Ciro had been only staying in the den for a few hours each day, which the sun was at it's highest. The two cubs he had taken in would remain on opposite sides of the shelter, away from the reaver and lioness. It seemed Ruka hadn't bonded with him as well as he thought she would have. In fact, the only one seeming to take interest in the youngster was his falcon companion, Gwen. He shook his head. If it didn't work out, he'd give them back to the Captain, and let him find another home for them.

"Going out, keep an eye on the brats," he grunted, leaving the white lioness to do her own things. It was becoming routine. He did miss the night he spent with Ruka, but unless he got her drunk as she was before, he did not foresee an evening spent with the thrall happening any time soon.

That was okay. He had others he could mingle with. Njia was an option, though she seemed a bit reluctant. Then there was always one of the pride thralls, someone that was never claimed personally by a Freeborn or Reaver. He had spent many a nights with them.

Lastly, the lithe, talkative thrall owned by his former charge Kristanf. She could be pretty fun, but he needed to make sure the other reaver wasn't around if he were to attempt anything. Might as well find out tonight, no?

The dark lion made his way over to Kristanf's den. He would live in the 'bachelor' part of the pride. Dens were almost half the size of his. If he was home, he could play it off, say he had some helpful tips for the other. If he wasn't well, he only hoped his thrall was.

"Kristanf, you in here?" His deep voice called from the den entrance.

Kristanf had been gone for a while, though he hadn't decided to tell Kati just where it was he had disappeared off to. It was these moments that made her wary of leaving the den, because there was no telling when the lion would return. A day had gone by already, and she had caught a couple of whispers around the bachelor's dens that another group had set out on a viking. There was a good chance Kristanf was a member of it. The lion still seemed thrall-obsessed, and Kati was the worse off for it.

With all of his attention focused on her, there was really no escape from him. She bended to his will because she had no other option. He had threatened her plenty while he was around to be good. It was when he wasn't around that her true nature rose back to the surface. She wanted to be out and about, roaming and running through the lands. She wanted to smell the crisp, salty air and feel the wind blowing through fur.

Staying with Kristanf stifling, inhibiting. It didn't suit her at all. The lioness was curled up in the back of the den, annoyed that all she could smell here was Kristanf. His place would have been a mess too if she didn't do her best to tidy up, but Kati wasn't even much good at that. Hearing a voice at the entrance of the den roused her. It was familiar, but she couldn't place it.

Curiosity was enough to draw her to the entrance of the den, and just in front of it stood Ciro. "Oh, hey!" she squeaked, excited to see a fresh face.

There was movement inside, but it wasn't the bulky male Ciro had seen grown up. Instead, the dark lioness with a beautiful pelt. He could see why Kristanf went for her, even if he didn't seem to respect her as Ciro would a thrall. That was the difference between the two reavers.

"Well if it isn't Kati. Kristanf isn't home I take it?" He asked, peering inside the den, noting no other movement from within. "Boy he keeps this place a mess doesn't he." Ciro tsked. It wasn't like his den had been any better before Ruka had come into his life, but at least his thrall could keep it somewhat clean.

"I didn't think he would be going on a Viking so soon," he said quietly to himself. That would leave him plenty of time to get to get to know the thrall a bit more. "I'm sure he won't mind if I take you out for a bit while he is away. What's say you, want to get out on the stench for a little bit, get some fresh air?" He knew Kati could leave at any time, their last meeting had proved that.

"Unless you wanna stay here?" He sniffed the air in the den, shaking his head. "You fascinate me, Kati, I'd love to get to know you more."

"I've tried to tidy it up, but there's no point to it with him. He just messes it all up again," Kati replied, looking rather dissastisifed with the the condition of the den. She had done her best to clean it up, but it just wasn't something that was in Kati's skillset. The lioness was very pretty to look at, but that was about all the value she had to her. Beauty could only carry one so far, but for now that was all it took to satisfy Kristanf. His smell on her only reminded her of that.

She grimaced at the memory of the capture, and perhaps too quickly hopped out of the den and to Ciro's side. It was clear the thrall felt no loyalty towards Kristanf. The only emotion that accompanied thoughts of him was disgust. If she was carrying his cubs, she was not sure she could forgive herself. It was a hard, inevitable truth she'd be forced to live with. Her belly hadn't become swollen yet, but in time she was sure Kristanf would get his way with her.


"I don't know if he's gone on a viking or not, but he's been gone a day already. If he is, I think I have some time on my hands." She offered Ciro a smile, bright and carefree when she looked at him. When her thoughts were on Kristanf, it was obvious. Every thought followed a facial expression. She was terribly easy to read.

"While your scent would be a welcome texture to the den, I'm not sure I can bear to be within it for another minute." The den would be more private, but she wasn't sure how Kristanf would feel if he came home and smelled Ciro there. So, she playfully circled the male. A pep was in her step, youthful vigor returning to her. "Good, I find you to be quite intriguing myself. Where do you want to go?"

"Yeah, I'm sure he went on one. I hear words from other Reavers that he was looking for another thrall. Though," he looked back to the den. "Not sure where he would put it if he got another one. I guess that could be good news for you though?" Ciro offered. He chuckled at her facial expression. It was obvious every time she thought about Kristanf. Her face twisted in a look. "You gotta be careful with that face when thinking about him though. You don't want to give some the wrong impression as if you dislike him." There was a chortle of laughter that followed.

He watched as the lioness circled him. He loved having a playful toy around. "Ah, we could always say I came looking for him, and thought I would give you some company as it wasn't nice to leave his poor thrall by herself." Kristanf would probably believe it. The second option was to just drag a fresh carcass in the den for his return. He was a food-obsessed male, so his mind would not even notice other scents when a meal was about.

"Well, you tell me. I know you've wandered around, what have you seen so far, and what haven't you?" He had placed in mind, but if she had already been there, then what was the point. The cliffs where the waves would wildly crash on the side of rock were a rather secluded area. That would be his first suggestion.

"Already?" there was the twinge of hope in her voice, her orange eyes bright at the possibility that she could be through with Kristanf so soon. If she was lucky, she wouldn't have to carry his cubs or suffer through any further advances. Kristanf just had to snag himself a more agreeable thrall, though she was sure that any new thrall would appease the male enough. Being put about as free to claim was a dangerous prospect, but Kati right now would take anyone over Kristanf.

Kati paused in her playful pouncing, casting a curious look over to Ciro. "Oh. Is it that easy to read?" Truthfully, she wasn't bothered by how obvious her feelings for Kristanf were. The lion was hardly put off by her dislike of him. If anything, sometimes she felt like it made him pay more attention to her. If she could master her facial expressions, she would be able to put herself in a much better position. But she couldn't. It was simply beyond her abilities.

"That's as good an excuse as any, but uh, probably shouldn't hang out in his den still." Kati was still a little worried what Kristanf would think, especially if well, she spent a little too much time with Ciro. "I've only really been around a lot of the dens. I went to where they corral some prey beasts a couple of times." She crinkled her nose then in distaste. "I still prefer fish, but I guess your food is survivable enough."

Hm... She hadn't been in many places, and she enjoyed fish? Well, the cliffs were lining up to be a perfect spot. There was a small pathway down to the water below, and when storms weren't bombarding the land, it could make for a good fishing spot. The dark male never really enjoyed sea creatures. They were never sustaining to him. It made more sense why Kati was so much smaller if that was her main deit.

"Follow me. I think I have the...perfect spot for you then." Outside, the rain was falling. This was normal weather for the storm born. Raining, misting, thunder, lightning, all sorts of things that just were not sunny. If the sun shown, it was usually after a heavy storm.

Ciro learned not to mind the water from the sky. It brought out hidden weakness of members. Those who ran from the droplets were not worthy of being a rank higher than a freeborn. If he ever saw someone staying away from the rain, he would make note about have them join a future raid of his.

"It's not too much farther," The lion called back, golden eyes watching out of the corner to make sure she was following. He didn't think she wouldn't. She seemed like an obedient little thing, even if she had distrust for Kristanf.

When they arrive, Ciro stopped short. The sounds of the wave crashing against the walls of the pride were frightening to most. For Ciro, he enjoyed it.

Kati followed Ciro with what seemed to be a boundless sort of energy. The lioness changed frequently from skipping ahead of him to circling back to follow. The onslaught of rain and wind didn't seem to hindrance her at all. Rather, she seemed to thrive in it. She had lived at the edge of the ocean, and in some way this reminded her of home. The elevation was extreme, and the elements were far more harsh. The atmosphere of the pride was distinctly different as well, but there was just that bit of a reflection of her homeland.

The ocean called to her! If only it would speak.

The lioness slid over wet rocks, laughing to herself as she darted past Ciro. There was a life to her that had been completely smothered by Kristanf, but now that she was out of the lion's presence it shone brightly. Life was a treat, and she did try to enjoy it as much as she possibly could.

When they arrived at their destination, there was no holding Kati back. She ran right up to the sheer edge of the cliff, her body facing into the wind. "Yeah!" she called out into the wind, an excited, exuberant noise. Only after this did she remember that Ciro had brought her here, had shown her a way back to the ocean.

"This is beautiful!" she looked back at him with gratitude.

Ciro smirked at the reaction of Kati. He wasn't expecting her to be so excited with the land. Good choice, Ciro. He praised himself, sitting away from the edge as we the thrall stood on it. "Just don't fall. I'd hate to tell that story to Kristanf." He said cautiously. If the lioness was to fall, Ciro would just lie and say he wasn't here, and that Kris should have kept his eye on Kati more carefully.

"Not many lions come up this way. So, you can probably visit here whenever. There is a little path that leads to the base of the cliff, although I wouldn't wander it until the storm has passed. I've seen many lions pulled from the shore to their deaths. It did not matter how good of a swimmer you are." Ciro advised, shifting his gaze.

"Thought you would like it though. Maybe you can get the ocean or land here to speak to you." He shrugged, trying to play along with her little game. He rose to his feet, stepping over to Kati. His eyes traveled up and down her form when she wasn't looking, taking in her beauty. Kristanf did manage to catch a nice one. It was too bad she was wasted on the young reaver. "You know, you are quite beautiful too," the lion leaned into Kati, whispering into her ear the words.

"If I didn't die, and it kept him off my back for a few days... it'd almost be worth it," she impishly replied. The lioness did take his warning to heart, and took a few steps back away from the slippery rock edge. While she was quite the capable of swimmer, even she could tell that the waters down below were a torrent. They were designed to catch things and smash them up against the hard rocks of the cliff. Any lion that plummeted down to their depths would surely perish.

"Don't worry, I'll only climb down when it's safe." She was not the smartest of lions, but she did posess some common sense. While the water called to her, she knew it was not safe to dive into its depths.

She looked back over her shoulder to watch Ciro approach her. His company was welcome, and he had showed her a place where she could yell into the wind and hope for an answer. Kati knew none would come, but there was something nostalgic about this place. He was close enough now that his voice whispered into her ear, causing it to flick against his breath. The compliment was laced with... something else, and for some reason she was intrigued.

How would her master react if he knew another male was so close? "Smooth talker," she giggled, looking out over the cliff's edge. Yes, here was good. Power and passion clashing together against stone, water churning those emotions, blending and tearing them apart. This area was the only spot it could happen. It was as if the muses had woken again, telling her that this was her place to escape from all that had trapped her hear.

"I can almost hear them sing," she whispered in wonder. Kati stepped in front of him and laid down. She told him nothing, but she knew he would know.

Hey, you couldn't blame a guy for trying. Kati was young, and it was hard for most ladies to deny him. "We can just keep this our little secret." He nuzzled into the other's neck, "What Kristanf doesn't know won't hurt." He said, feeling the lioness shift to lay down before him. Ah, perfect.

The reaver wouldn't let a perfectly good thrall go to waste. She was owned by Kristanf, and frankly, Ciro knew he could take on the lion if needed. He was careful of who's thrall he messed with, but the young reaver never crossed his mind as a threat. Besides, he would never not take an opportunity that presented itself all to clearly for him.

Now, if only he could get his own thrall to be so willing, Ciro would be a happy lion.