He seemed to blink into existence. In one moment, an area near the borders of the pride was completely empty, and in the next a large lion filled the space. Mkhai had taken a risk in teleporting back to the pride, but he was technically not supposed to leave it yet. He hadn't gotten around to going on one of these 'vikings', but there was always business to attend to in...other places. He was a god, and he would not be bound to this place. While Mkhai was intent on making certain... investments, there was a limit to his involvement within the pride.

Mkhai would not reveal himself to others unless it was absolutely necessary. In fact, he had teleported back to the pride in his mortal guise. The lion was massive to the point where he nearly broke the realm of possibilities. He would be a model stormborn in size and personality. He was stubborn, serious, and had no qualms about displaying his strength and dominance over others. The camo colored lion did his best to hold himself back, but even in the way he carried himself he showed how he felt. That he was above all others.

Green eyes scanned the area, critical of his surroundings. He had chosen a secluded location to teleport back, because surely if anyone saw him it would spell disaster for his disguise. There was no limit to what the god would do to keep his secret hidden from those that had no reason to know it. His eyes narrowed, brows furrowing as they focused on something in the distance. A quick blur of movement. Had someone possibly been here of all places?

"Come out, now." He called into the darkness and waited for a reply. He would feel idiotic if it was some bird.

Clelia was pouting. Well, she would never admit to it by calling it that, but essentially that is what she was doing. She’d had another tantrum, losing her temper and snarling at the others. She couldn’t even remember what had made her so angry at this point, but she’d stalked off to this remote area to blow off steam, smacking pebbles off of the cliff with her paw.

This wasn’t a popular spot for a reason as the cliff edges were especially jagged and weak, the terrain rough and depressing. It was dangerous in the light of day and became increasingly treacherous in the growing darkness. Still, it made Cle feel slightly better to watch pebbles soar off into the darkness below and imagining that they were the heads of those who irritated her.

She really didn’t expect anyone else in the area, so when a small sound caught her attention, she whirled around, teeth and claws ready to go off on whatever poor soul had been sent to fetch her.

Her anger rapidly reduced from boil to simmer as she spied the vague outline of a lion nearby. Not just any lion, but a massive, hulking lion that she had never seen before. He was large enough that he even intimidated Cle, and she didn’t let anyone frighten her.

“Come out, now.”

Such a demand made her grind her teeth, and she contemplated attempting to hide, but her orange fur made her distinctive and she wasn’t going to let some brute come disturb her peace, no matter how gigantic he was.

Setting her teeth, she marched forward with intent and stopped a safe distance away, staring the male down.

“What are you want?”

A lioness.

That was no good. Mkhai had to wonder if she had seen anything at all. Her back had been turned to him, and she was facing out over the cliff's edge. There was just as likely a chance that she had witnessed nothing at all. He couldn't assume as much, because revealing his identity was not a risk he was willing to take. There were quite a few ways to ensure one's silence, but to take drastic action with a member of the pride was unforgiveable. He had too many things to accomplish now to throw it all away on some poor bystander.

He approached now, his steps slow but heavy. Every movement he made was planned carefully, intent seeping through the pads on his paws and into the ground. Mkhai would do everything he could to intimidate the lioness. A lion in fear of their well being would always keep quiet about the things they may or may not have seen. This kind of behavior came naturally to Mkhai. He was the God of Warriors, a trained fighter with a power that far succeeded mortal capabilities.

He was something to be feared.

Once the lioness had set a distance between them and seated herself, Mkhai made a point of closing the gap. He called the shots here. "What are you doing out here, alone?" he asked her. Cle's question went unanswered - he saw no reason to give her what she wanted.

He could admire her boldness and tenacity. Few lions would face him, even few gods wanted to challenge him. But, there was no place for mercy in those sharp green eyes of his'. "Looking out over the cliff's edge - such a precarious position to be in. You are lucky there is no one else here."

Clelia was used to arguing. She did so on a daily basis, often multiple times a day. She was prickly and had a quick temper, so arguing and fighting were her major pastimes. She was a seasoned pro at this point, so a simple thing like a threat to her life didn’t even cause her to blink.

She did, however, roll her eyes at the large male’s threats. Yes, he was huge. Impossibly so. Cle was only surprised that there wasn’t a bevy of females, thrall and freeborn alike, slaving at his paws. It would certainly complete the look of mighty warrior that he seemed to be going for. But size wasn’t the only thing that mattered. Cle was fast and strong enough when she needed to be. She’d given a tongue lashing to plenty of other hulking jerks and she could just add another to the list.

“Seriously?” she asked, dryly. “Going to answer a question with a question. How typical. Well, I asked you first. And clearly I was here first, minding my own business when you decided to stomp in and disrupt me.”

She glared right back at him, refusing to let his sharp green eyes land a hit.

“Oh what? You think just because I’m a female that I can’t be out here alone? Stormlords can take you to hell.”

Clelia had never really found a way to leash her temper and it was growing steadily. She might be getting in over her head but she refused to back down from a challenge. There were no flowers in her blood.

He had to wonder if the lioness felt like this was a game, and that he was not an actual threat to her being. Irritation furrowed his brows, and his eyes were as sharp as his claws as he stared down at her. Mkhai was not interested in playing word games with her, and if threats were not enough to put her into the proper mindset he was not afraid to take things a step further. It would be a shame, though, to try and tame such a fierce female. Her personality was one that Mkhai could appreciate - a female unafraid of anything placed within her path, with a sharp tongue to boot.

Unfortunately, they were not in a situation where he could shower her with praise and encourage her to pursue her strengths.

"Quick wit won't help you here, girl." In appearance, he looked not much older than she. But, he had countless more years of experience facing creatures she could never hope to tackle. While it was not unheard of gods to die by mortal hands, this female had absolutely nothing on him. "I am not here to indulge you in your adolescent temper tantrum. I will ask you questions, and you will answer."

His paw rose, claws unsheathed. In one smooth movement his paw lashed out, swiping towards her face. The action, however, was not followed through to completion. He stopped short of her cheek, white claws resting at the corner of her eye. Mkhai almost wished she stepped up to the challenge. Nothing got his blood pumping like a good fight. It could almost make him forget his mission here.

If Mkhai didn't have to bloody his claws now, he wouldn't. "Did you see me arrive in this area?" He wasn't sure what answer would please him more, and that was the dangerous truth behind Mkhai. The god was all too ready to shed blood if it suited his purpose.

Clelia was starting to get exasperated. What was with this attitude? Yes, he was a huge lion and he was clearly used to getting his own way. Which pretty much described half of the males of pride. Conceited prigs, the lot of them. They thought if they rolled their muscles, growled a little, and made threats, everyone else would bow down to their whims. Like a thrall.

He was treating her like a thrall. And she was not about to let that continue.

Even as a cub, she’d gotten into scraps and many, thought not all, of her arguments had resorted to fighting. Clelia was used to taking a swipe from some claws, a bite to the back or the legs, or even a good tussle. She’d suffered some humiliating injuries in the past, but that had done nothing to dissuade her temper or persuade her to use some discretion. She’d gotten tough and built some muscles, and had some scars.

So she wasn’t surprised that the male took a swipe at her. She was only surprised that he stopped, claws resting just so next to her glaring eye. She resisted the urge to bite out at his paw to teach him some manners. What had him so ticked off anyways? He’d literally interrupted her, intruding on her space, and now he was demanding answers to stupid questions rather than just fighting.

What a weirdo.

“What in the hells do you mean, did I see you arrive here? I was minding my own damned business when you show up and disturb me and start throwing around threats! If a fight is what you want, I’ll give you a fight!” she snarled, her own claws unsheathed and ready.

Clelia was really getting into it now. Too many of the others knew her by reputation and would avoid her or back down before things got too intense. It certainly wasn’t good for her wellbeing, but she relished the intense. She welcomed it.

Mkhai was beginning to determine that she had in fact seen nothing. That in itself was a relief, since he had no real desire to silence her permanently. It would be too heartbreaking to crush such fire and vigor. A lioness like this was what drew him into the pride. These were the strongest mortals around, unquestionably so. Even his predecessor, the old God of Warriors, had some involvement within their ranks. It was why the pride still worshipped the old God of Warriors, and why Mkhai saw fit to replenish that old bloodline.

He had already singled out the female most worthy of bearing his children, though he had yet to make a proposition to her. Soon enough, the ranks would swell with little half-gods who had inherited all of his strength and none of his longevity. They would serve him well, and the pride would reach no heights of success. Strong, feisty lionesses like the one in front of him would not be a rarity in the future he hoped for.
"You think you could best me?" he asked, his voice deep and rumbling within his broad chest. There, in his eyes, was a feverish light. He just about had all the answers he needed from her, but the promise of a fight had him hooked. He liked the female, but he also would love to defeat her, see that beautiful face roughed up and bloodied. There was nothing more beautiful than a lioness covered in battle scars, wounded but refusing to give up.

He had a weakness for fighting, in that he always wanted to. His claws yearned to tear into flesh, but if she dared to fight him, he'd have to hold back. This was a toy he wasn't quite willing to break. He smirked down at her, hoping, waiting for her answer. Fight him! Show him all that she was, just so he could triumph over her.

Mkhai's paw moved from her cheek, instead drawing down towards her chin. He let his paw rest there, claws poking against her jawline. He was baiting her. There was a promise of a fight here, and it incited him. "One last time, girl. A clear answer now. Did you see me come here?"

Clelia was never one to step down from a challenge and she could tell this male was as itchy for a good fight as she was. Still, a tiny, often ignored voice was screaming in the back of her head that this strong male could really do her some damage. With his claws where they were, he could easily slash her throat if she didn’t dodge quickly enough. The knowledge of her own impending demise only made the flames burn more brightly inside of her. Rage and blood pumped fiercely through her body and her entire body quivered with anger.

“Oh yes. You are enormous. Unnaturally so,” she taunted him, “But you don’t know me. I might not win, but I could certainly give you a fight!” She bit off the last word, baring her teeth for emphasis, prepared for him to launch an attack.

She almost growled in frustration when instead, he asked the stupid question again. What was with this guy?

“Why are you so fixated on that? No, I didn’t see you arrive! I told you, I was minding my own business when I heard something and turned and there you were! Barging into my space, interrupting my time! So if a fight was what you were looking for, you’d better stop asking stupid questions and get on with it already. It’s a good day to die!” She grinned, eyes shining, staring into his as she leaned forward oh-so slightly into those sharp claws, daring him to follow through.

"That's all I can ask for," his voice rumbled, amused. The fight in her words was inspiring, and if he did not have her in such a compromising position he suspected she'd have actions to follow up those words with. But, there was little she could do with the way he had her now. She had no idea that he would not kill her. He would not wish such a strong female away from this realm. There was much she could provide the pride with, and so she would not die by his claws.

Not today.

"That's all I needed to know." He sheathed his claws and drew back from her. Every piece of his battle-hungry soul ached for the chance to fight, but here was not the place nor time. Mkhai had gotten what he wanted from her, there was no reason to punish her further by beating her in batte. If they fought, he'd rather it be on the rules of the pride and well into the center of its boundaries. If he was going to fight, having those around him witness his strength was necessary. He needed to make a name for himself within the Myrsky Syntynyt, and beating up some girl with no witnesses was no way to do it.

The lioness was crazy, but just the right kind of crazy. Backed into a corner, she would fight her way out of it. Mkhai longed to see her in action, "Today is not your day to die." He smirked now, confident in his power over the situation. There was nothing she could do to him, and that pleased him the most.

"We'll have to give you a chance at death another day, female." He had no idea how to address her, but that did not matter. In the scheme of things she was insignificant. A passing fancy, but an enjoyable one. They way he spoke to her was completely condescending, but it was clear he had never been given a reason to talk to any lion on equal standing. With one final smirk, the lion turned away from Cle, and disappeared back into the dark from whence he came.

Cle was ready for a fight. Everything about the male’s demeanor pointed to a fight. And yet.... he didn’t attack her. She gaped in confusion as the male sheathed his claws and backed down. She was riled up, disappointed, and more than a little insulted that the brute wasn’t going to follow through on his threats.

That huge display of dominance over a tiny, stupid, insignificant question? Clelia could only stare, her entire being radiating her fury as the enormous male spat some more arrogant words at her before turning and walking away.

It was only after a few minutes that Clelia could settle on one emotion and she screamed out a challenge to the winds.

“You b*****d!”

If she ever saw that male again, she would rip out his throat. Or at least try to. His throat was as insanely large as the rest of him.

Pacing over to a conveniently placed boulder, she slashed it repeatedly with her claws, taking out her anger and frustration on the poor rock, imagining it was that oaf’s face.

It was only once she’d cleaved some significant marks into the stone that she stopped for fear of shaving her claws down to nothing. By then she was as calm as she ever could be. She still was a warring riot of emotions, though a grudging admiration had weaved itself with her hate for the enormous, pompous a** of a lion. She hasn’t enjoyed an argument so much in ages.

With a savage grin, she raced off to exercise. She would need to build up her strength for next time.