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After some bit of traveling, Adaeze and Nthanda had finally come across the watering hole and sure enough, there was a group of gazelle drinking from it.

Adaeze had stopped a distance away from the herd and turned to Nthanda, already pressing her body to the ground and whispering.
"Alright, Nthanda. Suppose you go over to that rock by the watering hole," she gestured to the boulder that was near the shore of the hole. "And when you see my signal," She demonstrated her holding up her tail briefly and letting it twice four times from side to side, before lowering it again. "Then you run at the herd and try to nudge them towards me." She looked serious as she added. "But don't try anything too extreme that may get yourself hurt, alright? It's all well and good to get a successful kill, but it'll break my heart to see another friend leave me so soon."

Relaxing her expression into a hopeful, yet determined smile, she turned her gaze to look at the herd again.
"Alright, whenever you're ready." She said, crouching into her position where she was.
