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Komori's day had been spent as it usually went, first with patrolling the borders and then it was out to the rogue lands, where she felt calmer. Not once had the Ammon or even any members of the council that advised her leader, called upon her since she joined. She thought of her rank again and resisted the urge to sneer at it. It really was just a fancy title wasn't it? She ought to be something more-could be, if someone only gave her a chance.

Maybe that's why she kept going into the rogue lands, to try and bring back anything that may win her more favor. To show that she could prove herself within the pride; that she could take on a special mission! She had brought back prey for the pride and saw both approval and amusement from the Itzal at her enthusiasm. She had gone on patrols with the Dagrun and slunk through the forest and valley with Gacheru. She was doing every odd job she could think of, if only it would get the Ammon's attention.

The only thing she hadn't thought to do yet was recruit and so that's what her plan was to do that very day. She was going to bring back someone wonderful to her pride, without being too showy or desperate. She knew that the Isoba was a secretive pride and she planned to keep to their traditions. They had welcomed her based on her high affinity for stealth, after all. So, with that in mind, she spent her time collecting information about those she followed, stalking those whom she thought may be a good fit for the pride.

For example, she was currently stalking a male leopon. She had jumped at the sight of him, her eyes filled with excitement and wonder. She hadn't seen another male leopon since the day she left her brother and mother at the Bahari'mtoto borders. He was drastically different than her brother, with his own fur a dull green, though his toes and face were lighted with browns and oranges. Altogether, he was not unhandsome. She smiled. It was her lucky day.

Since the Kwa'Kikombe had disbanded, Hali had been wandering through the rogue lands without purpose. Once a dedicated player, now he felt aimless and stumbled through life. He hunted, but not well and he spent a great deal of his time remembering what used to be. From time to time he wondered what had become of his family. Since the disbandment of his pride, he had become separated from them. Was Sanosuke alright? What about his father, the reknowned Player and famous Champion, Taji? And his mother... Oh gods, he hoped she was alive and well.

He let out long sighs and felt his will to continue slipping away from him. What was the point? Sometimes getting up in the morning at all was difficult for him. Yet his body kept moving, if only to eat or to sleep.