The pale cub with red markings looked around with bright eyes. So this was the stormborn? He had heard tales of it from passing strangers while they had been travelling here but he wasn't entirely impressed. At least not yet he wasn't. Cherub stood up tall and proud from his little lookout location and peered around curiously, who was around that he could potentially talk to or get to know? He wasn't entirely sure who he could just go up to though given he was a freeborn he figured it was quite a number of lions. With that note in mind he waited and watched.

Risa gave a long yawn and looked around, what could she do today. Her brother was being sleepy head and she didn't particularly want to wake him up just yet so she figured the next best thing to do would be go bother someone else. So that was what she was going to do. Flicking her tail behind her the young female padded forward with a set goal in mind. Her eyes fell upon the white and red cub not too far ahead and a smile spread across her lips, oh yes, this was perfect!

Raizen was still young but he was a smart boy and he had been watching the white and red male for a matter of minutes now when he spotted the cream and pink female approaching. This could get interesting, or at least had the potential to get interesting. Glancing over towards Milas and Slivka who were still lounging about in the sun he turned his gaze back towards the two cubs he didn't know and then got up and walked over to his half siblings. "Hey, let's go say hi." He said nudging Slivka with a paw as he gave Milas a hopeful look.

Slivka wasn't sure how long she'd stay in the stormborn now that she was getting older, she might make it a permanent home or she might not. She wasn't sure anymore. There was just so much going on and while their mother had won the duel to get her into the pride she knew that she wouldn't stay after she knew her children were well taken care of. These were her thoughts as she laid there enjoying the warmth of the sun. Lifting her head as a tiny paw pressed against her shoulder she looked over at Raizen, one of their siblings that had been born not too long ago. Looking in the direction in which he was motioning she gave him a warm smile. "I think that sounds like a fine idea." She said and then looked over at Milas and brushed her tail against his face, causing him to sneeze. "Come Milas, let's go and help Raizen say hello." Not that the young male needed help making friends. At least they'd get to know more of the youth of the pride and see how they operated at the very least. She was always a sucker for cubs.

Milas gave a long stretch, extending his legs out in front of him and he raised an eyebrow and looked over towards Slivka and Raizen. Lifting his head he peered over towards where they were both talking and let out a sigh and laid his head back down. "Do I really have to?" He inquired with a small groan of protest, he wanted to just lay here and relax, was that too much to ask? Letting out a small huff he rose up to his feet and gave a shake to dislodge the dust from his body. "Fine, let's go say hi." He was a sucker for his sisters and would do whatever they said for the most part. Besides it wouldn't hurt him to go with them, even if he didn't say anything.

Risa got to Cherub before noticing the other three and she gave the pale male a smile. "Hi! I'm Risa, what's your name?" She asked looking up at him from his perch above. He looked down at her and waved, "I'm Cherub." He bounded down the little face and stood before her but noticed the other's approaching. Well, he HAD wanted to get to know more about the pride and it's inhabitants, well here was his wish being answered.

Gulping the white male wasn't sure if he wanted to get to know this many at once but he really didn't have much of a choice now did he. None of them looked overly mean either which was nice. "I'm Raizen!" The dark maroon male said as he pounced forward to playfully tackle the male, not really understanding it was almost rude to pounce someone you hardly knew. Slivka burst out laughing and Milas shook his head. Cubs would be cubs and he remembered a time when Slivka and himself were much like Raizen was. It was endearing.

Risa blinked her eyes as she watched them for a moment. "I've seen you around, you're Ran's kids." She didn't particularly care for that captain and none really did by their avoidance of the statement. "I'm Risa."

Cherub pushed the young male off of him and got up. "I'm Cherub, nice to meet you Raizen." Though he was certain he was supposed to 'act' tough given the nature of the prides inhabitants. None of them seemed to be doing that though so neither was he. "Those are my siblings Slivka and Milas." Proudly introducing the adolescents to the youngsters around them.

"I think we should be friends, maybe we could start our own Reaving party when we get older?!" Raizen said then with this newfound energy from the fact he had made some 'friends'. Slivka laughed and shook her head, "I tell you what, you come to us with that idea when you're older and maybe we will all have an answer for you." It wouldn't be a bad idea though. Friends being reavers together? It would make things a lot more fun. "Come let's go over here and we can all get to know each other more." Milas suggested and the group of them headed towards a nice, shaded spot to lay and talk.