagnant at times.

"What have I done to give you the impression that I am so dishonorable?" He hadn't personally done anything to her to hint that he would go back upon his word. But, he supposed that mingling with a pride that was not considered 'honorable' to outsiders could have an effect on how others viewed him. In the end, he didn't care enough why she was suspicious of him. The only real emotional reaction she got from him was a very disapproving frown.

That only deepened when the female prattled on about how he seemed to be unsuccessful. He rose back onto his feet, and moved in unison with the goddess, closing the gap between them with purpose. Mkhai was not a god to mess around with, and he had fought many gods in his lifetime to know that he could more than easily hold his ground with a goddess who didn't even have wings. To fight here and now would be disastrous for his cover, so when he responded to her it was with restraint.

He could do much worse.

"I do not lack for potency, Fidelity," he growled the words. She had assumed correctly that he was being picky about which mortals he set his sights on, but he would not tolerate the jab at his own abilities... Even if he had yet to put them to the test. No female held sway over him, not presently or in the past. "If you need proof, I can show you." Those words could be taken any which way she pleased, but for him it was a threat he gave her. He did not need to sire children to prove the strength of his bloodline.

Mkhai snorted, his lip curled up into a sneer. "It does not matter, I do not wish to share it with you. I would rather express my focus on this pride now. I have singled out some females, but have yet to act on the intention. I have no desire to waste my power on weak lionesses."

“I’ve been in this pride long enough to know when someone can seem dishonorable. The male I share the den with while in my own mortal form is enough to prove that.” A roll of her eyes as she snorted.

“Temper, temper,” Gwen started, taunting the god in his mortal form. She could tell he was holding back. With his true form at stake, she didn’t blame him. “Don’t lose your cool, you never know who may be lurking around. Can you imagine, your identity in the wrong paws in this pride? Your mission could be scraped rather quickly, wouldn’t you say so?” She could see the God needing to find a new form in his happened to break. While Gwen did not want her own appearance to be known, she was a lesser known deity than Warriors was. She could get away with it.

She eyed him again, the smirk ever present. Now that was an idea she hadn’t really thought of.

“What kind of proof do you think you could show me?” She shifted, her ears staring right into his. “My parents are Purity and Balance. I can see right through you.” Shaking her head, she sat. It was a dangerous situation being with the volatile god nearby, but she herself was a deity, who, in her present form, could teleport if needed.

She shrugged. “No need to tell me then. I guess this place isn’t as strong as one would think it’d be. The blood of the God’s they say run through their veins must be diluted.”

"That is your own fault for sharing a den with a disreputable male," Mkhai informed her with point-blank cruelty. There was no subtlety with the god. It was no wonder he hadn't hooked up with a female yet. His idea of wooing and what wooing actually should be like were two vastly different things. But, that was besides the point. The point was that Mkhai was just very blunt, and very unkind in that way.

He sneered at the female, displeased by the way she was speaking to him. He almost liked her better as some falcon bystander. Her godly form could pass as a mortal, while Mkhai had to bind and restrain himself into this form just to blend in. It felt suffocating at times, to hold back all that he was. But, he had endured worse. This was nothing to him, in the end, if it meant he could accomplish his goals. "If you are threatening me, Fidelity, I would rather us put an end to our agreement and your life." He could not understand playful jeers, or the malicious teasing. All he saw was negative intent in her words, and it took all of his restraint now not to act upon them.

Snorting, the god locked his eyes with her's, holding her stare. "You are neither Purity or Balance, though. You are Fidelity. I do not see how that lends to you seeing through me. If it is a bluff, you are doing a s**t job at it." This goddess was not her parents, and from what Mkhai could tell she was young enough to have plenty of learning to do. She was not as wise and all-seeing as she claimed to be.
Away from the taunts and threats, conversationo with her was manageable. He could agree on some things. Not a lot, but some. "The blood is very diluted, but they are stronger than most mortals. It will be easy to improve upon their strength." He looked at her again, unusually thoughtful. "If you are intending to stay within the boundaries of the pride, aid my plan. Offer your blood to the pride. God's blood, no matter it's source, is better than pure mortal." There was a slight insult in his words. Mkhai did not think much of her domain.

"My, aren't you a feisty one today. I guess coming from your domain it is to be expected. Nonetheless," the lioness closed the gap between herself and the other God. "I have no intention on ending out deal." She was face to face with the other. Her eyes bore into his, igniting the truth behind the words. While not many would fawn over her, it would leave her in a bad predicament with her current situation. She did not want to risk it.

"I will say, there seems to be a lot of mortals here who are direct descendants from Gods. Although, I have yet to place my paw on which ones they hail from." Between the size of the lions, and the peculiar markings some had, Gwen had pegged at least one. How would a god and demigod blood work out? That would be an interesting idea. Maybe she'd bring it up to him later, when his attitude adjusted a little.

"Do not peg me as a goddess that will willing lay with just any lion." Her domain rivaled loyalty. "But I will aid your plan. Your attitude on the matter will have all lionesses running from you. We need to work on that." A sly smirk was on her maw, but she didn't know if the other would follow. "Let me teach you how to impress a lady. You won't need to reveal your true form then just to get another to sleep with you, which at this rate..." She trailed off. Females weren't stupid. (Well...most weren't). Warriors needed to impress a lady, otherwise he would need to force himself on one to spread the bloodlines. Gwen did not foresee that going all so well.

He would not allow this goddess to intimidate him, which he was convinced she was trying to do with all her posturing and invasion of his personal space. Gwen may be a god, but she was only the goddess of Fidelity. What could she do to the God of Warriors? Mkhai was the perfect embodiment of his domain - he believed he had nothing to fear from her. So, when their eyes locked he held that gaze with determination. Behind his eyes was a harshness, an absolute ferocity lurking beneath their surface.

"I agree." How uncanny it was that Mkhai could hold normal conversation while practically oozing 'confrontation' from his pores. "I do not know how strong the blood is, or from which god the source is." Without exactly knowing which god they were descended from, he could not evaluate their worth. He would not mingle with the god of sunshine and rainbows' bloodlines.

Mkhai's expression turned flat, and the corner of his lip twitched with displeasure. "What is wrong with my attitude? The lionesses here like strength - I have plenty of it." Wasn't that all he needed to secure a female? They gravitated towards the strong, and Mkhai was the strongest. He did not believe he was lacking in male charms, but Fidelity's doubts in his abilities raised questions himself about his skill. The god grumbled with displeasure, and finally looked away from Gwen to focus on a rock in the distance.

"Fine, if it will convince you that I am quite competent." She wouldn't doubt his ability to woo females and sire offspring after seeing him in action.

While the lions here did go for strength, a female was still a female, and if all one had to offer was pure strength than pickings would be limited. "You have so much to learn there, dear Warriors. No worries, after I am done with you, you will know lots."

The Goddess looked around. There was no one around meaning it was a perfect time to teleport. "Meet me in the Haven." She eyed his mortal self, shaking her head. "I'm sure you want to get out of that form." Taking a step back from the male, Gwen pivoted on her hind quarters, turning away before shooting a look over her shoulder. "Lesson number one, Warriors," she started, eyes glinting. "Don't keep me waiting."

And she was gone.